Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ugar Iskaal

(Character inactive - I ain't playing' this one at the moment!)​

NAME: Ugar Iskaal


RANK: Warlord

SPECIES: Khormai

AGE: 59

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.4m

WEIGHT: 275 kg

EYES: Green

HAIR: White

SKIN: Brown



Strength, Size and Stamina of the Walrus Warlord: Ugar is immense even for a Khormai, with the strength and stamina to match. He can wield weapons of impossible size and bulk and even outside his armour he is a Khormai battering ram.
Thick Hide: Between his bulk and his stamina, Ugar is tough, but his great age and many battle scars have bestowed upon him a hide that can turn aside light blasters and melee weapons.
Great Leader: Ugar is a respected leader of his tribe and of the tribes he rules - he is wise, fair and respected for being gentle to the weak and brutal to his foes.

Agility of the Walrus Warlord: Ugar can pick up an awfully surprising turn of speed, but he does not turn well at all. No one would describe him as agile, even for a Khormai.
Immense Bulk: Size has it's drawbacks, in this case he's a large target - eight feet high and nearly as far around in girth.

A gigantic example of the Khormai species, Ugar stands eight feet tall and is anywhere between five and six feet across, depending on how much he's had to eat on any given day - averaging a steady five and a half, given a good diet. It would be a lie to say none of that is fat - like all his people, he's covered in a thick layer of blubber under a tough skin that has been scarred by years of conflict and cold weather, but under that blubber lies dense packed muscle tissue. For an elderly Khomari (he is in his late middle age) Ugar is considered exceptionally attractive - if you like tall, virtually round armoured Walrus-men with immense tusks carved with intricate designs.

Like all Khormai, he wears a massive suit of exo-armour with built in heating systems at almost all times, which streams black smoke from it's two rear vents. He is typically armed with an immense, nearly unbreakable bone-tipped harpoon that comes in at ten feet in length, the traditional mark of the Mandalorian-allied tribes ruler, and also with a heavy repeating blaster utterly unusable by anyone smaller than he is.

He has an expression that can be considered grandfatherly in times of peace, and brutal in times of war.

As a young Khormai, Ugar was not destined to rule, as the youngest son of a tribal chief, he had to prove himself worthy at every turn to his father and his family. He hid his sorrow and frustration by eating - earning an unflattering nickname and a girth that was... prodigious, even by the standards of his people, particularly given his naturally immense height and strength.

All that changed in his mid-twenties, when his father and his elder brothers were slain in a mining accident - such a trival thing to place Ugar in charge of the tribe, and he was not prepared. But somewhere from within the morose and angry young Khormai, a leader emerged - and from within the immense bulk, an unstoppable warrior began to rise.

His rise to the domination of the Khormai clans allied to Mandalore is a tale of blood, feasts and agrocite that could take an evening to retell - but is not relevant to the current day. Now in his late middle age, comfortably married twice over and with a small army of children and grandchildren, he seeks nothing more than the safety of his people - and a few last years of glory in battle before he must retire. He personally knows little of the Mandalorian way, but with the rise of the new Mandalorian Empire and the troubles of his home, he has become willing to both embrace their ways and to call upon them for help.

As ruling tribal chieftan of the Mandalorian-allied Khormai clans, Ugar has grown tired enough, afraid enough and sick enough of the meddling of outsiders - particularly force using outsiders, to call upon ancient pacts with the Mandalorian Empire to come to his aid.

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