Matsu Xiangu
The Haruspex
[SIZE=12pt]No-Man's Land[/SIZE]
As their ship soared through space that same hum and creak that had accompanied them on that very first day lulled her to sleep…[SIZE=12pt]And inside her eyes opened on a sky swept in purples and grays, broken by the most strange sun she’d ever seen. It reminded her of a planet – a large swamp rock who’s name escaped her (and how long had she been at his side, traveling and learning – the shaper, not shaped) – that she’d seen with Krius what may have been months ago for all she knew. But this was no swamp. There was nothing but the field she found herself in, grass extending for what seemed like ages in all directions split down the middle by a river. She had her toes in the sand, her hair loosely framed around her face, her nails lightly running along the middle of her throat as she watched the water rushing through the little slice of nowhere. It was peaceful and for a while she had been craving a moment’s respite from the buzzing in her head.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She almost had it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]But almost as soon as she found a moment of quiet she felt him behind her. Ever since that day on the cliff – the day she’d heard the screams of those whose lives she held in the very palm of her hand only to silence them in an instant – being in his presence had been…harder. There was no ease, no give – there was a sharpness in his eyes that she hated. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Her body stiffened as he came closer behind her, perhaps feet from her back. She did not turn her head to look at him. She wouldn’t.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“Do you remember that day, on Ossus?” he asked, his voice at once comforting and disturbing. She wondered if he was inside of her head again but instead of being angry she was…sad. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“I do,” she answered quietly, her voice almost carried away by the breeze.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“I heard you.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]There was a quiet menace in his tone that filled her with dread. He came closer, so close she could practically feel his touch. There had always been an assured quality to his mannerisms that she liked, but in that moment he felt like something that would crush her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“I heard you,” he repeated, quieter this time, his fingers snaking in to her hair. “And I will set you free,” he finished, that cold distrust she kept feeling from him coming full bloom in to hatred. His fingers tightened at her scalp and took hold, her knees hitting the sand as he pushed her head underwater and held her there.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I would have loved you.[/SIZE]
She awoke with a snap, flying off the mattress, cheeks flushed with panic and her heart beating butterfly-light against her chest. There would be no sleep for her.It had been coming harder and harder lately, doubt and worry plaguing her deep in to the endless hours when she should have been drifting peacefully. Everything had changed when he’d shared that vision – his vision – of the Galaxy and her mind had not immediately clicked in agreement. A lack of sleep mixed with the very thing that made restful nights elude her (I don’t agree I don’t agree I don’t agree) was causing an awful, buzzing pressure that seemed to chase her. And worse…she thought she could see that change behind the way he looked at her. Praise seemed hollow as if he was unsure he could truly be satisfied with what he was seeing.
It couldn’t go on that way.
Lifting herself from her bunk, she ran her fingers through her hair to push it off her face. She had grown to know the ship just as well as its true owner and she found Krius directing their flight down to whatever planet called them next. She had no qualms about where they went – as long as she was with him and they continued to shape (the shapers, not the shaped!) she was happy.
She had been happy.
She sat next to him, looking through the viewport at the mountains below. Any other day that would have taken her breath away.
“What is this place?” she asked quietly. She found that faced with him she couldn’t begin to admit…admit…not yet.
[member="Krius Syonis"]