Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unaffiliated Gear Recommendations

We have some pretty nice gear over in our Armory Manifest, but it's also a bit limited and I sometimes hesitate using it for my personal stuff or to outfit npc's that aren't necessarily affiliated with the Suns or because you want a more unique feel apart from the faction's. To that end I'm making this list that'll eventually cover armor, weapons, personal ships, and other gear that I find to be good quality, non-op, and open market, while still holding an appeal. If you have your own favorites feel free to PM me or to post them up yourself, this is going to be an ongoing project so don't think this is it!

Tenloss Warrior Helm: A heavy-duty class-7 helm That'll make you feel like a Mandalorian.

Champio-class Bodyarmor: A minor production class-8 heavy armor with some nice features and lightsaber resistance.

Warden-class Body Armor: Mass produced class-8 armor, its a bit more basic than the Champio but is great for NPC's and still holds minor lightsaber resistances.

Guardian Body Armor: Class-4 lightweight armor that doesn't disappoint. It comes standard with a wide range of features including a camouflage adapter, personal deflector shield, knuckle blades, and full HUD.

Artemis Pilot Suit: Mostly designed for flavor, pilots may get a kick out of using this superb fight suit.

Bloodwalker Boots: Incredibly durable leather combat boots with class-7 protection and made for splashing through acid puddles.

Mk-B Blast Vest: A no-frills blast vest with great protection, provided you only get hit in the torso. At 350 credits a pop, they're great for a merc just starting out or equipping a lot of people without breaking the bank.

Legionnaire Battle Armor: Everything you need, nothing you don't. A lot of thought went into this armor and it shows. Class-6.

ECHO Bactarma GEN-1: Stylish, protective class-7, and doses you with bacta when you've been hurt. The only drawback is a lack of secondary systems and weapons.

PDW-M1: This highly compact, lightweight, and accurate blaster has a blistering rate of fire. However it lacks in range (100-250m) and stopping power.

BTI-Reaver Repeater: A wonderfully unsubtle weapon, the Reaver lets you go Predator on people's ass. With an optional backpack power supply, this gun lays down an impressive amount of suppression fire.

BTI-Blaster Rifle: Fairly standard blaster rifle that's supposedly the spiritual successor to the E-11, nothing in particular stands out aside from its reliability.

BTI-TDL: Six round grenade launcher? Yes please!

Manticore GL: Twenty rounds! If you love da boom-boom put this very heavy grenade launcher on your Christmas list.

BTI-IBC: A dedicated anti-droid and stun carbine. Small profile helps its concealment.

Imp Semi-auto Blaster: Hi-capacity accurate compact blaster pistol. 'Nuff said.

CZ-840 Combat Shotgun: Classic 12 Gage. Fires two shells with each pull of the trigger. Zombies wont come within 50m of this beast.

BA-834 Browncoat Crossbow: A highly innovative bowcaster variant with multiple ammunition types. Very stylish and an instant classic.

AT-1 Wrist Slugthrower: Wrist-mounted sub-machine gun, perfect for up close and dirty work.

ARGH Flamer: Flamethrower that comes in four sizes from wrist to vehicle-mounted. Well thought out, balanced, and highly recommended.

M107 Headhunter: Barrett .50 cal 10 round semi-automatic. It's about time somebody ported this over. Just don't try running with it.

AT-90R Sniper Rifle: If you know the drawbacks of the BMG round, this is the rifle for you. Chambered in a .338 Lapua, this 'light' anti-material rifle will still shoot through the hover truck behind the hover truck you just shot through. This is a precision rifle, not just a brute-force monster.

AT-RL1 "Naast" Rocket Launcher: Four round cylinder fed launcher. Comes with four types of ammo for a variety of situations. Both guided and unguided. If you can convince Gabriel to sell to you it'll be well worth it.

BRKR-12 Combat Vibroblade: Vibroblade with a taser built into the bottom of the pommel, can either shock or cut, acts as an effective combat knife without the vibro function.
Gear & Gadgets

Hyperion Active Camouflage System: An excellent combination of active and passive camouflage for personal armor, downside is that it needs to be worked into an armor while it's being made.

Sonic Servodriver: Just trust me on this one and give it a look.

