Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Uncover the Faces of Old [NJO; open to 3 characters]

universe entire with-you


Then marble, soften'd into life, grew warm.
Alexander Pope

The Jedi were slowly stitching their Temple back together, at least structurally. The decorations had yet to be restored, but that was understandable. Something ought to be functional before it was made fancy.

Efret had gathered, either with her own hands or those of others she had recruited to help her, a selection of relatively intact slabs of marble from the cleared rubble into the workroom attached to the Temple museum. They were all of different sizes, thicknesses and widths, when she began preparing them for what she had in mind, and still were after she cut and polished most of them.

Like many of the original cultural artifacts that had been on display in the museum next door, a majority of the sculptures that had adorned the Temple’s countless podiums in its halls were shattered to such a degree that applying Force healing to the abiotic substrates would simply not reproduce a fully intact work. Still, some full sets of a few library busts had been recovered. But, really, what better for morale than to breathe beautiful new life into what the Dark Empire counted as destroyed?

Efret didn’t expect this experiment to yield sculptures that were necessarily done in the traditional style, but, even if it didn’t, perhaps the time had come for a bit of personality to be added to the Temple’s artistic aesthetics.

So, she had put out a sign-up sheet in the Great Hall, advertising three slots for an impromptu art lesson. If it was popular, perhaps she'd offer it again. After all, she could hardly replace all the sculptures that had been lost herself.

When the date specified came and the hour drew near, she buzzed around the museum workshop, getting the last few things ready for her students. The door was propped open for any that had come early.

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Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr

Art and culture were... very much not Gatz's area of expertise. Or even his area of interest.

Yeah, a man from Theed, Naboo, cultural and artistic wonder that it was, couldn't appreciate such things. He was like a walking, talking oxymoron, he knew. But the truth was: those who grew up as destitute as he had, had little time to be invested in the arts or even in his own culture. They were too busy trying to make enough money to get by, to be spending it on museum and art gallery admissions.

Still... injured as he was after the siege, and without a working lightsaber, there wasn't a whole lot Gatz could do to help the Order as a whole. He'd spent a lot of time in the medical camps, and field hospitals, but most of the wounded had either been tended to, or moved to actual facilities now. Gatz had almost decided that he'd done all he could, currently, in his condition.

Until he saw the sign-up sheet Master Farr had posted. And he'd thought to himself: a Jedi was always learning, right? So... why not learn something new, and maybe help a respected Master scavenge a little bit of their history and culture?

That was what had brought Gatz to the museum workshop, a little earlier than the notice had posted.

"Master Farr," Gatz gave a respectful bow, wincing slightly as he disturbed a suture, "I'm glad to see you again."


Objective: Learn something new
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr / Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar


Marble sculpting was way out of his field. Curiosity on the other hand had different ideas.

As a kid from Azbrian, he knew a basic level of arts and crafts through his father's teaching on the homestead. However, that was only ever through wood, nowhere near the level of stone or marble that he considered levels above his skill. Today was a chance to give it a go, not that he'd be any good at it but the whole thing was all for good fun.

Arriving at the meeting early, he soon noticed the familiar face of Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar who seemed to be still looking worse for wear. It didn't surprise him considering the coruscant attack was still raw, Silas himself still had some visible cuts and bruises on his face from the fight with a cyborg woman who wouldn't go down.

"Long time no see Gatz, it's good to see you again." he said before standing beside him "Or should I say Knight Derrevar?"

Silas smiled at the fully fledged knight with a respectful nod. Then, looking at their teaching of the day he soon showed the same courtesy.

"Master Farr, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. It is a shame we haven't crossed paths until now."

Destruction was a friend to Ran. Standing on debris and detritus was more familiar than it wasn’t. In dusty old ruins and on the battlefield Ran navigated it all without a second thought, but in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant destruction was unacceptable.

She looked around and she could see progress. Halls were cleaner, scaffolding and material were being staged, and familiar and unfamiliar faces came to the temple's aid. It would have been enough to warm her heart, if it hadn’t already been the least bit hurt.

She hurt herself with what ifs. They ran across her mind incessantly unless she kept herself busy. The biggest what if being a matter of presence. What if I were at the temple, when the Dark Empire made their move? She wondered. Would it have changed anything? The questioning would continue. She’d heard it said a single Jedi could turn the tides of battle, but it seemed that the attempted invasion on Coruscant was anything but an ordinary battle.

