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Character Udren Zeln | The Acolyte

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The Acolyte is an Echani that was discovered at a young age to be Force Sensitive. He was removed from his family, under the guise of a Jedi recruiter, though was never delivered to Coruscant or the Jedi temple. Since that day, the Acolyte's family never saw their child again, nor did the Jedi - or any Force using organization for that matter - hear or see the boy again. For all intents and purposes, the Acolyte was considered dead.

The truth, of course, was that a Sith Lord posed as a Jedi Master, to whisk a potential Apprentice away for training. From the moment the Echani baby was taken, training began under close tutelage; both personally, with the Master, and with tutors. Due to the Acolyte's species, an Echani was found to train the boy, so as to maximize his growth in the Echani martial arts, including development of his Echani fighting techniques and communication through combat; it would have proven redundant to do otherwise.

Life was tough, pain was common, mistakes were harsh, and the Acolyte bears the scars of those lessons across his body.

Lessons in the Force, the dark side, the Sith language, the basics of alchemy and even killing were provided. The boy proved to be a strong candidate for Apprenticeship, though the Master remained mindful of revealing the presence of the secret Acolyte too early. While patience wasn't a virtue for the Sith, it helped prepare for the right time, and as a result the Acolyte was given more specialized and personal training from others provided by the Master. The results spoke for themselves, as he began to do very well in several areas, especially combat... though, despite being skilled, there was something to be said about lacking a closer Apprenticeship.

It wouldn't be for many years later, with the Academy on Jutrand that the Acolyte was to be revealed.

He was given a name, Udren Zeln.

He was told to reveal little of his Master, until instructed otherwise.

He was told to exceed all expectations... or else.


NAME Unknown
ALIAS Udren Zeln
AGE 15
SEX Male
WEIGHT 145 lbs
EYES Silver
HAIR White
SKIN Chalk-Pale

LANGUAGES Galactic Basic, Sith


FACTION The Sith Order
RANK Acolyte
MASTER Unknown

WEAPONS Vibrosword
SPECIALTY Echani fighting techniques


Echani Combatant
Harsh Upbringing
Attuned to the dark side
Naive and Inexperienced
Lacks Apprenticeship and lightsaber

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