Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character T'zarna Khab


T’zarna Khab

Age:20’s biologically
Species:Human/Blood Carver Hybrid
Gender: Female
Height: 2 meters/6’5’’
Weight: 83 kg/185 lbs
Force Sensitive: yes
Faction: Empire of the Lost
Rank: High Inquisitor


T’zarna is a horrifying meshing of human and insectoid features. Her body is covered in thick chitinous plates from head to toe, forming a sort of natural “armor”. This chitin is a shiny golden color, and in the right light can look almost glossy. Another unsettling feature of T’zarna is her eyes, black as pitch and never needing to blink. Her tall but slender frame is deceptively frail looking at a glance, belying her body’s natural strengths. She lacks any hair on her head, but does tend to decorate herself with some painted markings along her scalp. These markings vary and can be worn off or washed away.


Crossguard Lightsaber (red)
Imperial Commlink
Stims and Bacta injectors


An uncanny rage seems to permiate T’zarna’s being. Partially due to her natural affinity for the darkside, but also at the circumstances of her being. She feels unwelcome in the universe, as if she is an abomination, leading to much rage and angst. She is cold and brutal in the vast majority of situations, and downright furious in others. The only thing that seems to keep her bloodlust in check is a seemingly unflinching loyalty to the Empire, and an unflinching sense of duty.While she believes her life is some kind of cruel mistake, she would gladly lay that life down for her Empire.

A quirk of T’zarna is a programmed hatred of Sith and their allies. She sees the Sith as a blight on the galaxy. While she does not know the origin of these feelings, she believes that her purpose is to eradicate Sith.


Darkside Adept- T’zarna was created using genetics from force sensitives of multiple species, giving her an incredible connection to the darkside of the force.

Born Assassin- Created to be a weapon against force users, and primarily Sith, T’zarna is a cold and ruthless killer. She has expertise in many forms of combat, as well the stealth tactics of the Blood Carvers

Clever Hunter- While her form seems to be brutal and disgusting, there is an intelligence to T’zarna. It can be incredibly difficult to evade her once she is on your trail. And outsmarting her in combat can be a challenge.

Arthropoid Strengths- Given her Insectoid genetics, T'zarna has many advantages over that normal near humans do not. She is physically stronger than most creatures her size, along with great eyesight and reflexes.

Thick exoskeleton- T'zarna is coated in a thick and strong exoskeleton made of a durable chitin. This material is able to survive low caliber slugs and most blades, giving her added durability.


Drone- T’zarna is mentally programmed for service to the Empire. When given orders by her superiors, she follows them to the letter. Even when they do not benefit her.

Overspecialized- While it is true she is a powerful Inquisitor, she is a purpose built one. When battling non force users, especially in great numbers, she can be easily overwhelmed.

Obsessive= T’zarna is a creature made to hunt a target until it is dead. This ferocity can be a great hindrance on more complex missions. She will often pick a single target and follow it unto the ends of the galaxy. Smart opponents can use this tunnel vision against her.


Deep within the bowels of a research station on Lianna, a plan was hatched by the mad Velran Kilran. It was simple, use stolen genetics to create a force sensitive assassin who could eliminate threats to his rule. To this end he gathered specimens from many species, and found the Blood Carvers an especially interesting case. A cult of assassin insectoids with some natural connection to The Force. By splicing these genes with those of force sensitive humans, a new being was created, T’zarna. She awoke fully grown from her pod and was immediately filled with a violent rage she couldn’t explain. After causing hundreds of thousands of credits in damage to sensitive equipment, and nearly destroying the station she was born on, the project was deemed a success.

Given her natural abilities in the force, much time was devoted to training her to use her powers to destroy the enemies of The Empire . This training focused largely on countering force users' ability to tap into the force. To that end she was trained to master Force Suppression and other tactics that keep her enemies off balance. Beyond standard Inquisitor training, T’zarna was given heavy degrees of brainwashing and indoctrination, a measure to instill loyalty, that she would never raise a hand against The Emperor. Much of this was brutal both physically and mentally, causing her connection to the darkside.

Now the huntress seeks only to glorify her commanders and destroy those that would stand against them. Though as time goes on, she becomes more and more unstable with the Force. Often causing nightmares and sudden bouts of rage. One thing is for certain, the longer T’zarna lives, the more dangerous she becomes, to all parties involved…

Force Powers:

Force Body
Force Rage
Force Suppression
Mind Shard
Force Crush
Force Push
Force Drain
Force Pull
Move Object

Lightsaber Forms:
Form VII: Juyo (Master)
Form IV: Atarh (intermediate)

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