Soul of Naboo
A cold bead of sweat trickled down the umber skin of Djonas Vile has he moved debris from his path. The crumbled ruins of Bittie Land surrounded him as he looked upon the devastation that was wrought by the Confederacy's war. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he shook his head. So much work and money had gone to waste. So many lives lost. He could not protect them all. Though, he knew that going into the war. He would not forget those who fell. And, in their name, he would rebuild. One brick at a time, he would rebuild.
His injury had kept him bedridden on the Amidala's Lament for some years. No contact with any on the outside. Not even his love,
Ryssa Yvarro
, had heard from him since Naboo fell. His arms now rested in braces. He still was able to move them, however, not without some pain. The painkillers helped somewhat, but not enough. The pain reminded him of his failure. How he was not strong enough. He would be better. He had to. He had a family now. His own blood he had to protect. Someone besides his sister, that is. He wanted to meet him, but too much was going on. He had to be grown by now, he thought. Ryssa had sent him pictures of them and they've talked a few times before, but never in person. So many thoughts and regrets ran through his mind. What had he missed? Ryssa couldn't have told him everything. Maybe she did. He didn't know for sure. It troubled him a bit.
He had to stop thinking about that. His focus would have to be on the now or else he'd get lost in his thoughts and would get nothing done.
His injury had kept him bedridden on the Amidala's Lament for some years. No contact with any on the outside. Not even his love,

He had to stop thinking about that. His focus would have to be on the now or else he'd get lost in his thoughts and would get nothing done.