Ulic Adraya
Child of War and Peace

NAME: Ulic Adraya
FACTION: The Jedi Order and Commenor
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 195 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Blonde/Dirty Blonde
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive = Yes
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
1) Near Echani like battle tactics in macro scale wars - revered General able to at times (either via the force or his own precognition) predict the upcoming moves of his enemies.
2) Skilled lightsaber practicioner.
1) Loyal to the Jedi - to a fault. (Due to the way he would like to lead wars, the Jedi Code doesn't always allow him to exercise all possible war tactics).
2) Currently has a weakness in Soresu - meaning in Lightsaber v Blaster combat he's more vulnerable. (Over time i'll be looking via roleplay to increase his Soresu capabilities, eventually phasing this weakness out.)
3) If a skilled force user is able to distance themselves from him and begin casting - it's game over.
Ulic has the typical stoic hero-esque appearance that you would expect out of a Jedi whom fashions himself as a General. He at times wears normal Jedi robes or Corellian Noble robes in casual settings, but in battle always adorns the armor you can see in the avatar. The lightsaber he wields is the classic Azure Blue signifying a Jedi Guardian status.
In his early years Ulic was fascinated with the art of war. Having seen Empires of the SIth, and Galactic Alliances rise and fall under the weight of such factions like the Iron Lords or other factions. It wasn't the destruction or Chaos that enamored him though, it was the purest form of war that interested him - the tactics used on the battle field.
The reasons for people to go to war with one another was also another topic of intrigue with the small Corellian boy, which is what also gave him the desire to research war and why wars would begin in the first place. He quickly learned that when going to war there was always something someone wanted. It was usually to either protect, or destroy - perhaps even to acquire something at times (especially in the case of factions like the Sith).
None of these modes of war interested him save one, protection. This was a reason for men and women to go to war, to lay their lives on the line. It was the ultimate self-less act of sacrifice. The very notion of marching side-by-side those whom you considered your brothers and sisters into battle to protect something that you loved was almost intoxicating to Ulic. It was this intoxication that lead him to the Jedi Order. While their ideologies weren't always the most open minded at times, and perhaps if he wanted to be apart of Wars this wasn't exactly the best faction to pursue because the Jedi held a form of disdain for warfare - he knew that war would come to the Jedi no matter what their ideologies were. And when it did - he would be there to protect.
His padawanship was short lived - mainly because he wanted only to be in the thicket of battle. Peace time was fine and it was something that all should desperately seek; however, that wasn't what Ulic lived for - he lived for the heat of the moment, that moment in time that was life or death based on your decision. And it was that moment that gave him drive - the drive that allowed him to surpass knight trials easily and ascend to the rank of Jedi Knight of the Order - where he could fully utilize his expertise.
[More to come]
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/116007-rising-of-a-phoenix/#entry1638468- Padawan training.
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/114847-common-glass-tse-vs-commenor-yutan/- Protecting the Queen
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/115776-a-not-so-common-state-of-affairs-commenor-systems-alliance/- Ulic joining CSA
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/116026-their-blood-runs-black/- Their blood runs black Incursion Event thread
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/114699-forging-of-bonds-faith/- The Forging of his Secondary Weapon