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Tye Kelly aka Darth Valor

NAME: Tye Kelly (Darth Valor when he becomes a sith master)
FACTION: starts with none then makes The Galactic Empire over time with experience
RANK: Sith apprentice
SPECIES: Human 3/4, Sith 1/4
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
EYE COLOR: Eyes are ice blue. Where's a black mask with a T shape in the middle like Jango Fetts mask but it's red
HAIR: without the mask and hood he has short brown hair spiked up at the end. Usually where's a hood over his mask
SKIN: Slightly Tan as the Dark Side or Light Side barely affect his flow of mind and formation of body. His force inside him is a neutral formation of force that is balanced out bc of both sways of the force. Has a black robe that drapes to the floor

Has the ability to wield all different types of force that most Sith Lords like Naga Sadow were able to use bc of his Sith race in him.

Very charismatic so people are drawn to him for a certain purpose.

Ability to rule with an iron fist and passionately.

Great strategist.


Can't teach what he has learned so he needs someone else to teach the pupils which could lead to conflict between him and his instructor.

Won't kill if he doesn't deem it necessary which leads to his sith followers to potentially think of him as weak.

Has to learn the force powers on his own and can't be taught but the basics like force push and pull.

Looks big and bulky but his strength is relatively low

APPEARANCE: He has ice blue eyes that if you look into them no matter how hard you look inky them you can't know what he's feeling or thinking. Has short brown hair spiked up near the end of the front of his hair. Has a larger frame that shows a little bit of muscle. Has a scar on his back in the formation of an X, from left shoulder to right glut then right shoulder to left glut forming that big X on his back. Clean shaved and doesn't really grow facial hair.


X across his back that goes from left shoulder blade to right glut because of the fight between [member="Minna"] and him.

Giant scar on left shoulder from fighting [member="Hasjo Hallu"].

Giant scar across chest from one peck to the other from fighting [member="Minna"].

He was born on the planet Dantooine to his deceased mother and father. His mother died while giving birth to him and was said the reason for dying was the babies force was sucking out her force abilities. This was a rare feet only seen one other time by Darth Nihilus.

As a kid he always had random black outs and find his room destroyed, as a result his father took him to the Jedi order to help him train his raw ability and help him control it better. After several months he only had the 2 basic fundamentals down and was eventually exiled at age 13 for the lack of progress.

Tye's black outs have gotten much worse by then. He went from destroying his room to harming his own father. At age 15 his father died by natural causes Tye was told but later found out that he had killed him in his rage.

At age 17 Tye went out in the plains of Dantooine to medate in the ruins of the old Jedi temple there he found a black robe draped to the ground and a mask black with a yellow T in the center of the mask. He spent several years meditating there unlocking all sorts of force abilities. He learnt how to manipulate animals and humans minds to do things they didn't want to do. He could only do this to weaker minded people he found out later on. He also learnt force lightning and force choke and knew there was more to those powers. He also learnt force heal and battle meditation.

When he was finally encountered by another force user, he was 21. When encountered by this strange person wearing a brown robe with a vibroblade, he could sense the force. Feel the amount of power in the force, almost as if he could take it for his own. Tye then used force choke on him choking him to almost death, but he decided to let the little peasant go. This was the worst mistake Tye had made.

When Tye was 23 these people came back in full force. There were three force users that barely knew any force and one adept outside. First the master sent only one in with a vibroblade to check it out, he never returned. Getting impatient he sent the other three to attack head on he first force choked one that came waltzing in as his friend saw this he ran in there to help. Tye using his other arm force choked him as well. With both in his grasp he slowly spread them apart then in a rapid motion, colliding his hands together causing both of the apprentices to collide and be killed on impact. Tye then sensed another person behind him, the last apprentice swung his sword, but Tye weaved by the blade put one hand out for a force push then put his free hand on his forearm that is extended and focused all of his force into one blast at him called force canon. With the amount of force propelled out of his hand caused the apprentice to be pushing back violently into the wall knocking him on conscious. Feeling the masters force power being to strong and knowing he would loose, Tye found an exit near the back and ran back to town.

Tye finally made it into town as the sun was just about to rise with the sky being blood red from the sun coming up. He saw that the ship yard was just opened and decided to take a look around and found a ship that caught his eye. This ship was called the Valorian. With his new manipulation skills at his disposal, Tye pursaded the ship dealer to give him this modified ship with excellent craftsmanship. The paint was a little bit chipped and the cock pit a little rusty from the aging of this old Y wing, but it had potential. Managing to pick up enough money from pickpocketing and begging he managed to come up with enough funds to buy the necessary upgrades to get this ship into tip top shape. Once his ship was finished he set out into space in search for knowledge on the ways of the force at age 24.

The Valorian looks sort of like a Y wing except the engines on the back of them are enhanced to move 5X faster of a normal Y wing. Has twin turbo cannons on each side of the cockpit that do normal damage. Removed the bombs able to drop to increase speed. Has a slight shield to prevent minimal attacks like fighters.



Hello and welcome to the site! Might I suggest making a sub account for this character or renaming your current profile and changing the image! It helps people identify you as a character! :)
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
@[member="Darth Valor"], while @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] has a good idea with the whole writer/character business accounts, plenty of people use their 'writer' account as their most used character and the one you get identified with. You don't have to make your writer account purely out of character. It's up to you really.
God I meant emperor my autocorrect on my phone put it to that so I was like uhh okay maybe I was wrong but I was right but I'll edit that to put it at a lower rank for the rank is that just like his skill lever currently or rank in your faction?

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