Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uncovering Hidden Secreats

Location: Nar Shaddaa, Sector 32, Bloated Woprat Tavern

The place was a total mess, probably the best place to find any kind of lowlife in the Outer Rim here. He needed some information about this area, and the senator was willing to go to these lengths to get the results he needed. Jaster Awaud, the general of the Republic Military, and corporate owner of the UTC had sent him to this general area to find the lowlife he was looking for. The Senator wanted to have a Criminal in his pocket, as they were moving into the Hutt Territories, there was much to gain from the criminal area. In truth there was a lot that was yet to be uncovered. Many of the criminal syndicates were only interested in the Spice Mining, yet just like on Teth, the trade value of the area was more important. And were better to get Trade Information then the Smugglers Moon. Drugs, Murders, and Stealing was the Low Life Crimes. Information was often more important then gold or Phrik in most places. He was deep in with the Corporate World, but if you wanted something cheap you had to get it from a criminal.

Dracks was one of the few Senators of the small Republic Remnant, as such, he was relatively untouchable by small meetings here. He was here to find out details from the hyperlanes that were used by the famed Hutt Lord [member="Sempra the Hutt"], and his Pirate Admiral [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]. It was legend that these famed criminal lords harasser convoys through unique Smuggling routes with sizable fleets. Getting this info would be the work of this contact he was about to meet, and he would pay the man very well for his troubles.

The Alien creature that was Tobias Dracks was a rare species, and as such many people did not look at him with ease. As he approched the bar, he looked to the bartender, and spoke with a deep nearly machine like voice that seemed to echo from within his throat and viberated out his mouth or nose, "I'll have a Hutt Surprise if you please, sir."

The bartender looked at him with an odd look and then a grin, "Sorry my friend, but those or poisonous to anyone but a Hutt."

Dracks laid around 50 credits on the bar and looked back to the man with a straight face, "Then consider this a down payment for my funeral... friend." The bartender, strucken by the amount of credits for a single drink could not refuse. He took the credits and went to mix the drink without a word. It was now time for him to wait for the man calling himself [member="Crawford"].

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