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"You think that after all I've been through, you think that anything you do could ever hurt me?"
NAME: Tydrin
- The Violent Demon
- The Duelist
FACTION: Himself, self-employed as an assassin
RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.
SPECIES: Human & Dathomirian Zabrak
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 170lbs
EYES: Brown, though he notices they change to a vibrant fluorescent amethyst when he is angered
HAIR: Jet Black, often kept short in tight curls
SKIN: Milk Chocolate
FORCE SENSITIVE: Very Force Sensitive {Though he is unaware of his sensitivity}

Battle Hungry: If there is one thing anyone who meets Tydrin comes to find out, is that the man has a vast thirst for battle. Tydrin is essentially violent but extremely careful and aware of his actions on the battlefield. Although he is known to be a violent combatant, everything he does in battle tends to be for the best. Tydrin lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything, seeing it as a way to release pent-up anger from his circumstances. He even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer in order to enjoy himself more, especially if they are a capable warrior. He claims injury and death are nothing more than rewards for a good fight. Despite his tendency to be brutal, he will not hesitate to stop a fight if his opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming he is not interested in "slaughtering sheep", and he does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer. He shows no mercy to his enemies as seen when he slaughtered a rival gang of wanna-be raiders without any remorse.
Tactics: Being raised in the streets has made Tydrin smart in the ways of survival, knowing when to fight and when to run. Over his young life, he has had to strategize the best way to provide for himself and to ensure he would eat. Now as an assassin he spends some of his time formulating new ways to lure his targets to their own deaths, be it by his blade or by then fleeing to their death from fear. His tactics are often seen as unorthodox or crude but as long as they achieve results that's all that matters to him.
The Arts: They say music soothes the savage beast, and in Tydrin's case, this is very true, as music and painting are a guilty pleasure of Ty's finding it helps to quell his insatiable rage when it becomes too much to handle. He finds that abstract art is the best form of expression as there are no restraints and he is proud with whatever chaos he creates on a canvas.
Trust: Given his upbringing, trust is nonexistent to Tydrin, as he will always be prepared for betrayal. No one is above his suspicion and he is quick to make an example of those who cross him. When meeting new people they are almost always kept at arm's length, never being able to get a read on him. Though it is possible to gain his trust, that is a feat that could take more time than its worth, though if it is achieved, they have a friend and ally who will fiercely fight for them and their well-being, until proven otherwise worthy of his time.
Mentality: His mentality at present is chaotic, as the poor man suffers hallucinations and fits of instability when put under pressure. Given his mother was a nightsister his mind is somewhat fractured from the rituals and magicks performed on him at a young age. To combat this he takes drugs that help keep his hallucinations at bay and to help relax his mind when he is overstimulated.
Tydrin is a slim but athletically fit young man. He has butter pecan brown skin, and has a near-flawless complexion, save for his face which has speckled discolorations of a darker brown. He has an athletic build sporting a very visible set of abs and an athletic chest and well-toned arms and legs. His thighs and glutes are a little thicker than his arms are chest, due to running and climbing on things.
Life for Tydrin was beyond rough, being born to a zabrak nightsister, who in her own right was ruthless. More importantly, she was angry with the father of her son, as he was a man who came and left her with their love child. Tydrin was exposed to unimaginable experiments by his mother, who was trying to forge the ultimate assassin, a legacy that she longed to leave behind. It didn't help that Tydrin was highly force sensitive, a trait his mother knew well and was cultivated in him from a very young age.
From his adolescent to his teenage years were spent being drenched in magicks and experiments, testing his limits and pushing him further and further beyond his capabilities. She trained him with a blade and in close-quarter combat for assassins, instilling in him the kill or be killed mentality. She found he was a natural borne killer, the instinct for bloodshed inherent in Tydrin. So much so that it, unfortunately, fractured his mind in a way, causing him to slowly spiral mentally. However, he held enough cognitive fortitude to be able to handle such strains on his mind, and endure what he was being put through. That being said, even he had his limits, as he had finally reached his breaking point, unleashing a powerful blast of force, one that crippled his sadistic mother.
Standing over her as she pleaded for help, he did no such thing and instead decapitated her, as she was no longer the strong mother he knew her to be, and felt it was best to just end her suffering before it could begin. For a moment he stood there gazing over her headless body, before bursting into laughter. Tears were running down his face as he cackled, but not tears of sadness, no these were tears of joy. Finally free of his mother's chains, Tydrin traveled to other worlds, using the talents instilled in him to make a living and a name for himself.
- Impressive stealth skills
- Close quarter combatant
- Competent Swordsman
- Tactician
- Survivalist

Private - Break the Silence
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