Saera Willamina Savan
~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
So here is a preview of what is possibly the craziest (though likely second-craziest) thing I've ever thought of submitting. Before you lose your panties and scream your disapprovals at the top of your lungs, guys, give it a read - it's not a sub yet, it can always be changed. Give me your opinions. It took a lot of work.
Factory Notes: The original draft was 10% the range and 10x the spread, so if the power/range is too much, cutting it to 1/10 is as simple as knocking off a single digit across the board. Altering the strength (even though it's standard consolidation) can also be easily done changing or removing multipliers. Lastly, projectile velocity can also be decreased (though it has already been reduced from canon).
Intent: Turning the Ion Pulse Cannon into something much, much smaller and less overpowered so that it can be fielded and used. The largest ion weapon possible via 2.0 Guide is the equivalent of this at peak optimal strength, so there is no way possible for this submission to be stronger than a Star Destroyer. Maximum range is the length of 150 ISD's.
Development Thread: None (Already doing one for VIORA in general; 3 writers, 30 posts)
Manufacturer: Ri'ess Regal Drives
Model: VIORA Cannon
Affiliation: Ri'ess Regal Drives
Modularity: None
Production: Limited; only Nine ever made (4 on VIORA RR-001, 4 on VIORA RR-002, 1 at MMS for research), further must be acquired via IC dev thread.
Material: Matrix Armor, Terenthium-Desh Frame
Description: The VIORA Orbital Defense Cannon is nothing more than a halved, weakened version of the Malevolence Ion Pulse Cannon. The range, diameter and strength have all been greatly toned down, and technological advances have allowed the system to be more compact.
Each pulse has a maximum range of 240 km (see visual below), a diameter of 225 m. with an expansion of +75 m./10 km. (1,725 m. @ 200 km.), and an approximate strength loss of 1.5(+.0025/km.)%/10 km..


The VIORA Cannon's ionic strength at 50 km. (90% Capacity) is the equivalent of a Heavy Long-Range Quad Ion Cannon Battery:
- Ion 1*1 (1)
- Quad Ion 1*4 (4)
- Long-Range Quad Ion 4*5 (20)
- Heavy Long-Range Quad Ion 20*2 (40)
- Heavy Long-Range Quad Ion Battery 40*4 (160)
Size: Ship-Mounted (160 Points)
Status: Military (min. Star Destroyer / LSD Station)
Length: 239 m.
Height: 247 m.
Weight: 3,046 mt.
Ammunition Type: Ion Pulse
Ammunition Capacity: N/A
Effective Range: 232.5 km.
Optimal Range: 150 km.
Muzzle Velocity: 5.4 km/s