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Faction Uncharted: Worlds of Light (League and Outer Rim Forcers Jedi Coalition)


Tiland finished preparing the tea and let the pot heat gently as he set up the folding chairs. The room was dingy, well-worn, and not entirely clean, but that was hardly a surprise. This was essentially a community room. The Circle had no building of its own outside of Qi-Ko and the Pilgrims had none themselves.

But once again, the Church of the Force was more than willing to let them use their space. Tiland was again deeply grateful and made special healing tea for everyone who managed the chapter-house as a gift of thanks.

He had been searching himself and with help from the Jensaarai, but there had been no luck. So, he would now ask the other Force-users of the Outer Rim friendly to the Jedi and the League. When everyone had arrived and settled themselves, he would stand and clear his throat.

"Welcome, everyone, and thank you for being interesting in providing assistance. I was vague, but that is because of the rather secretive nature of the task I'm requesting help for. Some of you may be aware of the world of Qi-Ko, a seemingly deserted world that acts as a Force nexus due to the permaculture and Force-shaping practiced by its ancient inhabitants. However, while attempting to connect with Romi Jade Romi Jade to lend strength, the inhabitants' spirits revealed themselves as having moved themselves to dwell within kyber crystals. They sacrificed themselves to lend her their strength, but before they did, they informed me their civilization created three other garden worlds that they used as compass-points within the Force to navigate hyperspace by."

He let that sink in before continuing. "My friend Veino Garn has been assisting me in research, while I have traveled to Jakku and Acho-To in an attempt to find some record of the worlds. No luck. Something tells me this world will be important and of great value. So, I am asking for help."

Tiland handed out datacards and activated the holoprojector in the center of the room, displaying a summary of the information they had gathered on Qi-Ko.

"I'm afraid our information is vague, and limited. We had only just begun to piece together the history of the Qi-Kans when they disappeared. I welcome all ideas, and insights. Three more worlds are awaiting discovery, assuming they have survived this long. Qi-Ko's nexus is one that emphasizes harmony and balance. Whether the other planetary nexuses will be the same or not, I cannot say. Perhaps there is some sort of pattern there that we can theorize. Or for those of you who know how to chart hyperspace routes, perhaps there's a different way to find them. I must confess that these endeavors are outside of my expertise." He shrugged. "It's why I asked for help."

He cleared his throat and took a slow drink of tea. "At this point, I'm open for all suggestions and ideas. Any questions or thoughts?"

Welcome to the opening thread of the first campaign for the Rimward Trade League Force users and friends, which I loosely call the League of Light! I'm not planning on DMing any of these or dictating what sort of things we do. I'd much prefer a community-driven storyline and world-development sort of arc that many others can contribute to!

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais had ventured from the Jedi Enclave on Svivren to be among those attending to Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun 's request for assistance in this new endeavour, the Jedi Knight glad to be able to provide any sort of assistance to the Rimward Trade League, as well as the opportunity to meet with and spend time among friends of the Outer Rim Territories, and those with similar paths in life.

Some time back, while serving under the Outer Planets Alliance, Caedyn had founded the Jedi Coalition for this exact sort of purpose. To help enrich the lives of those within the Outer Rim, as well as establish and maintain a presence of Jedi there, able to assist all in need, outside the influence of government and political interests. Having arrived via the Repertoire, he had invited any others who wished to participate in the elder Master's quest of discovery.

Standing alongside the others surrounding the holo-projector within the centre of the room, Caedyn smiled briefly to Master Kortun as he was handed the datacard containing information on the Qi-Ko, that which would soon be inserted into his datapad and the information brought up for quick browsing while focusing more so on what their host was detailing about the search for these three missing planets. Familiar with the names of both Veino Garn Veino Garn and Romi Jade Romi Jade , his interest was piqued by their mention, and gradually the datapad would be returned to his belt for later study.

