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Approved Starship Tyrant III Class Missile Cruiser

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: Very High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Large

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Width: 400m [widest point]
Height: 245m [highest point]

Hangar Space: Very Low

  • 2 squadrons of starfighters or support craft
  • 2 Transport ships of 50m or smaller
Armament: High
  • ZEUS Mk II : On-board AI system|Droid brain to handle all basic functions of the ship from dimming the lights, charting hyperlanes on the navicomputer to automating the loading mechanisms of the weapon modules.
  • Proton Mk I Droid Brain: Auxiliary Droid brain to assist the ZEUS Mk II in its tasks and act as a back-up system in case of the ZEUS Mk II being compromised.
  • NZ T.o.P. 1 Tactical Order Package: Improves the basic functions of all N&Z droid brain|AI nodes.
  • Largely automated: Thanks to the use of AI and additional droid brains the majority, if not all basic functions are handled or can be handled by the ships own AI, releaving the necessity for massive crews aboard this ship, allowing it to run perfectly on a skeleton crew if needed, a very good boon for any navy or army that does not have the personel to spare to fully staff each of their ships.
  • Wide range for weaponry: Thanks to the missile launcher ring placed on the central spine, this ship does compensate for its low maneuvrability by being able to fire off its multitude of missiles in a range of nearly 360 degrees, making it so that advancing on this ship's position must be done with a lot of care and courage.
  • Heavily shielded: Because of the use of both the Primera and Secunda shielding systems, this ship is virtually untouchable as long as both systems are operational and fresh, though they can still be overloaded and shut down internally.
  • Point Defense: With the addition of the Mono type point defense system, this ship has an excellent defense in comparison to lot of its contemporary competitors, making sure that it is a much longer lasting vessel and a fine addition to any fleet seeking to do long operations.
  • No HIMS system: Not having an HIMS onboard of this ship, makes it vulnerable to both man-made and natural gravity wells.
  • Structural weak points: Due to the massive missile launcher ring on the central spine of the ship, the midsection is structurally more vulnerable than more conservative ship designs and could be considered a prime target when the shields are down.
  • Shield Domes: As with many vessels utilizing the same style of the old Galactic Empire, this ship has the shield generators visible within two shield domes atop the bridge section, making these somewhat vulnerable after the EKS secunda shielding has been shut down or penetrated.
  • Largely Automated: While in operational terms the heavy automation of the ship is considered a boon, it does have a significant drawback in the form of low resistence to EMP and ION based weaponry, as both could effectively cripple the ship and turn it into an operational nightmare when all the automated functions are shut down.
With the Tyrant I and Tyrant II class reaching the point of obsoletion in their lifecycle, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation sought to perform a very extensive update on the Missile Cruiser, effectively bringing it up to date to the new standards in shipbuilding and with more modern gear and equipment. Though the overall design wouldn't change structurally, a far reaching update would be done on the use of AI and droid brains to upgrade the automation, the use of better shielding systems that have been developped in house and the use of Hyperdrives that have been developed externally by the HPI Consortium eventually brought the Tyrant class missile cruiser into the modern age.

Though it does lack HIMS to resist gravity wells, the company made sure this ship had ample defensive and offensive capacity to make it less desirable to forcefully keep this ship within range. After all, no Eriaduan Rat would want to keep an Caranth Cat in their presence. With this in mind, the ship was outfitted with the in-house developped missile launcher systems to replace the old systems, added option of multiple ordinance types, increased number of turbo laser placements and the addition of the heavy turbolasers to make this ship stand out within its class. Added to that is the combination of better quality materials and the much more powerful F.A.R. and the Hermes 760I fusial engines to make sure this ship would fit perfectly within any and all fleet mock ups as a valuable hammer upon the proverbial anvil.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To present an update to the old Tyrant Class cruiser line
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: Tyrant III class
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Duralium, doonium, plasteel, tungstoid, carbonite, ersteel 145, Infinium 01458
Armaments: NZ RTL1 Launcher x60 with NZ RP-1CM Cluster Missile, NZ RP-2SB Short Burst Projectile
NZ HP1 Turbo Laser x22
NZ HP2 Heavy Turbo Laser x8
NZ LC-2A Laser Canon x40 Defense point placements
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

Acid: Low

Minimum Crew: 150
Optimal Crew: 450
Passenger Capacity: 250
Cargo Capacity: Small
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