The Wild Bear
Ulfric Draycon
The Dragon Knight of Eos
Alias : The Dragon Knight of Eos
Titles : Dark Jedi Reformer
Former Titles : Dark Jedi Apprentice
Homeworld : Eos, Droid Foundry
Living Situation : Duroon, Smuggler's Run
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Marital Status : Single
Force-sensitive : Yes
Force Rank : Apprentice
Force Allignment : Dark Side
Species : Human
Race : Human ( Eos )
Gender : Male
Age : 27 YO
Height : 6'10, 2.083 meters
Weight : 235 lbs.
Eye Color : Ash green ( Left ) Turquoise ( Right )
Hair Color : Reddish brown
Skin Pigmentation : Tuscan tan
Chapter III - Every Light has Its Darkness
The Dragon Knight of Eos

Voice Sample
[ Social Information ]
Name : Ulfric Draycon IIAlias : The Dragon Knight of Eos
Titles : Dark Jedi Reformer
Former Titles : Dark Jedi Apprentice
Homeworld : Eos, Droid Foundry
Living Situation : Duroon, Smuggler's Run
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Marital Status : Single
Force-sensitive : Yes
Force Rank : Apprentice
Force Allignment : Dark Side
[ Physical Information ]
Species : Human
Race : Human ( Eos )
Gender : Male
Age : 27 YO
Height : 6'10, 2.083 meters
Weight : 235 lbs.
Eye Color : Ash green ( Left ) Turquoise ( Right )
Hair Color : Reddish brown
Skin Pigmentation : Tuscan tan
[ Affiliations ]
[ Personality ]
Ulfric is a young - yet charming man on a seemingly boastful way. He had these curved nose,
slanted jaw and narrow eyes, born of a regime. Had his looks pleasing, he was a cranky guy,
often in clash with other people with his hot-headed personality. He is an enigmatic type of
person, with many questions in his adventures. Ask here, and ask there - it is always a
vulnerable characteristic from the young warrior.
Baffling puzzles have been haunting him
since his days on Eos, only conversing with some old junky droids on that filthy abandoned
factory right on the waning plains of lava. Crafty was he, owing to the fact that he worked
with some of the factory droids right there when he was growing as a teenager privately in the
workshops, ramping a ambition for the young man to be a successful craftsman. Even after he
fell into the Dark Side of the Force, he never cease to take a laugh even in the hardest
[ Appearance ]
Ulfric was often known for his charming appearance, from head to toe. Without the scars
he received back from his delving past, the young swordsman had his hair sideways and a
pint of dirty red was flicked right on strands. His hairdo had a messy look, with strands of his
hair divided and gazing to different directions, with tiny fronts right covering his forehead.
Pointy ears he has, with freckles right across his face and an oily look. Had his nose be
meander on his upper bridge, thus making him a handsome gentleman. Wide cheeks over
his rusty face while his chin was close on the pale lips of his. He had a well-toned body
structure with his covering his body with narrow - yet lean muscles. He had his skin
engraved with ancient traditional tattoos like of the Sandpeople - those raiders poodoo
howling right after they see you, but yet he was a friend of those mindless creatures.
Ulfric wore a fur cloak like those of the behemoth- like Jedi Lord Hoth's, veiling his back in a
downfall while it was swayed by the roaring wind. On his shoulders hanging is a plate - made
of iron - yet not off of the iron of the Mandalorians, which is impenetrable by energy blades.
On a simple way, he had his body covered with tunics and sashes, with those off of the
sashes often covering his face. Indeed he was charming, but yet has a spirit and physical
means of a well-trained warrior of the Dark Side, which unknowingly to be a
member of the newly-formed Reformation.
Chapter I - New Beginnings of an Unknown Force Humid air and lava toss, that's what Eos is - a planet of mysteries ... and hotness.