"Master Kortun, if I may" Caedyn spoke up once being given the chance, "Do we have any knowledge or even a hint as to what area of space these three worlds may be located?" he enquired, able to commit vessels to the search yet it'd be like finding a specific needle within a stack of needles without the appropriate information first required.

He hoped that Qi-Ko had at the very least given them some form of suggestion as to where they begin.

Salazar was a stranger to everyone in the room except of the Grandmaster Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . He was unaware that such planets could co-exist. He patiently waited for everyone else's opinion as he was completely new to such meetings. He curiously read the entire details listed about Qi-Ko in the datacard and was trying to find out anything that could lead them to the other 3 planets.

All his time in the Silver Rest, he never read of anything closely related to it. But he was adamant in finding these worlds. He raised his hands up in doubt,
"Grandmaster, if I may as well". He waited for Caedyn Arenais to finish & once he got his chance, he stood up and said, "If Qi-Ko's nexus emphasizes in bringing harmony & balance, then rest assured we will find nexuses aligned to both light and dark in between these planets, as both are needed to preserve the balance. I want an opinion on if we could all together deeply meditate and reach out as far as possible & try to find places that call out to us the most. If these planets are force nexuses then they will leave a certain print of the Force all round it. I am pretty sure that it is worth a try. What do u guys think? Grandmaster?" He waited for a response as he kept standing.
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Like the others, Dair had answered the call of Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , the Grandmaster of the Circle of the Light Hand. He had only met the Anzati a handful of times but had a deep, abiding respect for the Jedi. Dair listened as first Caedyn Arenais and then Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen spoke, his chin resting in his hand lightly as he let the information roll around his mind.

"Quite right, if Qi-Ko emphasizes harmony and balance we must be prepared for the others to reflect other aspects of the Force." Dair agreed, nodding towards the Cathar Jedi. "Does the Force shaping the Qi-Kans used leave any specific signature in the Force? If we have any idea where to look or what to look for we will have an easier time finding it." He looked around the room, his thoughts still churning.

'Maybe we can measure the relative distance from the center of the Core and look for planets at the same distance around the galaxy...' He thought to himself, not quite ready to suggest that.

Salazar sat down as Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> started to speak. With his hands in front of him, he patiently listened to him. But after he finished, he felt as if Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> still had something in his mind, altough he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He shied away from imploring him to speak his mind as he didn't know him at all.

He leaned forward a bit when he saw a slight pause of silence in the room & clearing his throat, he spoke,
"This journey won't be easy. But we will have to pool all our ideas & come up a plan that uses all the approved plans. But that wouldn't be possible if we don't speak up our mind freely. That goes to you Master Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> . Speak your mind up freely. Anything & everything can be used. We never know which one works."

He then turned to the Grandmaster and asked, "Grandmaster with your permission, I would like to put up the Galactic Map."

Caedyn Arenais Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive>

Tiland listened to each in turn, slowly nodding his head in as he mulled over each of their ideas and their plans. He sorted through them one at a time before formulating a response to all three of them.

"We know they used them to navigate- suggesting they act as individuated compass points, which suggests they will all be on the edge of the galaxy. We know Qi-Ko's location and can calculate its galactic orbit over the past few thousand years. That can serve as a base dataset for any form of astrographic calculations for someone with navigational know-how."

He nodded to Salazar. "Be my guest, do pull up the map. It can never hurt to visualize data and its information. It may give us something useful."

He ran through the various questions again before nodding. "As for any signature Force-effects, what is most noticeable is how closely connected the nexus and the planet feel. Some places the nexus and the planet feel separate, but this is the first that feels truly the same, like the planet and the nexus were formed together. And I find the idea that the possibility of the other planets being different aspects of the Force entirely plausible."

Tiland closed his eyes to consider for a moment. "Deep meditation may be of use, if we can reach out far enough. Qi-Ko, I can sense from here, as I've become a part of its ecosystem. Perhaps it can be used as a focal point to amplify our senses across the galaxy."
Good Men Don't Need Rules
"When life can be birthed of the force, then so can celestial objects."

