Engineering core

- Intent: To create a drone freighter
- Image Source: X
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: Permission from John Locke
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Conglomerate of Owls
- Affiliation: Arsenae
- Market Status: Open-Market
- Model: DF-9
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material: Reinforced durasteel hull, transparisteel view ports, alusteel skeleton, duraplast and plasteel interior, various electronic components.
- Classification: Freighter
- Length: 900 meters
- Width: 100 meters
- Height: 100 meters
- Armament: Low
- 15 Anti-fighter laser cannons
- 4 Anti-missle octet
- 4 double turbolaser cannons
- Defenses: Average
- Shielding
- Ion shielding
- Ray shielding
- Loki-ewar system
- Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
750m Base: 1
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: 0 squadrons
- Support Craft: 0 squadrons
- Maneuverability Rating: Average
- Speed Rating: High
- Hyperdrive: Average 1
- Hyperdrive
- Engines
- Engine bay
- Cargo hold
- Repair droid storage area
- Communications array
- Shield generators
- Sensor Array
- A.I housing area
- Loki-ewar system
- Faraday cage
- Large cargo space: These drone freighters have no crew, therefore they have no need for any of the amenities that the average ship does. This allows for more cargo space and a thicker hull.
- Hazardous conditions: Since there is no crew, these ships can travel into areas that are deemed dangerous. Such as paths with high radiation or other naturally dangerous areas. This means less lives will be lost if something goes wrong
- Faraday cage: These vessels have a type of mesh built onto the surface of their hull. This mesh acts a faraday cage to protect it against ion damage, whether natural or weapons from pirates.
- Slow thinker: Drone freighters don't have the most sophisticated A.I. While smarter than the majority of droid fighters, it still doesn't process problems like a living being. Any major obstacles in its pre-planned flight can cause the ship to come to a halt as it tries to process the situation or wait for orders from the central control center. This can be dangerous for the ship as it can become an easy target for debris or other dangers.
The Type-9 is an unusual freighter, since it lacks a living crew. Instead this vessel is piloted by an A.I and manned by repair droids when necessary. They were originally designed to be sent through areas that could be potentially dangerous to organic crew members, such as areas with high solar radiation. Soon they were being used for simple mundane cargo runs that continuously followed the same path. The lack of any crew amenities, escape pods or life support, meant that the cargo hold could be expanded to fill the space. What hallways and rooms it does have are narrow and cramped, better for repair droids than people. Small cameras and sensors cover the hull, giving the A.I a 360° view of the outside of the vessel and the cargo hold. This information is relayed to a central control center that monitors all drone freighters. Here operations such as flight paths, cargo loading/unloading and other orders are given to the vessels. These vessels can also work in fleets, sending and receiving information from one another about their surroundings. Normally, these vessels are operated in areas that most living things avoid, or areas with low hostile vessels.
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