Lonely days were spend as a regime fled from monstrosity. Unknown to the regime was a baby
to be born on that hour, where cries were heard by no one from the ancient factory. The bewirldered
baby was called Ulfric. Ulfric Draycon was his name, born from a queen long to be lost. Unlucky for
the boy he was abandoned on that fateful day... for it was not. As ships fly on the red sky of Eos,
platoons of troopers descend from ramping stations on their magnificent armours. The cries of
the baby boy shall perish after these kind soldiers came after him, then took Ulfric intensive care as
he grew up. Unrevealed to him was his precursors, which is long forgotten...
Chapter II - The Force 10 YEARS LATER
Ulfric is now a grown teen - a boy of strength and ambition wrinkling his smile over
his grins and smiles, with his well-known personality to the Republic troopers. He worked with
some of them and had cheers in vain. Vain was his strength as he grew up in the dark side of the
Force, twas the day he was endured to it. 'Till it was a day where shots are fired, and guns are
heard on the metal vents. Thumps of gunfire are heard within the walls of the workshops. Body
dumps are everywhere, Vong or a trooper, were right there. 'Twas the day of abyss, and 'twas
an hour of silence after beams go high on the now-foggy Eos. Suddenly ships compile the remaining
soldiers, including Ulfric and a few droids. Steam rolls and the night fell, the planet was now isolated.
Nothing is heard on the dawn nor dusk, and nothing to see, but a couple of the dead.
Republic outpost at day, illegal gambling business at night, Duroon is a smuggling run through the
right in Corporate Sector. 'Twas the home of a sarlacc that deceased a long time ago where its
lush, green grasses that sprouted are made by the blobber of the creature itself. Home of the
popular pets in the sector , the " bouncebeasts " , was it too. Whereas the dusk began
to fall and night goes by, boasts of laughter and tears are to be heard while lights are on in
the vain of the foggy void. Meanwhile, Republic troopers on that area have received a
transmission from an unknown messenger - It was the Order, getting in the planet. Kicks of
loud marches came upon, after then stood straight up to their chin, with divisions in twain as bursts
of gas come out from the vehicle of the Jedis' as they descend. Upon landing in the ground, the elder
Jedi Master, Kam Solusar, strolls upon the aisle as he gazes at the troopers one-by-one, with the
young Ulfric by the line, and halts as he senses a strange force upon the boy, with his serious look
unveiling the young boy's senses., had his strands of hair pulling up. It was revealed that Ulfric was a
force sensitive. The elder then pulled him up to the Order, achieving a rank of Padawan
for his master until one fateful day...
Chapter III - Every Light has Its Darkness
Smoke rolled on the roaring heights of Abo Dreth as the Republic landed on the cliffs on
the mountainsides of the planet. Its gas was inhabitable, labelled as Type III,
forcing them to wear respirators while going on the sandy canyons. Their mission was very
difficult, with silver lakes to wade on and high steeps to climb.
Suddenly a dark figure came upon
the troopers, and defeated each single-handedly with its seemingly dark power. It came after the
darkness, revealing a Rattataki and had a black garb, with a menacing grin right in his face while he
shows up his seemingly rotten teeth sunken on his jaws. Eager to fight, Ulfric drew up his own blade
and jumped up on the unknown opponent, but is struck down by a ray of lightning bolting from the
robed man's fingernails. The young apprentice of Kam's flew out without grace, and thumped into the
steeps. The elder Solusar stood by his ground, and drew his lightsabre, emitting a colour of green as
the unknowingly Sith blasts his hilt - hinted to be a saberpike of olden - igniting a yellow aura by
its blade of light. Only the sabers' clashes were heard that hour, where every single trooper were
seemingly lifeless. The two saber wielders clashed to each other, only to knock the Master
unconscious and given the inevitable by the now-assassin, as the desperate Ulfric is now
conjoined with the dark side, where he would then be in the eyes of void, whereas he will be
free. The downed Ulfric stood up by his legs, gazing slowly at his fatally wounded Master, then
looks back unto the Rattataki. Brave was he with all the power he could perceive when he climbed
the boulders unto the cave, wherein he handled up his old mentor's sabre and successfully slices up
his old master's murderer, in an emotional rage a Sith shall bear. He stood up and sat with his
now-dead master, and graves him back to Duroon, where he would be then found by a newly-found
Reformation at the war-torn planet of Ession.