Having been floating in space for some time, a Rogue Jedi, a wandering light in the void of space is all that I have accepted myself to be as. Traveling the galaxy is what I have done many times in the past, and will continue to do so. Quite different from my initial thoughts upon the creation and fall of the Wardens.

It seemed like years had passed since I had last seen the Tea-addict of a Man that would be Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun . Having remembered us fighting a Lion upon a random planet we crashed upon with some Outer Rim Judges, where he aided me in dealing with wounds. Still, I stood within the vicinity of the others as they spoke. Bring up notions of Nexuses that had to have been formed after the fact, yet there were many times in the force where it can act entirely against what one may propose. The Jedi and Sith have had literal eons to study such aspects, yet new ones were being found it seems every other month.

"Legends of Celestial beings that could create their own dimensions, as well as having been to the Netherworld, I have no doubt that the possibility of a planet being formed in Wild Space, uncharted space as it remains for eons now, could have been a planet with a nexus naturally formed. There are many aspects of the force that remain neutral until acted upon."

Withdrawing a lightsaber crystal from my pocket, one that is rather plain and natural. I held it up.

"Crystals are an example. Neutral until gathered by a Light sider, or a Dark sider. What I fear with meditation upon these nexuses within the stars, is that they could have become altered, and thus become overlooked."

Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Caedyn Arenais Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen

Salazar was confused to the Grandmaster's proposal. "Grandmaster, if I may say something against your statement." Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun nodded to him & then he spoke, "What would you say we would be searching for if we amplify our senses. The neutral worlds are the hardest one to find & the Dark nexus would bring with it some unexpected gifts don't u think?"

He then heard & thought for a while what Kaleleon Kaleleon said. He replied to him, "True. Without a nudge towards one direction, such nexuses would surely stay neutral in the force. So for now we know that Qi-ko, some time in the past was obviously nudged towards the light side. And if these nexuses are truly connected, then the planet on the opposite pole has surely been affected in the opposite way due to the small nudge on Qi-ko." Something was bothering him. He was hesitating a lot before he finally spoke his mind, "We might need a Sith to venture this dark nexus balancing Qi-ko, or else one of us will have to volunteer to let the dark side flow through us. Both are a risk but I don't see any other way."

He ran a small routine on the map to plot Qi-ko's transition in the galactic orbit in the past ten thousand years. He then flipped the path on the opposite side on the galactic map & faintly highlighted the area near the flipped path. "There. I suggest that the volunteer would to meditate while a team watches over him & the ship can fly through this line," he moved his finger over the line only to be shocked, "And oh my! No wonder. The area's completely inside Imperial, Sith, Warlord & Bryn territory. All enemies. they won consider even if we go in for a simple exploration mission." Salazar sat down, scratched his head for a moment and then said. "We need to put stealth ships into consideration. I can ask my Legion to send in a
C-90 with a detachment of Infiltrators for general protection. The corvette can travel 1.17 billion kilometres at a sublight speed of 65 MGLT in real space for a month before it needs rations again but it can hide real good. What do you all say?"

Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Caedyn Arenais
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Dair listened intently to those around him as they spoke and revealed his thoughts for him concerning the possible locations.

Dair stepped up and tapped on the icon furthest from Qi'ko.

"This one is beyond claimed space, to my knowledge no planetary systems have been discovered past Belkadine. With good hyperspace engines and the Will of the Force we could travel the Hydian Way to Ord Radama. That's New Imperial territory, and they are on good terms with the New Jedi Order. We could get clearance to restock there if we go through NJO contacts. From there we could travel through NIO space up to unclaimed territory or try to make a short hop through the Sith Empire to Ashlan space. They are...Jedi." He seemed reticent to call them that, though they ostensibly followed the Jedi Code. "Essentially Jedi Imperials..." He couldn't help from voicing some of his feelings on the topic of Imperials, his voice sharpened. "It wouldn't be the most comfortable for us to go through either group for assistance, but it is doable. The Alliance has been pushing the Sith on the opposite end of their territory, so once we are at Ord Radama we should be past most of their attention, force willing."


