Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tyzin Robb

Tyzin Robb

Force SensitiveNo


Dressed differently based on the situation or circumstances; plated armor akin to a mercenary for when he's in a live combat environment, more casual clothes for more social settings.


Blaster Pistol, Blaster Shotgun, Commlink


Tyzin Robb is pragmatic, cunning, and driven by self-interest. Growing up on Nar Shaddaa, he learned to see every situation through a lens of survival and personal gain. He's intensely ambitious, with a hunger for power and respect, but prefers to gain influence through calculated moves rather than brute force. Charismatic yet dangerous, Tyzin thrives in the shadows, boasting a calm demeanor while hiding his darker, more ruthless instincts. He's not overtly emotional but understands the importance of appearances, often using charm to disarm those around him.

While he is capable of forming alliances, he does so only when it benefits him and is quick to sever ties when they no longer serve his interests. His background in the underworld has made him cynical, and he often views loyalty as a weakness—trust is not something he gives lightly, but something he can exploit in others.


1. Strategic Mind: Tyzin excels at strategy and planning. He can analyze situations quickly, identifying weaknesses and opportunities that others might overlook. His ability to play the long game allows him to maneuver within dangerous environments both in and out of the battlefield, always thinking several steps ahead of his enemies.

2. Combat Proficiency: Having served in a private military company, Tyzin has extensive combat experience. He's skilled with both ranged weapons and close-quarters combat, making him a formidable fighter when negotiations break down.


1. Trust Issues:
Tyzin's cynical worldview makes it nearly impossible for him to fully trust anyone. While this makes him wary of betrayal, it also limits his ability to form meaningful, long-term alliances. His inability to rely on others can isolate him, preventing him from building the kind of network that could elevate him to greener pastures.

2. Overambitious: Tyzin's desire for power and wealth can cloud his judgment. He often overreaches or becomes impatient, which could lead him into dangerous situations that he's not fully prepared to handle. His constant hunger for more leaves him vulnerable to making reckless choices, especially when there's a potential for a quick rise in status.


Tyzin's history was no different than any person who grew up on Nar Shaada; with no family left and nothing tying him down, Tyzin turned to a life of crime out of necessity. He started as a street hustler, picking pockets, running scams, and working odd jobs for local criminal organizations. However, Tyzin always knew he was meant for something greater than being just another disposable street thug. He watched as powerful crime lords wielded fear and respect, and he swore he'd one day stand among them.

In his early twenties, Tyzin saw an opportunity to escape the grimy depths of Nar Shaddaa. A private military company, known for hiring mercenaries and rogue soldiers, was recruiting operatives for off-world contracts. Tyzin joined the PMC, figuring he could learn new skills, make valuable contacts, and eventually return to Nar Shaddaa with more skills under his belt.

His time in the PMC hardened him. Tyzin participated in high-risk operations across the Outer Rim, working as an enforcer and combat specialist. He honed his skills with blasters, knives, and hand-to-hand combat, quickly rising through the ranks as a dependable—if ruthless—operative. Tyzin's natural ability to stay calm under pressure and his knack for strategy earned him the respect of his superiors, but his personal ambitions never waned.

After several years of service, Tyzin began to feel restless. Working for the PMC paid well, but he wasn't gaining the kind of personal power he craved. He realized that he was still just another tool for someone else's agenda, and he had no interest in spending his life taking orders. Tyzin orchestrated a falling-out with the PMC during a particularly lucrative mission. When the payout was large enough, he took his share, sabotaged the operation, and vanished—leaving behind a few dead colleagues and several angry clients.

And now he seeks alliances, allies, and ways to start his own path.
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