Ulkurz Vorrik
You merely adopted Warfare, I was born in it
**Accessing Data**
Name: Ulkurz Vorrik
. Predator
. Reaper
Faction: Primeval
Rank: N/A
Species: Yuuzhan Vong
Age: Physically 21 standard years, overall 56 standard years
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2 Feet
Weight: 250 Pounds of Muscle
Eyes: Scarlet with a yellow sulfur tint
Hair: N/A
Skin: Grayish Violet
Force Sensitive: N/A
Sins: Wrath, Pride
Virtues: Valor
Religion: True Way
Languages: Galactic Standard, Yuuzhan Vong
Voice Sample: Bane - Tom Hardy/Dark Knight Rises
Strengths and Weaknesses:
[+]Born for Warfare - Ulkruz was trained and born for the pure purpose of warfare making him excel at the confines of war
[+]Technological and Organic - Ulkruz prefers organic compounds and weaponry but will still use technological weapons
[+]Unaffected by the force - Due to being a Yuuzhan Vong, Ulkruz takes no damage to direct assaults by the force such as telekinetic's and such
[+]Full Loyalty - Ulkruz see's no use in abandoning his faction or troops in combat, this also means that he will fight to the last man and even to his death to ensure victory if deemed necessary
[-]Force Dead - Due to being a Yuuzhan Vong, Ulkruz has no connection to the force making him unable to use the force
[-]Aggressive Nature - Due to his heritage and overall mental state, Ulkruz prefers to handle situations with the use of aggression instead of politics or peaceful maneuvers
Ulkruz has a highly muscular and well built lean body that only a standard Yuuzhan Vong would be able to achieve. His arms are heavily muscular with blaster scars on his back, chest and along his forearms. Their are signs of where heavy chains have been pressed against his chest causing scars due to the chains being highly pressed into his chest. His mouth has mandibles with strong but also narrow fangs as to bite through living flesh along with the eating of many objects. Half of Ulkruz's face is burned along with his left eye missing due to that part being burned and his left eye is not replaced. His left pupil is white with a scar running across his eye. Though, even with his eye like this it still remains open out of his free will due to him showing his enemies the pain he has gone through before to show them how powerful he has become due to his many battles. His toes and fingers are heavily clawed as to be used in combat scenarios.
**Data Archived**
. Tizowyrm
. Gnullith
. Amphistaff
Ships: N/A
Confirmed Kills: N/A
Rp's: N/A