Salazar narrowed his eyes, thinking of a plan based on what Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> said. "You mean the Imperial Force Corps right? Rather than going covert, your plan will be better i agree. But there are some complications. Firstly, a Jedi contingent will attract unwanted eyes. But chances will be low if you, Tevra Nezaine & Jax Thio Jax Thio goes on the mission. You 3 have strong ties with the NIO & can come up with a diplomatic exploration mission on the behalf of The New Jedi Order to cover our real mission. Secondly, the diplomatic mission would also give you access to a better class of ship without having to hide but again that would mean they will be tracking your every move at the slightest suspicion."

Salazar stood up, went to the map & highlighted the icon that Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> marked & titled "SUSPECT 1-1". He turned to the Grandmaster Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun and asked him, "Grandmaster, you have students from all over the galaxy. None from NIO whose aid we could enlist? Their reputation is great at finding threats against the Empire. Without anyone to watch our back, we will be mistaken for aggressors & if they find the nexuses, there's no guarantee that they will not use for their own personal gain."

Caedyn Arenais Kaleleon Kaleleon
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Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Kaleleon Kaleleon Caedyn Arenais

TIland was lost in thought, assessing the words of the various Jedi have come to help find these worlds. He was still focusing on the question about what it was that marked Qi-Ko, something separate and identifiable. After a moment, he came back to the question as they asked him.

"No, I have no students among the NIO. I do not teach my arts or skills to those prone to imperialism or the use of violence to impose their wills on others. So it is same with Cedric's disciples as well." A thought struck him and he closed his eyes to consider.

"Spirals and triangles," Tiland finally answered. "Qi-Kan architecture and design is based around a combination of spirals and triangles, often interlinked. It is something that can almost be felt within the Force as well."

Another pause.

"And you are correct, these planets could certainly have been naturally developed and then adjusted, but from my study of Qi-Ko, I think cultivated is a better descriptor. The Qi-Kans were very intentional in their work and how they designed their habitations and societies to harmonize with the world already there."

As they discussed covert plans of infiltration, faux diplomatic covers, Tiland could only raise an eyebrow. "We're in the Trade League here. Why not just talk to a freighter captain? They're exceptionally skilled here on Susefvi and more than a few are Force-sensitives, although they do a fair job of hiding it, or at least not mentioning it. Most of them flew with the Underground against the One Sith and the Coalition against the First Order, so they're very adept at getting in and out on normal business, and can usually act independently for quite some time. We don't need the Concord armed forces or the GA to provide us cover."

The question about the Dark Side planet did concern him, as it would be difficult and uncomfortable, but he shrugged. "And if we need to meditate on the Dark Side. I can assume the risk so others do not need to. It is in my blood, as some might say, or would be if I actually had any."

Salazar patiently listened to the Grandmaster. Although he respected the Grandmaster, he was very well aware what an Anzati was capable of, that too one such strong in the force. "Grandmaster, I do respect your concern for not allowing anyone of us to touch the Dark Side. But rest assured, the team will have a better chance eliminating me if I am not able to relinquish the dark side than they have if you aren't able to. I am not judging your capability master, please don't get me wrong, I merely am afraid; afterall, what are we, any of us, against the Force. It might be in your blood as you say master, but it's in my blood too. If I go over to the dark side, my urge will be to get angry & let go of my primal raw instincts. As for you, it will be to feed. So please master, let me take on the role. I am easier to eliminate if I don't have any weapon with me at the time of my meditation."

Salazar, ashamed of speaking out to the Grandmaster in such a manner, went silent for a few minutes and then continued, "And about the Qi-Kans, If they made them for a purpose, then master there can be no one better than you to find out what that purpose was. There can be some other reason for making them too. They were aware of the planets, so they will have designed their architecture only to maintain the balance or preserving it, keeping it from changing."