BA-830 Browncoat Utility Belt: Can you say "I'm Batman"? What better for a gadgets and gear section than the belt you need to keep them all on? Comes standard with some pretty nice ones itself.

Browncoat Datalogger: An innocuous bracelet computer great for getting you into places you probably shouldn't be while triggering every alarm along the way. How you get back out is up to you.

KUT-42 'Stark' Plasma Torch: The buster sword of plasma torches. Best used in zero-g after extensive training.

Anti-Force User Grenade: These babies are probably some of the coolest grenades out there and are far from the usual one-trick ponies. Firemane sells them despite their being listed as Omega Pyre affiliated.

Bodo Baas Gunbelt: A leather gunbelt that keeps your weapons from being messed with via the Force while they're holstered, also has the convenient side effect of always having that little extra bit of ammo.

Malreaux Reactive Lacquer: Spray-on protection against acid rain and other moderate acids.

Icon-Class Personal Energy Shield: With three type settings, this shield will leave you well defended against most light threats on the battlefield or you can choose and have a significant power boost against either kinetic or energy defense.

ACS Modular Probe Droids: A diverse set of four short range probe droids with a wide variety of functions like combat, erecting shields, repair, and of course scouting.

U-1 Med Kit: Why would you not? Or do you like dying horribly?

Biofoam: Stabilizing foam that you inject into a would n the battlefield to keep you alive until you reach proper medical attention.

Eagle Eye Analytics Kit: Just poisoned? Aren't sure if the local food is agreeable? This will counteract that venom and get you back on your feet. Eventually anyways...

Fire Paste: Think lighter fluid but goopy. Can light pretty much under any conditions into a controlled flame.

Portable Beacon: Ten thousand kilometer range, this beacon can be used to mark landing zones or other points of interest, can be reprogramed to act as a warning beacon or distress signal.

Peregrine Field Disruptor: Allows a small ship, no more than 40m, to pass through planetary and capital grade shields. Doing so is readily obvious and must be done without your own shields or any stealth system.

MT-1 Repulsor pack: Jetpack run off repulsor lifts. Now you can stop counting how many seconds of fuel you have left and worrying about strapping a bomb to your back.

500 Series Hyperdrive: Perfect for personal ships between 30-400 meters, the 500 series boasts a .6 hyperdrive and an integrated HIMS.

Ravenous-class Frigate: A light carrier, this 300m ship carries 4 squads of fighters and is packed with ion cannons, a great ship for lightning raids against smaller targets.

Pandorum heavy gunship: An excellently balanced ground/air attack gunship that'd I'd recommend anybody take a look at for mobile firepower.

Sicarius Stealth Yacht: A very fast passively stealthed transport. This is definitely a runner, not a fighter and I love it for that.

"The Truck" Dropship: 40 Troops and vehicles, a very well thought-out dropship slightly reminiscent of Halo's Pelican.

Heavy Freighter Lancer: A very interesting 'Heavy Freighter' with an immense cargo hold. Recommended for anyone that likes having armor or walkers backing up their 'negotiations.'

Baar’ur-class Medical Frigate: A highly effective medical frigate capable of fulfilling several rolls such as battlefield rescue and contagion outbreak.

Cabur-Class Patrol ship: A fast gunship designed for patrol and interdiction, most of the Cabur's weapons focus on disabling rather than outright destruction. Of course, what you 'patrol' with it is entirely up to the user.

Locust-Class Interceptor: Extremely maneuverable, this fist interceptor has great defenses at the cost of some armament in addition to some interesting sub-systems that break this ship away from your standard cookie cutter interceptor.

Blackbird: A stealth reconnaissance fighter similar to a stealth-X and as fast as an interceptor.

All Terrain Tactical Transport: This six-legged walker will let anyone stomp all over their competition without having to worry about those pesky tow-cables.

HMAT: A rather interesting artillery walker, its mass-driver can fire through some shields. Simple and sweet.

HA-AU-1: Lighting fast, this tank specializes in anti-armor and emplacement operations. Lacks its own armor or infantry weapons.

Nexu Speeder Bike: Practically a swoop, this fast bike lacks any real cargo capacity but more than makes up for it in looks alone.

The Sunstrider Swoop: 725kph, I cant ever remember seeing faster and decently armed to boot. I wouldn't bother with a helmet though, it's not going to help if you need it.

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