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Approved NPC Typhos

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  • Age: Four years (hyper maturity by dark sorcery)

  • Force Sensitivity: Attuned to the Dark Side of the Force

  • Species: Sith Spawn

  • Appearance: A monstrous reptilian creature measuring 19ft from head to toe and a wing span of 30 ft, Typhos is mostly hunched over or curled up giving the illusion that the beast is significantly smaller than it is. When reared to full height or in flight, Typhos makes a most intimidating sight. Its elongated head fits a large number of sharp teeth, its razor sharp claws themselves measure just under 3 inches while its long tail has a dagger-like spike at the end. It appears thin, almost skeletal in build. The creature’s bones are clearly visible against the dark purple hue of its skin.


  • Name: Typhos

  • Loyalties: Strictly loyal only to Samka Derith, the two bound together by the Dark Side.

  • Notable Possessions: None

  • Personality: An extremely aggressive creature, with ferocious instinct and bloodlust. However it typically won’t attack without orders or provocation. Its feral nature is contained to its hunting, and occasional rampages, on its homeworld of Dagobah. When around its ‘mother’, Typhos is unusually calm and restrained. It will wait patiently for orders and occasionally even demand attention like a pet.

  • Training: Typhos is bound to Samka through the Dark Side of the Force. He understands and obeys most simple instructions through their connection.

  • Combat Function: An extremely aggressive combatant, Typhos is relentless in its assault of its prey. Any who find themselves on the wrong side of the creature or its mother are subjected to a barrage of claws, jaws and raw physical strength. Typhos is reared for physical combat and is a deadly challenge to even the most seasoned of warriors.

  • Force attuned: Typhos’s strength in the Dark Side manifests in a variety of ways, giving it a resistance (albeit not immunity) to many Force abilities.

  • Bound forever: The nature of its link to Samka always renders it immune any other attempts to control it including through the Force.

  • Manoeuvrability: Typhos’s ability of flight allows it to move quickly through a fight, space effectively or retreat if needed. Even grounded, the creature moves with startling speed.

  • Brawler: Typhos has no means to strike at long ranged opponents besides closing the gap between them

  • Hollow bones: To gain the ability of flight, Typhos has adopted this feature of most avian creatures for lighter weight. It also means the creature is more sensitive to broken bones.

When the First Order invaded Dagobah, Samka Derith had been a senior advocate. She cared little for the strategic reasons, as convenient as they were to convince the military, but instead for the call of the Dark Side, in her view, longing for liberation from the rule of Jedi. On the ground, she befriended a snake, taking the creature as something of a pet. Samka was convinced it was the will of the Dark Side acting through the creature that they bond. After studying witchcraft on Dathomir, Samka believed the snake had a greater destiny and conducted a dark ritual on the animal. The process lasted over a year of gradual change, shifting and grotesque transformation until finally the snake was reborn beneath the Dagobah swamps as a loyal monster of her creation.

The newly christened Typhos prows its territory on the planet, making certain its mother’s other experiments remain undisturbed until it is called upon.
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