Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
NAME: Ulu Rin
Domain: Rin
Class: Shaper
Class Rank: Adept
FACTION: Not sure now.
RANK: Appentice/Padawan/Neophyte
SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 75kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White with Violet tatoos
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Shaper by birth: Has grown up among Yuuzhan Vong shapers and is very skilled with Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology.
Intelligent: She is a smart cookie
Physically fit: Strong and agile she is quite a gym rat
Yuuzhan Vong biology: She has almost all Yuuzhan Vong biological traits but is un shaped.
Combat Trainee: (current weakness) She is fit and strong but altogether lacking training.
Prejudice: She views Yuuzhan Vong that did not join her people on Zenoma Sekot as shamed ones and to be pittied.
Emotional: She is easily upset and hurt by words and actions of others.
Droidophobic: Droids freak her out and she will avoid or attack them with little provocation.
+/- Stubborn: strong mind and personality works both ways.
Tall and lithe she sports black living silk fightsuit. Pale skin with violet tattoos covering most of her body. Carries a coral handled lightsaber that uses all organic technology.
Born on Zenoma Sekot like many of the galaxies Yuuzhan Vong Ulu has been trained and raised to appreciate life in all its aspects. She was guided gently and treated kindly most of her life and as a result is not accustomed to miss treatment. Her parents who were not force sensitive discovered her ability from the living planet itself during a period where it sensed all Yuuzhan Vong force sensitive people and told the various domains who among them could use the force. As one of those "chosen" Ulu was sent to train in basic force abilities including Vongsense a skill believed necessary for helping the foolish adherents to the old ways that still roam the galaxy looking for war and pain.
Ulu was also trained as a Shaper and can create biots in most kinds if the right facilities are available.
Personal Sekotan Coralskipper
LIGHTSABER: Green single blade
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
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Domain: Rin
Class: Shaper
Class Rank: Adept
FACTION: Not sure now.
RANK: Appentice/Padawan/Neophyte
SPECIES: Yuuzhan Vong
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 75kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White with Violet tatoos
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Shaper by birth: Has grown up among Yuuzhan Vong shapers and is very skilled with Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology.
Intelligent: She is a smart cookie
Physically fit: Strong and agile she is quite a gym rat
Yuuzhan Vong biology: She has almost all Yuuzhan Vong biological traits but is un shaped.
Combat Trainee: (current weakness) She is fit and strong but altogether lacking training.
Prejudice: She views Yuuzhan Vong that did not join her people on Zenoma Sekot as shamed ones and to be pittied.
Emotional: She is easily upset and hurt by words and actions of others.
Droidophobic: Droids freak her out and she will avoid or attack them with little provocation.
+/- Stubborn: strong mind and personality works both ways.
Tall and lithe she sports black living silk fightsuit. Pale skin with violet tattoos covering most of her body. Carries a coral handled lightsaber that uses all organic technology.
Born on Zenoma Sekot like many of the galaxies Yuuzhan Vong Ulu has been trained and raised to appreciate life in all its aspects. She was guided gently and treated kindly most of her life and as a result is not accustomed to miss treatment. Her parents who were not force sensitive discovered her ability from the living planet itself during a period where it sensed all Yuuzhan Vong force sensitive people and told the various domains who among them could use the force. As one of those "chosen" Ulu was sent to train in basic force abilities including Vongsense a skill believed necessary for helping the foolish adherents to the old ways that still roam the galaxy looking for war and pain.
Ulu was also trained as a Shaper and can create biots in most kinds if the right facilities are available.
Personal Sekotan Coralskipper
LIGHTSABER: Green single blade
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
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