Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud
[member="Captain Colton Renfroe"] [member="Kassey Daklin"] [member="Ghorua the Shark"] [member="Orentho"] [member="Xis"] [member="Marcus Itera"] [member="Rick Müller"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Hello fellow Black Sun Members
Local Arms Dealer and Intelligence Specter Tydus here with some good and bad news today. Good new first as always, Tydus has a new supply of weapons grade armaments and other cool do-hickies. So the Black Suns can do what we love best, and that's making money. Best part, its all Republic Surplus, top of the line for some of their front line troopers, literally fresh off the presses.
Now for the bad new, Tydus doesn't really have them on hand, or like at all. They are currently sitting of some transports on their way to a border patrol station. So ya that's a thing, not having the weapons.
And that's where you cool bunch of people come in, Tydus needs a small force to get his weapons. In exchange, he'll pay the participants in new armament and gear.
So what do you think, wana steal some stuff for good buddy Tydus?