Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Typhon Nebulos

Basic Information

NAME: Typhon Nebulos.

FACTION: Independent.

RANK: A Neutral Knight.


AGE: 24 years old.

SEX: Male.


WEIGHT: 213 pounds.

EYES: He wore a mask with robes.

HAIR: The robes covered his head.

SKIN: The robes covered his skin.


(+) Force Sensitive: Typhon is extremely force sensitive, however is not as trained as he should be.

(+) Craves Power: He craves for more power and is empowered to victory by his craving for it.

(-/+) Arrogant: At times his arrogance can cause unpredictable behavior in battle leading to victory. Other times it is a loss.

(-) Loyalty: He is never truly loyal to anyone or any cause, no exceptions.

(-) Can Be Manipulated: Typhon puts his faith into anyone who guarantees power, resulting in sometimes easy manipulation.


Typhon was a tall human. His skin, hair, and face aren't ever shown. He wears a large white mask that covers his face. The top of the mask connects to the top of his robe, holding it over the top of his head. The rest of his body and skin is covered by a black, shadow robe. There are many scars and whip marks all over his back from when he was a child.


Typhon was born into slavery with his mother, Janyet Nebulos and his father, Kell Nebulos. He has a pure hatred for his last name, "Nebulos" because he relates it to his father who escaped from slavery. However, when he escaped he left Typhon and his mother behind.

A normal day for Typhon would include brutal beatings, extreme labor, and anger. He would be forced into things like construction, farming, etc. At the end of everyday, his two owners would take turns beating and whipping him. This was only the beginning of his hatred and anger.

His slavery continued until he was 17. This was the day it ended. He ended it. It was a normal day for Typhon. Beating, work, beating. However, today his mother said she was going to finally end all of this for them. He wasn't aware of what she meant, and when he was being beaten, she jumped up and attacked one of the two owners. The other owner, almost instantly shot her with a blaster. She collapsed immediately.

All Typhon remembers is his vision turning completely red and then everything else is blacked out. When his memory comes back, its just the owners with their throats completely crushed.

From here, Typhon experimented with his newly found powers.

SHIP & Equipment:
The ship Typhon used was a basic starfighter that came with short hyperspace functionality, and four engines. The rear had two blasters, which could be used when using the rear camera from the dashboard. In the front, was one pulse cannon and two blasters.

Typhon carries a single-bladed red lightsaber, that comes with a custom forged hilt.




Darth Ronan

"If ever a face meant death, if looks could kill,
Typhon Nebulos said:
with his specialty being Force Drain.
I hope you know Force Drain can kill billions if trained so well- How trained is your character within this power? It's nearly impossible to get trained unless you learned it from someone.

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