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Approved Armor U-01 Standard Academy Uniform

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Manufacturer: Sith Order Textile Guild
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Weightless

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The U-01 is not something spectacular or note worthy in so far that it is an armor meant to protect one from war - but to be a symbol of pedigree, accomplishment, and social status. The Academy Standard Uniform is utilized by the Royal Academy of Jutrand, and some other academy's in different patterns and colorations, for the purpose of distinguishing its student body not only from the population as a whole - but from each other. This is done in a number of careful ways.​
Firstly, all students wear the standard leggings and undershirt. Carefully designed to allow the most freedom possible, the Uniform weighs almost nothing due to its careful design and manufacturing (along side some specially crafted alchemization techniques by the Guild's most skilled practitioners). This was to make sure that under all circumstances the students were given the utmost maneuverability and dexterity in any situation. However, while it is weightless, that does not mean it skimps out on the utility of its design.​
The leggings and undershirt are insulated to sustain comfortable conditions in almost all environments and climates, while the legs are also interwoven with ballistic threading carefully put in hardpoints to allow maximum protection from outside forces without interfering with agility. These are mostly found on the thighs, ribs, and chest. Meanwhile, the hardest points of the armor are in the shins, calves, knees, and toes. Each are covered in actual alchemized plates to make sure that even under extreme stress, they can not be broken, dented, or pierced by any conventional arms.​
It is this uniform students are expected to complete their education in, where it is called for stripping down to the most utilitarian pieces of the uniform. That said, it is a necessary requirement in the Academy that all students dawn these uniforms at all times - with no exceptions. Students found without these are subject to harsh punishments, ranging from isolation, extra work duty, or physical reprimand. The only things that may be taken off are Cohort specific ranking pieces in the situation of physical exams, or ones that may cause the intensive laundering of their uniform.​
Each Cohort is meant to hold only certain pieces of the uniform, to help establish their ranking on a glance. This is to better ensure all students abide by the Cohort system, and that they do not accidently betray the rank of their betters. Specifically, the Fifth Cohort is the only one that is not given a special identifier, instead wearing only the pants and long sleeved undershirt, given only 3 pairs of the uniform for their entire year. Their lack of anything substantial in the halls or exams makes them a notorious target for bullying, harassment, or thievery.​
The other Cohorts each put on a piece of uniform they earned. Fourth Cohorts are the first rank to put on the over shirt, a carefully designed and lightweight addition that has a hard breast plate that protects from most kinetic blows without making the uniform appear round or odd, ensuring a continuous form fit. Additionally, on its right breast there holds a magnetic medal piece meant to hold their honorifics and rewards given out by Tutors. This makes the Fourth Cohort the first Cohort in the rankings to actually be able to present themselves as true Sith of the Academy, while the Fifth are relegated to second class citizen status - if recognized as citizens at all.​
The Third Cohort adds the addition of an overcoat, trailing down to the knees. This additional layer defines them as exceptional, though middling in the eyes of the School and its pupils. This coat is climate controlled, meaning that it is comfortable in all situations even more than the one prior, without adding any layer of weight or intrusion on mobility. Once more, the magnetic pin is in place to allow medals and honorifics to be displayed, while additional customization is allowed for shoulder insignias to define them as representing certain factions, both inside or outside the school itself.​
Second Cohort are allowed to carry regalia in the form of a sword at their hip. Held to their waist coat by alchemized golden thread and a scabbard specifically designed to only open on their touch - the Second Cohort are given the right to openly carry weaponry on the student grounds. These swords are tailor made, specially balanced, and expertly crafted for each student - a personal sigil pressed directly into the tang just above the handle for each. To carry a Sith Academy sword is to be given the recognition as one of the best in the Empire - and there is little honors like it.​
That last, and only for the greatest of the Cohorts, is the shoulder cape, otherwise known as 'Shuriji'. A single piece pinned to the opposite shoulder of the medals and honorifics, the shoulder cape is only worn by the First Cohort. To see one, is to see the future of the Order - divinity manifest in a mortal. Those given the Shuriji additionally are given a red sash beneath their overcoat to further identify them as the leaders of the School, and the most exceptional of the exceptional. When these students are off of student grounds, there uniform identify them as someone on par with the Dark Council - celebrities to be feared and bowed to.​

  • These uniforms identify themselves primarily as pieces of honorifics, for the entire Empire to recognize on a glance. Those who carry the most regalia are celebrities, and those without it are known as failures. All are honored, but the failures of the greatest academy are heathens even in the eyes of the citizenry.
  • To better protect students, the Uniform is given a variety of additional armor plates and alchemization to make sure they are never bereft of armor in even the most dangerous situations.
  • The weightless design additionally provides no barriers to a student's dexterity or agility.
  • Additional inbuilt bio-monitors and tracking systems allow each student to be monitored at all hours of the day - from where they are, to what their monitors claim. While these can be spoofed, it is very difficult to accomplish.
  • Weightless
    • The Uniform weighs nothing, even in full regalia, and offers no sacrifice in comfortability or protection in spite of it.
  • High Protection
    • To better protect students, the Uniform carries a variety of built in bio-monitors, tracking capabilities, and armor plates specifically put in place to ensure no student is ever put in harms way.
  • Celebrity Status
    • Because of the easily identifiable regalia on the Uniform, each student's Cohort and status is recognizable even from afar. This is most often a boon, but can be harmful in the wrong company.
  • Class Warfare
    • While the Uniform identifies students as powerful members of the Sith hierarchy, the protection it offers pales in comparison to the hatred some feel towards those who wear the armor. The armor is the sign of the conqueror, a sign of what is to come - and because of that, many students can find themselves targeted as a result of their uniform.
  • Bio Tracking
    • The students are protected by their bio monitors and tracking implants put into the uniform, but this is a double edged sword. Each is set to know who their uniform wearer is, and can be tracked by a complex computer system in the Academy itself. While this is normally fine, it can stop students from sneaking around the facility in off hours, or into restricted areas. Last, if a violent oppositional force were to get ahold of this information, each student's lives would be in peril as there is no clear way to disable the trackers without first finding them, and destroying them. This alone is a hard task due to the masterful craftsmanship.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a standardized uniform for Academy students in the Sith Order.
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Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Sith Order
Model: U-01 Standard Academy Uniform
Modular: Yes
Material: Mixture of Zeyd-Cloth, Susurra-Weave, and Synthsilk
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):


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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Soldane Talon Soldane Talon

Very cool sub! The image source field is not working, I would like to ask you to edit this link into the template, others usually put it under the art, but you can place it anywhere you find it comfortable.
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