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Kaleleon Kaleleon Caedyn Arenais
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Caedyn Arenais

"The Jedi undergo their training for this exact reason" Caedyn spoke up after listening to the back and forth of the group, "There is arguably no one better equipped to face the threat of the Darkside than we are ourselves, for unlike the Sith we know not to be so easily tempted by the lure of power self-serving purpose. I would rather not involve a practitioner of the Darkside in this venture if we can help it". Fear was what often led Force Sensitives off the beaten path, luring them away from the light and into obscurity; In Caedyn's opinion, fearing what might come would undoubtedly only distract them from making progress toward their objective. Planning and thinking ahead was key, but fearing that which had not yet happened was only certain to incite doubt and uncertainty, clouding their way forward.

"I agree with the suggestion of a skilled crew a solid freighter. The Rimward Trade League have many connections and it would not be difficult to enlist the help of a few good men and women willing to take us where we need to go, in much more covert means..." He didn't outright say it, but it wouldn't be the first time that Caedyn had worked with smugglers in the past. Despite their reputation, not all of them were thieves and killers, just good people trying to get by. In the Outer Rim, they didn't have the same luxuries as the Core Worlds or the Expansion Regions did.

"Excluding the Bryn'adul, most established powers in the Galaxy are less likely to stop us on our transit if we're flying under a reasonable alias or vessel identification. Traders, for example, are needed all across the Galaxy and even the Sith rely on supplies coming to and from their territories. It's the nature of the Galactic Economy" he elaborated with a half-smirk; "We may be Jedi, but no one else needs to know that for the sake of this endeavour".

Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun | Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen
"I agree..." Dair spoke, his eyes still on the map. "...that undertaking the role of traders would benefit us. Covert action for the sake of bettering our understanding of the Force. It makes me wish Master Kian Karr were around to journey with us." There was a twinkle of reminiscence in his eye, though it was touched with a smile on his face.

"Shadows we shall be." He nodded, his smile widening. In his life he had mostly undertaken the role of Guardian, a role very fit for the stature born of his Valkyri blood. He had also gone on several missions under the Republics Master Shadow in his earlier days of knighthood. He had enjoyed both lifestyles, though of late had hoped for a more contemplative life to broaden his knowledge of the Force. He didn't know if he could ever truly rank among the Consulars, his primary knowledge and instincts were still of battles, but it was his current goal.

"I have a ship, though it is a poor freighter and easily identifiable to any who have knowledge of the Jedi of the Republic. Even with a paint job it would be fairly easy to identify it as a Jedi vessel." He shrugged. His life hadn't really required subterfuge of late. "I am also less familiar with the Rim and its people, who that we can trust would be amenable to flying us?"


"Then a primary approach is settled. One contingent will traverse around the first line, exploring all systems there." He traced his finger over the line he drew around SUSPECT 1-1. He opened a file beside the holomap & titled it "Volunteers for First Voyage", & put his name on it saying, "I volunteer myself for this mission. Those of you who want to go just put your name on it." He didn't say anything about who would get on with the meditation as that can be decided later on.

"I agree with others. For this particular planet, since it is primarily on enemy territory, let's not use any of our resources & rely on smugglers. Caedyn Arenais
, Grandmaster Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun , both of you might be our expert on outer rim traders & know folks who can help us with all we need. We can even bring one of them with us on the mission & pose to be his crew members. Any particular one's name come first in both of your minds?" He waited as the knight & Grandmaster looked at each other. Meanwhile, he turned to Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> , "I think you should volunteer too master. You have sizable experience with covert operations & we could surely use your help. I will contact my troops to send me all the information they have on all Sith & Imperial installments in that region. And if any of you can fill other info, please pool them too in this file. We could really use any & all info. It will be unwise to move into enemy territory without sufficient intel on their installations there." He opened another filed with everyone's name on it & titled, "INTEL POOL"

Kaleleon Kaleleon

Kaleleon Kaleleon Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Caedyn Arenais

Tiland's eyes twinkled at Salazar's comment, "The instinct to feed is always present. It's what happens when you don't eat for nine-hundred years. Can't really be helped, I'm afraid. But I do appreciate your concern. As for finding a spacer, I do recommend any of the Tillians. They have a good reputation as a company and are generally sympathetic towards the Jedi and the need for working discreetly."

