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Approved Tech Underworld Cybernetic Armor

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Underworld Cybernetic Armor



  • Manufacturer: Guavian Armory
  • Model: Underworld Variant
  • Affiliation: The Muertos
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel metal, durasteel fabric, alumina(Al2O3) metal foam, cybernetic components
  • Classification: Cybernetic Interface
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Low
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: None
- EMP: Very High

High-impact armor designed for cybernetically-enhanced humans. It interfaces with the individuals cybernetics through the nervous system, and allows information to be relayed to the HUD in the unit's helmet. It features an arterial chemical shunt on the back that acts as a second heart, injecting a secret mixture of chemicals that boost the user's speed and aggression. A layer of alumina(Al2O3) metal foam in the durasteel fabric and helmet protects the armor and user's cybernetics from EMPs and makes it virtually unharmed by electrocution.

  • + High Impact: The armor is made mostly from durasteel and is built to take hits allowing user to survive long falls, and withstand attack from stronger opponents.
  • + Cybernetic Interface: With the armor communicating with the cybernetics via the nervous system users can see when something breaks, run diagnostics, and control their HUD and comms with a thought.
  • +EMProof: The armor's special non conductive material keeps the user safe from being shocked, and seals electromagnetic pulses from getting in.
  • Guava Juice: The armor has a arterial chemical shunt that works like a second heart, pumping a secret mixture of chemicals that augments the user's speed and aggression.
  • - Plasma Prone: Not a very heavy armor, it doesn't provide much protection against blasters set to lethal.
  • - Almost Human: The armor can't be worn by anyone not specially enhanced to wear it.
  • - Small Doses: If activated too often users can become addicted to the chemical concoction the suit uses, and inevitably overdose.
The Underworld Cybernetic Armor was designed as a modern version of the Guavian Security Soldier's Cybernetic Armor. It even uses the same chemical compound. The designs were modified to suit the needs of The Muertos in the Coruscant Underworld. The armor interfaces with existing cybernetics through the nervous system to communicate information to and from the helmet's HUD. This allows for the user to control the Hud, comms, and armor systems with a thought. Layered with a special non conductive oxidized aluminum compound it simultaneously keeps electromagnetic frequencies from reaching the armor and cybernetic systems, as well as keeping the unit shock-proof. The arterial chemical shunt is attached to the the vascular system and, at the users control, injects a chemical mixture that activates the adrenal glands, redistributes blood to the organs more efficiently, and brings your body's blood glucose levels to their absolute limit. This makes the user faster and more aggressive. Extended use of this features makes the body prioritize activity in the Amygdala centers of the brain and make the user irrational and uncontrollable, as well as running the risk of addiction. This armor is made from state of the art black market tech.


Self-Imposed Exiled
Awesome. Pending Factory Mentor Review.

[member="Jamie Pyne"], [member="Lily Kuhn"], [member="Zef Halo"]
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