Drio'Vix Bacho
Within his chambers Drio practiced his blade work. Aggressively maneuvering through several dummies integrating harsh melee attacks within his Juyo form. Flashbacks of his life fueling him to ever more intense practice. Whirling around to deliver a final blow imbued with the force; his chamber doors opened as the dummy came crashing to the ground in pieces. His Lord entered; "I have need of you. Come"
Following, the two went to the main quarters of their stronghold. In the center of the room a hollow map showed a fine looking mansion. "A force aligned creature has taken out several of my contacts. We must not let this slight go un-answered. You will infiltrate this compound and kill her." There was a lack nuance to the conversation, Drio's Lord was typically cold, wanting and held high expectations.
"Yes my master."
Typical of his missions he was given a datapad with the information required and little else. His purpose was to be the answer, if Drio was not up to the task - he would be killed. Gathering his armor, saber and the datapad he moved to the hangar. Given a un-remarkable ship he seethed in silence as he traveled to his objective.
Finally he had touched down, the entire ride there was nothing but meditating upon his anger. His hate for his master, once promising to free him from his chains but in the end he was still wrapped within them. The ship landed several kilometers away from his target, helping ensure his stealth. After walking for a while he finally had it within his sights. A beautiful villa, one that would be a house of horrors by the end of the night.
Drio would wait until nightfall and begin his approach. Laying down and moving from tall grass to tall grass he stalked to his target. Watching, waiting for the moment his rage could be unleashed.
Lady Falentra
Following, the two went to the main quarters of their stronghold. In the center of the room a hollow map showed a fine looking mansion. "A force aligned creature has taken out several of my contacts. We must not let this slight go un-answered. You will infiltrate this compound and kill her." There was a lack nuance to the conversation, Drio's Lord was typically cold, wanting and held high expectations.
"Yes my master."
Typical of his missions he was given a datapad with the information required and little else. His purpose was to be the answer, if Drio was not up to the task - he would be killed. Gathering his armor, saber and the datapad he moved to the hangar. Given a un-remarkable ship he seethed in silence as he traveled to his objective.
Finally he had touched down, the entire ride there was nothing but meditating upon his anger. His hate for his master, once promising to free him from his chains but in the end he was still wrapped within them. The ship landed several kilometers away from his target, helping ensure his stealth. After walking for a while he finally had it within his sights. A beautiful villa, one that would be a house of horrors by the end of the night.
Drio would wait until nightfall and begin his approach. Laying down and moving from tall grass to tall grass he stalked to his target. Watching, waiting for the moment his rage could be unleashed.