As Dair spoke, Tiland nodded, considering. "Well, if there's one thing the League has individuals capable of doing, it's changing transponder codes. and refitting a ship to be something different. And the Galactic Republic collapsed many years ago, so it would not be unusual for others to get hold of them second-hand and reuse them for their own purposes."

He wrapped his hands together and considered. "Indeed, a small team of surveyors to scout out this far region would be of great importance. If you head to the dock district, you can find the Tillian Family Enterprises dockyard, and there's likely to be somebody there who can be either chartered or able to change the transponder codes. Naturally, you heard no such thing from me." He laughed softly for a moment before shaking his head. "And I can return to Qi-Ko to study their design principles more to try and discern their cognitive geography."

Caedyn Arenais

"The Tillian Family or Arryn Jhanson" Caedyn nodded in agreement, speaking of the only other privateer that he had met in person and had previous business with; "Though he goes by Ay-Jae..." the man gave a small shrug, the point unimportant in the greater mix of things.

"I also have a crew aboard the Vagabond. It's a cruiser currently patrolling the Outer Rim. I'll pass on the information to them and see if anything comes about from it" Caedyn added, speaking on his thoughts as his mind turned to Captain Gene Whayeson. The pair had been on many a naval operation, both seeing combat and running explorative or humanitarian assignments, the majority of them much closer to the Core Worlds.

"It might not be a bad idea for others to do the same. Especially contacts within the Galactic Alliance or other likely contacts that no doubt have access to a sizeable database of navigational data" Caedyn suggested thoughtfully, eventually glancing back to Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun and not knowing what else to say, as opposed to actually getting out there and physically searching.

Kaleleon Kaleleon // Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen // Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> // Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun
Caedyn Arenais Kaleleon Kaleleon Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive>

Tiland clasped his fingers together, nodding, listening, and assessing. Always considering the possibilities, options, and what they evoked. Nothing felt wrong, per se, but neither did anything feel right. Perhaps there was something they had missed, some option they had not seen, or the timing was not quite right. There was no way to know or say. Or, most probably, this was a course they had to chart themselves, each step of the way.

Not always did the Force guide every step, only the key decisions and intersections where the threads of fate diverged. "I think we have accomplished all we can with this meeting, friends. Thank you. Let us reach out to gather what information we can and then the first team can depart. Does that sound reasonable?"

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Salazar kept quiet for some time listening to others & slowly got lost in his thoughts. When the Grandmaster finally finished speaking, he snapped back, & recollecting everything that was said, he spoke up, "I think the other two planets will be harder to find compared to this one. So we should also get a second team with more time to survey the area around the jurisdiction of Brotherhood of Maw, while we survey for the first. In my opinion, let's take two weeks of time and gather all information we can & meet up to decide upon the team division & logistical issues. But until then, I would suggest the Grandmaster should split certain duties among me, Caedyn Arenais , Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> & Kaleleon Kaleleon so that we can avoid unnecessary redundancies."

As he finished his speech, he stood up looking at the Grandmaster for his orders.
Caedyn Arenais Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Kaleleon Kaleleon

Tiland nodded slowly, considering. "Caedyn and Dair, you two are both very familiar with the Outer Rim and many of its peoples. Could you two locate a ship willing to help with that? Salazar, could you assemble the essential supplies and reach out with your contacts to get some intelligence on the area? Kaleleon, could you plot out a search grid that would open up as much coverage as possible without running too close to any known government outposts?"

He considered for a moment. "Any further questions or thoughts before we proceed?"

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