Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uncommon Crystals

A brilliant flash of light preceded the Monarch as it slipped back into real space, the vessel slowly lumbering towards an ancient system. A small smirk rest upon her lips as she stood aboard the bridge of the Star Destroyer, golden hues focused forward as she silently waited. Her arms remained clasped behind her back, the long cloak cascading down her back and remaining pooled at her feet. Taking a step forward, the cloak seemed to billow out from her movement as her arms were pulled to the front.
Crossing her arms over her chest, she nodded to herself, watching the shifting movement of the various rocks as they collide together. What little information they had on this system had been handed to her before the jump to hyperspace - and even then it was merely more or less just the history of this place. A world whose moon was once mined for crystals and later destroyed by the ancient Sith - either way - she felt that it was needed to traverse the dangers of space to visit this ancient scared world, even with the bounty on her.
"Ma'am, we should be in position momentarily."
"Good, give the order to have tractor beams lock onto some more manageable pieces of debris and bring them into the hanger. We can process them later once we return to Commenor."
"Yes Ma'am."
Her attention then returned towards the debris field before the Star Destroyer, watching carefully as she took another step towards the windows of the bridge. Remaining silent, all she could do was wait until the operation had run its course before returning home with the valuable items.

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