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Tyrius, The Wanderer

Tyrius, the Wanderer


NAME: Tyrius

FACTION: Order of the Silver Jedi

RANK: Consular/Healer

SPECIES: Morellian

AGE: 77

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10"




STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(+) Fore Enlightenment: Tyrius has dedicated his life to mastery and understanding of the Force.

(+) Cultured: Having spent the last several decades traveling across the galaxy, Tyrius has learned to blend wherever he happens to find himself.

(+) Form III: Soresu: Tyrius is a pacifist, and as such, the only form of combat he studies is to defend himself and others, never to kill.

(+) Healer: Tyrius is an expert in the ways of healing and recovery

(-) Service before Self: Tyrius' life goal is to protect others, even if it means he must be put in danger to assure their safety.

(-) Combat: Being a pacifist, Tyrius never kills and never practices killing. When it comes to melee combat, his skills are non-existent outside of defense.

(-) Haunted: Tyrius has seen truly awful things across the galaxy that haunt his memories.

(-) Enemies: Tyrius has left a trail of enemies angry at him for intervening in their affairs.

Tyrius appears to be your average human at first glance. Shoulder length hair, pale skin, quiet eyes. But his wrinkles betray his age. The corners of his eyes show signs of the time he's spent traveling the galaxy. The scars on his body reflect beatings and near-death encounters he's escaped. His hair is beginning to slowly turn grey.

Tyrius is a man of many mysteries. His past is shrouded in darkness. Long ago he used to carry a lightsaber and wielded it against those that sought to control all others. But something happened. Something dark. His lightsaber was discarded and in it's place, a quarterstaff. Tyrius vowed to never strike down anther soul so long as he lived. From this point on he became a pacifist, devoting his life to saving others.

For the next 50 years Tyrius traveled the galaxy, commonly refereed to by those that met him, as the Wanderer. He drifted from planet to planet, battleground to battleground, seeking out those that were wounded or being oppressed. He saved thousands of lives across the galaxy. But he also made enemies. Slavers, Bounty Hunters, The First Order, The Sith, every where he went he crossed paths with another form of evil and stepped between them and their prey. But once his work was done he disappeared into the shadows. His only payment from those he helped were favors. A place to stay, a warm meal, a flight across the galaxy. The Wanderer simply sought to stand for those that couldn't.



Quarterstaff - Tyrius' quarterstaff was custom made to replace his lightsaber. He took the crystals from his old lightsaber and built them into his quarterstaff, one helping him focus and amplify his Force powers, the other allowing him to draw closer to the Force when he meditated. The body of the quarterstaff was imbued with cortosis.
Satchel - Full of goodies



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