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Codex Denied Ulnoll

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  • Intent: To create the species of Darius Ino'Kane.
  • Image Credit: Image Link
  • Canon: No
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Name: Ulnoll
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Unknown Regions
  • Average Lifespan: 1500-2000 Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Ulnoll is a tall and lithe species, with albino or chalky white skin tones. They are largely humanoid in appearance, though with the exception of their heads, where two 'gills' can be seen running from the corners of their cheeks to the corners of their mouths. Each Ulnoll adult will have paint of various colors across their entire body, though outsiders will only ever see it around their neck and faces. Most Ulnoll shave their heads completely bald, except for a single braid that they wrap around their necks and hang over their shoulders, in which they display small trinkets and decorations that define the individual and their history. Ulnoll have a slight reverse bend in their legs, leading to the species having a natural inclination of leaning forward, though they do not realize it.
  • Breathes: Type 2
  • Average Height of Adults: 6'5-7 Feet
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Chalky White/Albino
  • Hair color: Black
  • Distinctions: Other than their height, coloring and facial features, the most distinguishing trait of the Ulnoll are their hands. Each hand has five digits like most humanoids, though each of these digits is triple jointed as a norm for adults, though children are only double-jointed. As well, Ulnoll never blink, a trait brought about by a natural evolutionary trait in their eyes, though they will sometimes attempt to mimic the act to put others at ease.
  • Races: Elevated Ulnoll are those Ulnoll that are not sterilized, and are allowed to pursue careers and activities that interest them, rather than those that the Home Fleet chooses for them. Voided Ulnoll are those that do not meet the exacting standards of the Kane masters and become commodities of the state to be used as they see fit.
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Agile: Ulnoll ae able to twist and turn their bodies in ways that would break others with ease, even dislocating entire sections of their skeleton structure if needed on demand. This allows them to get to confined locations across the Home Fleet, and navigate the narrow, ever-dangerous corridors of ships falling apart.
  • Food: Ulnoll Are able to go for several weeks at a time with only minimal food, and are able to draw almost the entire worth of a plant from it, wasting very little of its energy or protein.
  • Fragile: Due to their lighter bone mass and unique skeletal structure, Ulnoll are prone to injury at minor encounters, even going so far as to break bones if someone hits them moderately hard. This leads Ulnoll to be extremely cautious around other species, and will often isolate themselves when not under orders to do otherwise.
  • Weak: The second trait of their long isolation in space is a general weakness among the species. Despite their height and imposing size, individual Ulnoll are relatively weak, and sometimes two to three Ulnoll are required to lift objects that other species could lift on their own with only slight trouble.
  • Diet: Herbivore, due to the limited amounts of space aboard the Home Fleet, the Ulnoll have evolved to become entirely reliant on flora for their food supply, as it requires far less space to maintain the ecological farms of the Home Fleet than it would to maintain an animal population. The primary food and most common plant that the Ulnoll consume is known as the Rajia Plant, a dark blue and red flower that can be ground up into a paste that is baked into bread-like products.
  • Communication: The spoken language of the Ulnoll is called the Word of the Ancestors in official documentation, though most simply call it Ulnollish.
  • Technology level: Ulnoll technological progression is far slower than galactic standards, and the current level of technology is inferior to most others in the galaxy. Development and innovations are seen as dangerous precedents to follow, as they are uncertain chances, while what is currently working is safe.
  • Religion/Beliefs: There is no defined religion within Ulnoll society, as they prefer instead to focus on their own personal pursuits if they are among the Elevated, and are too busy working for the state if they are Voided to really put much stalk into religion.
  • General behavior: The behavior of the Ulnoll is vastly different between the Elevated and Voided populations, divides enforced by the Elevated to ensure their position. Elevated family structures are built around two pairs of mated couples, with authority divided between the two couples to help oversee the extended family. One pair see to the education and upbringing of the young, while the other sees to the maintenance and expansion of the family through marital ties to other families. Elevated Ulnoll society is marked by immense webs of family ties going back entire generations to such an extent almost every Ulnoll is related to another in some way. Elevated Ulnoll had the freedom to follow individual passions, and many artists and philosophers are among their ranks.
  • Voided have a different way of life. Every moment of their day is spent in the service of the state, as soldiers, doctors, mechanics, farmers, and even entertainment for the Elevated. Instead of family groups, the Voided are raised aboard vast orphanage ships away from their family, who willingly give up their defective children to live in the cramped, secluded vessels. Every second of their childhood is spent preparing the Voided to be slaves in society and to consider themselves as nothing but tools and extensions of Home Fleet. Hobbies, celebrations and other leisure activities are forbidden, to limit resource allocation to the Voided, as well as to ensure they are working at all times.
  • What common society there is across the entire species revolves around the Home Fleet itself. Each vessel in the fleet has a distinct name, a name that the Ulnoll living onboard the ship take for themselves. The first name of an Ulnoll will be one chosen by their parents, and the first half of their last name will be determined by the ship they are raised on. The second half of their name will be determined by the job they are given in life if they are a Voided, or remain as it is if they are elevated. For example, Darius Ino'Kane was raised on the vessel Ino and had been trained to become a Kane, a doctor, and healer of his people.
The Ulnoll people are a dying civilization. Long ago, they ruled a small collection of worlds, creating a society that once rivaled many of those in the Core of the galaxy. Their rise to power, however, was cut short when an unknown plague spread across their space, decimating their population and leaving them vulnerable to their neighbors. With their worlds burning and enemies advancing on all sides, the Ulnoll fled in every ship they had left into the darkness beyond the galaxy, hoping to wait out the tragedy and return to reclaim their homes. Over their millennia in the darkness beyond the galaxy, the Ulnoll evolved and adapted to their new situation, changing so much that they could hardly recognize the images of their ancestors.

