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Tyger Tyger

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[SIZE=10pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Milo Nox; “Tyger Tyger”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]FACTION:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Sith Empire

[SIZE=10pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Human (of Dromund Kaas)
AGE: 29
HEIGHT: 5’10”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] 170lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown, Dark
SKIN: White, tanned



[SIZE=10pt]Soldier - [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Disciplined, physically and mentally tough, with training as well as experience on battlefields both ground and space, Milo is no slouch when it comes to combat. While his primary job class was that of a TIE pilot, basic rifle marksmanship can be counted amongst the curriculum of the Imperial Academy.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Pilot[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]- As mentioned above, Milo has years of experience flying and surviving in spacecrafts much more weak and unstable than the Far Star. Within his ship is perhaps where he is most formidable.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Tyger Tyger[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]– Milo’s having been mistaken for the once-notorious interstellar contractor “Tyger Tyger” has afforded him a number of interesting opportunities, connections, and benefits. If only he had some idea as to what they all were…[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Reclass-[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Service. Fealty. Fidelity. Three words never muttered without a laugh by a vast majority of the galaxy’s ne’er-do-wells. Needless to say, Milo’s new life as Tyger Tyger is an ill-fit at best. He is no gunslinger and lacks sleight of hand. He’s not one to charm, seduce, riddle, or lie his way out of tricky situations, preferring virtues like honesty, dignity, and fair play – all likely to play to his detriment in this line of work.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Civilian-[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Formerly a Soldier, Milo’s life until recently has been one of structure and discipline. Customs and courtesies, drill and ceremony, right place, right uniform, 10-minutes early. He is a ship without anchor set adrift, and while he’s enjoyed not having to shave or cut his hair as often, the lack of direction and routine can often be maddening.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Reservist[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]- While Milo has fulfilled the Active Duty requirements to his contract, the Imperial Navy still retains him in their reserve ranks for another three years and can call him back at will.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Tyger Tyger-[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Though the famous rogue has bestowed upon Milo one hell of a starter kit for a wayward lifestyle, he has also left him with a mass of unsettled debt and a sea of bad blood. Best of luck. [/SIZE]

The Far Star[SIZE=10pt] – vintage spacecraft that has been built primarily for speed and durability to better evade authority figures and rivals. The hull has been painted in darker grays and blues and sports a few characteristic gangland symbols that the Far Star’s current owner could not begin to decipher.[/SIZE]

Petty Officer Milo Nox’s career was in its upswing: Respect from his peers, his subordinates, and even a pending commission. But with all the success, even amidst the high-competition atmosphere of the Galactic Empire, he was unhappy. Tomorrow would be the day he renewed his contract, and tomorrow would be the day he selected a new duty station, far the hell away from Dromund Kaas.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Tomorrow, instead, was the day Milo’s father died.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]When all the funeral processions had been planned and completed, and the various sentimental things divided, all that remained of Milo’s father and his life was a datapad baring his last will and testament. The datapad confessed that Mr. Nox had wished more for his children, that he had raised them to be free men, and to not slavishly be ground into powder, like he had, underneath the Imperial bootheel; then with all the regrets and coulda, woulda, shouldas aside, he left Milo alone the location to a hangar on Dromund Kaas and all its contents under the condition that Milo promise not to enter Officer’s school.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]Milo made the promise to the datapad.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]As expected, what resided within the hangar was a ship: The Far Star, a dated, old clunker from the Four Hundred Year Darkness. It was a mysterious relic, no doubt, and as Milo ignited old engines and transponders and targeting computers, so did he reactivate uncompleted jobs, dated bounty contracts, and general ancient history of the Far Star’s prior owner, the once-notorious trader prince and mercenary, Tyger Tyger.[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=10pt]With contracts (and years of compounded interest) hanging over his head, adventure awaits for Milo as he must rapidly adjust to his new, ill-fitting lifestyle and identity, all the while discovering the mystery of the Far Star and the unknowable Tyger Tyger![/SIZE]

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