The fact was Ran regretted her role in the invasion’s events. She had played the role of humanitarian, and evacuated those left behind in the lower levels under the thumb of the syndicates. The common rabble had called her a savior, a rescuer, and a hero. But war was what she was good at and in her heart of hearts she was more a warrior than a hero. So with her insecurities at an all time high, an amount of debt to be paid to the criminal syndicates, and unearned feelings of regret, she stood outside the entry of the workshop looking for a way to escape her feelings or something much, much better.

Ran walked in. “Forgive my lateness.” She volunteered to the other three Jedi in the room.

There was Efret Farr. A Jedi she was well aware of but hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting. They shared a similar interest in archaeology and Ran had looked forward to the moment they would make contact. It was one of the main motivators in her signing up for the lesson. A few steps away were two other knights. They were unknowns to Ran, but not for long.

“Ran Serys,” She curtsied to all. “A pleasure.” She said before taking her place beside the others. “Shall we?” She gestured to the tools and materials Master Farr had laid out for them. Ran was eager to begin. She almost never flexed her creative mind save for the moments she’d spent alone in her ship’s workshop drawing up blueprints for different lightsaber models she thought up.
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universe entire with-you

Nirrah ruffled her feathers against the side of Efret's neck to alert her to someone entrance into the workshop. The master set down the last tool she had to lay out and turned her head to behold the Order's newest Jedi knight. A very warm smile formed on her face. The Force had fulfilled her hopes. "Oh, my dear," she greeted in turn, the computerized voice coded into her GBSL interpretation unit speaking the meaning her signs conveyed. Perhaps she should have been more formal given Gatz' new station, but her hands formed the pet name before she could stop them. "Congratulations on your knighthood. I'm very sorry that I was not at your ceremony. I hope you found great company and merriment, and I know you will find great success on this path."

Another knight entered shortly after. She smiled at him as well. "Likewise. Thank you for coming. What's your name?"

Then, she motioned to the three stations she had set up. Each had an array of sculpting tools and a few personal protective items like goggles and gloves. "Pick any spot you please. We'll get started soon."

They waited a few minutes past the time the lesson was supposed to start. "Of course, and it's not a problem," she told Ran after she introduced herself.

"I applaud all of your willingness to try something new," she began once they all were settled. "Making art is not for all, though I do believe that we all are perfectly capable of it, and sculpture is not for all artists. Stone in particular is a challenging medium overall, but don't worry; we'll be working with relatively soft marble recycled from fallen rubble taken from the grounds." She gestured to the many, many cut blocks of marble crowded to side of the workshop. "Stone carving is also a slow process. If you do not finish your sculptures, I will not be disappointed. We as an Order are at war. When the many battles ahead begin, few of us will have the time or energy to dedicate to art projects." She smiled sadly. Neither of those realities she wanted to acknowledge but she knew she must anyway. "Those of us who still do can finish your sculpture for you, or, alternatively, you may as you can make the time to do so. In that case, I will make this workshop available to you at your leisure.

"You have noticed that I set everything you need at your workstation but a piece of marble. That's because I want you to pick. Call me a bit..." Her fingers drummed on the air as she pondered word choice. "...of an oxymoronic consular but if I can do my archeological fieldwork with my own two hands as opposed to with the Force, I tend to. The few times I've recreated a sculpture, I've carved it mostly by hand but used the Force to guide my block selection. If you have found a kyber crystal on Ilum, the idea is similar. The marble should feel as if it wants to be chosen. It should all but ask to be carved."

She paused to allow for the information to percolate. "Unless there are questions, you may wander." She motioned again at the miniature stone forest with its staggered heights and various shades of white and brown. Some were small enough to be set on a tabletop while others would need to remain on the floor.


Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber | Khair Stone
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Ran Serys Ran Serys

"Or should I say Knight Derrevar?"

Gatz was surprised to see another familiar face here. He hadn't seen Silas since... shoot, before he'd come back to the Order! If he was being completely honest, he was also a little surprised to hear Valery's former student offer congratulations. After the way they'd first met, and the embarrassing, grieving, drunken mess Gatz had been, he hadn't expected Silas to think he was worthy of the distinction of being knighted.

"It's crazy, right?" Gatz grinned, "even I'm not sure how I tricked Valery in knighting me."

But he supposed the answer was that he hadn't tricked her at all. Couldn't have, Valery was smarter than he was. He'd actually earned the right. Gatz was still putting together how.