It was during this time that strict population control was implemented across the Home Fleet. With limited space and resources, each Ulnoll family was limited to only one child with no exceptions made, even among the rulers of their people. In time, this desire to control the population eventually expanded to look into genetics. In a vain hope of limiting genetic weakness from their species, certain individuals were restricted from having children altogether, and only those with 'pure' genetics could reproduce. By this time, Ulnoll society had begun to resemble heavily the modern Home Fleet society, and those that protested were quickly suppressed by those that did not have their rights taken away. As the number of those that were allowed to have children continued to decrease, as more and more genetic faults began to appear within the Ulnoll species, the focus was instead turned to children. Any child born that did not meet their exacting standards was to be sterilized and given into the service of the Home Fleet, a move many of the recently named 'Elevated' considered a noble, patriotic duty. Those that resisted the implementation of this system were harshly punished, with hundreds being killed until society, in the eyes of the Elevated, had been stabilized.

This new system would become the norm for Ulnoll people. The Elevated Ulnoll entrenched themselves as a noble class among their people, with their genetic pool becoming mixed among a limited group. This constant and ever-diminishing in-bred class ruled over the rest of their people with an iron fist, saying all their actions were in the interest of saving the Ullnol people from oblivion. The concept of one day returning to their homeworld was at this point long since forgotten, for to return to a world teeming with life and open space to expand would destroy the privileged life the Elevated had come to love.

The Home Fleet made their way back into the galaxy on rare occasions, first appearing during the Great Hyperspace War, and then again during the Clone Wars millennia later. In these trips the Ulnoll gathered new supplies and equipment where they could, as the careful cultivation of plant species they needed to feed themselves at times failed, forcing them to find new stocks. This cycle would continue until the loss of the Home Fleets hyperspace engines. The ability to replace, or even repair the hyperdrives aboard the Home Fleet had been failing for several centuries, as the Voided in charge of them did not have the required understanding to fully do their job. The Elevated had long since handed full responsibility for maintenance of the fleet to the Voided so that they could follow more leisure-focused pursuits, and no records could be found as to a solution. Fearing the prospect of being stranged in the darkness beyond the galaxy, the Home Fleet was instead marooned within the Unknown Regions, traveling at sub-light speed in a constant, drifting convoy.

They have recently begun to open up to outsiders, eager to trade and mingle with others for the first time in millennia, though not for good-hearted reasons. An Uprising among their people put down nearly a decade ago still lingers in the minds of the Elevated, and those responsible have fled the Home Fleet to the wider galaxy. Their continued existence outside the Home Fleet is a threat to the status quo, and the Elevated efforts of outreach to other species are always saddled with the simple, extra question if they have seen any of their kind before.
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Darius Ino'Kane Darius Ino'Kane

Greetings! I see some fantastic detail here and great descriptions. Overall, a lovely submission.

Just a few things to look at:

1.) If this was a species made for Darius Ino'Kane it would be a good idea to link his character bio if available, or, the profile. If you have nothing to link the template text should be removed and you can simply mark it as "N/A".

Links : [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]

2.) Origins: Please link Unknown Regions.

3.) Average Height of Adults: 6'5-7 Feet -- Measurements in submissions should be in metric.

4.) Force Sensitivity: All - If you check the Species Creation rule below you can see that All Force-Sensitive Species have some specific notes. I can see that this species is force-sensitive, but, past the initial question, there's no further information on it. Do they have any innate passive abilities? These species should contain appropriate weaknesses as well.

Completely Force-sensitive species may not start off with fully developed Force Powers. That is a matter of the individual, not the race. They are born force sensitive, but that is a potential, rather than an absolute. All Force-sensitive species may have passive abilities that do not require training (improved reflexes, low grade pre-cog, etc), but are prohibited from having active abilities (force lightning, telekinesis, etc). Exceptions are made for artificially engineered species (Sithspawn, etc), if they have been tailored for specific abilities. Racial abilities that are not affiliated with the Force (Ex. Zeltron Empathy/Pheromones) are exempted from this. These species should include appropriate weaknesses, such as difficulties with Force Null fields.

Otherwise - Good to go. Just tag me when you're ready.
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