Sword of Zamani

Tzarthyx Sword of Zamani
NAME: Tzarthyx
RANK: Knight
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 180 Centimeters / 5,10 Feet
WEIGHT: 140 kg / 308 pounds
EYES: Glowing Lime green
SKIN: Iron Grey (Exoskeleton Armour) Smoke Grey (Skin colour)
- Limited Regeneration -
- Inhuman Strenght -
- Night Vision -
- Determined -
- Fast Reflexes -
- Exoskeleton Armour -
- Pokerface -
- Human Behaviour -
- Sunlight Weakness -
- Soul's Required -
- Aggressive -
- Honourable -
- Not Sneaky -
- Religious Blindness -
The creature stands at a height of 180 centimetres and weighs around 140kg. The body of this beast his built extremely muscular and dense, from a young age he and those around him were put through comprehensive training to be built into war machines. Tzarthyx is an assured individual this is made very clear in his posture. He stands tall with no doubt in his actions, his god guides him and nothing can stop the sword of Zamani. His Iron grey coloured exoskeleton that armours most of his body merged with both skin and bone making it part of his existence. Yet soft weak skin remains in the colour of smokey grey, it covers the few feeble marks on this determined knight. The Kuonjan possesses three sharp claws like the end of a spear. The claws are covered like most of his body in a dense exoskeleton. Kuonja have two talons on the front of their feet allowing for basic control of their balance and one claw-like talon pointing backwards and this monstrosity is no different. Moving onto the vicious face of Tzarthyx one could plainly glimpse his three luminous lime green eyes, that pierce into your vitality. Across his violent maw sharp instruments of consumption line up ready to tear flesh from bone, together with the devilish smile of Tzarthyx make for a frightening appearance. The shape of his head resembles that of an ancient helmet, this is customary in Kuonjans as their exoskeletons shape their heads in such ways. The shape of one's head is unique for most higher-ranking members of the Kuonjan court thus cementing their own existence in the ranks of the military.
Describe your character's backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.
Tzarthyz claimed this vessel as his own on one of the many raids he conducted (Inferis-class Prison Barge)
The Surprising Escape of a no-one
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