“Ran Serys,”

The next Jedi who stepped into the room was someone Gatz wasn't familiar with at all. That was good, he thought. It never hurt one to meet new colleagues, especially ones who were was tall as Knight Serys—taller than him, and he was six foot. On second thought... Gatz missed when he was the tallest person in the room. He liked being tall. It was amusing to poke fun at his shorter friends.

Now he was the shorter friend. Damn.

"Gatz Derrevar," he smiled at Ran, "a pleasure to meet you."

But then the lesson began proper.

Sculpting was not something Gatz had prior experience with. He was good with his hands, and always had been, but he had pursued mechanical talents, not artistic. They, too, required dexterity and deftness of touch, but he was uncertain of how well that would translate. Gatz supposed there was only one real way to find out.

Master Farr bid them to select their marble, and to rely on the Force as they would when finding a kyber crystal. Gatz was largely unsurprised by that—in many ways, the polymath Master seemed more attuned to the Force than most Jedi he'd met. So, he did was he was bid... and simply wandered for a moment, waiting for the right feeling.

"Tell me, Master—" Gatz then stopped, and turned to Efret, remembering that she read lips, "Master, how long have you been sculpting?"


Objective: Learn something new
Tag: Efret Farr Efret Farr / Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar / Ran Serys Ran Serys


"As crazy as that may seem Valery did it for a reason. Be proud of your achievement, you've earned it"

Gatz had put in the work to become a knight, no doubt about it. The title wasn't handed out to just anyone, it required dedication and patience to finally reach that level in the order. From the little he had interacted with Gatz he seemed to have that in abundance, so there was no reason why he should have been putting himself down like that. Silas was unsure if Gatz had seen how far he had from being that drunk, lost man he once was. He had really turned his life around for the better.

"The name is Silas Westgard, my apologies for not introducing myself"

Standing back a few steps he listened intently to what their teacher was explaining. As initially thought, the skill of stone carving required great skill. He was unsure if he'd carry it on after this, but if the lesson interested him enough he wouldn't hesitate to attend more lessons out of principle. Time was the main player and considering he had passions to consume what little time he had left outside of Jedi life it was a small chance he'd get to a high level.

Silas quickly glanced to the right and nodded to Ran "Greetings Ran, I believe we haven't crossed paths before either" He said with a smile before allowing Gatz to ask his question. He was quite interested himself to hear of the experience she had...

Watching Efret sign and listening to the interpretation unit was an experience Ran wouldn't forget for some time. Her ignorance humbled her and she realized how grateful she was for the mechanical resources they were allowed. As the thought crossed her mind, the Jedi Knight smiled for the first time in several days. Then she continued to watch Efret and consider the mechanized speech.

With some thought, Ran quickly settled on the subject of her sculpture. It was to be a bust. A bust of her long dead ancestor, the Jedi Knight, Ular Unill. Without him she wouldn't be here. It was his ghost that watched over her path, his ghost that guided her to his holocron, and it was his ghost that instructed Ran in the creation of her very first lightsaber. The very lightsaber that hung from her hip. She wanted to honor him and all he'd done for her.

As she walked through the small stone forest, Ran thought of the last time she'd seen her ancestor's ghost. She remembered it well. He was funny, and oddly charming. Equal parts eccentric and whimsical. Like Ran, he was a creature of instinct and instructed her to rely on it heavily. So many times Ran would find herself completing tasks and acting without thinking, not out of impulsivity or reckless abandon but just based solely on feeling, and surrendering herself over to the serenity she could find in a moment. She often wondered if it was a good thing to surrender herself over to the force like that. It hadn't led her astray yet and it wouldn't today as she found herself standing beneath a large chunk of soft marble. It was taller than her. It was perfect for what she envisioned.

Ran glanced over at Silas. "Have you decided on a stone yet, Silas?" She asked from across a few rows of stones. "Do you know what your sculpture will be?" She continued with a genuine and casual curiosity.

When Efret looked her way, Ran grabbed her attention. Enunciating clearly the knight spoke so the Master could read her lips. "Master Farr, I have a good feeling about this stone," Ran gestured toward the massive marble piece that was wider than her, and stood a few heads higher. It was one of the largest one in the room. It would take her a lot longer than the class to sculpt, but Ran was a dedicated craftswoman and would surely return to continue work on it between assignments and other duties. "With your permission, I will use it." Ran declared, but did want some sort of confirmation or council on its choice from the Master.


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