Tien Ulinesque
Emotions are odd things.
Objective: Why am I here?
Time: 0200 Hours
Equipment: TBD
Tags: | Ciri Jade |
To say he couldn’t believe that this was the place he thought he would be spending his Saturday night would be a complete and utter understatement.
No, Tien thought he would be taking the night on with the rest of his squad, either drowning themselves in some dingy bar on Scarif, taking the night in under the stars, or gambling away what little earnings they made with the Dauntless. Anything to help them forget the memories of those recently lost. At least if they were with each other, it was easier to do so. The memories tended to get much louder in ones mind when alone, or not with friends. Even if he did not feel emotions as widely as the sentients he served did, grief was one that he could very easily emphasize with. Because of this, Tien strived to spend as much off duty time with his squad as possible.
Being stuck on a shuttle on the way to Nar Shaddaa was much different that spending the night with the rest of the Omegas, that was for sure.
He was honestly surprised that the Grand Marhsal had signed off on this in the first place. More conflicts were coming, and keeping all the assets in house that could be would be a priority. But she signed off on Tien being on this mission anyway. Something big was coming, she had told him, and if one of the leaders of the mysterious CICOM requested specific backup, then she was inclined to agree to the request in any way she could. Besides, having a favor from one of the highest ranked agents in the Confederacy was no small thing, especially in a time where friends were few and far between. Him being allowed on this mission was surprising enough, but that wasn’t all.
The Kishiri didn’t understand why he had been asked to come. He had no experience with covert ops, beyond what he had done with the commandos. There had been a insertion and rescue op here and there, but nothing like what the CICOM did. Perhaps there had been something the agent saw in him while they worked together in that abandoned base, or maybe she just wanted the backup of the almost seven foot tall, purple skinned alien. Whatever the reason, he was here now, on a shuttle to the gambling planet practically every person in the galaxy had ever heard of for a reason he knew not.
Slowly, he made his way up to the cockpit, stooping down to not his head on the doorway. There, the silver haired agent piloted the shuttle expertly down to the surface. Through the viewport, the bright lights of Nar Shaddaa’s surface blurred together into places and locations that Tien couldn’t decipher. “I’ve never seen a place like this. So many lights..so many people.” His gaze as fixed outside the viewport as he made his way to sit in the co-pilots seat. Hopefully he could get a good view of their landing from here, and maybe even get an idea of what they were doing here. Though he was doubtful on that, as nothing looked that different than anything else. It was all bright, all lit in lights.
“I understand you probably have your reasons..” He started, eyes not leaving the viewport. “But can you give me an idea why we’re here? I feel as though I can be more helpful if at least I had an idea..how I can be helpful. Knowing what kind of dangers we face could help me pick the right equipment as well.” In truth, he didn’t know at all what to bring with him. He hadn’t been allowed to dress in his dauntless armor, nor bring his typical blaster. And without knowing the danger they were walking into, he couldn’t even begin picking the right equipment. This was all one big mystery, one he hoped the mysterious agent would elaborate on.