The End Narrator
Communication across the Galaxy was shotty at best - and her mother was unreachable.
She had spoken to someone at the recruiting desk for the Fringe - and basically was left to sit around for a bit. They weren't rude about it, hell, they were even more polite than she expected considering the circumstances. She wasn't intending on joining their crusade, she was just trying to get home or atleast find her family. Atleast for the moment, she wasn't sure about anything.
The Galaxy was in chaos and so many people were missing. Even on Nar Shaddaa there were holosigns with pictures and letters that pleaded for any information on the whereabouts of loved ones. It wasn't comforting nor was it something she felt would help her at all.
She knew nothing about this place - her training in the Force was limited - and her knowledge of anything outside of Mandalorian space was again, limited. She felt alone for the first time in a long time. She even missed [member="Aton Gyndar"] - despite all his faults as her twin. She didn't fault him for being a stupid nuisance or even taking her favorite brush...which she had a sneaky suspicion it was no longer in her room - or even in this dimension for that matter.
He was her twin, apart of her as she was apart of him.
But she couldn't feel him - and it made her stomach twist in knots.
She walked down the pathway, the street activity seeming to dwindle down as the night began to really settle in. She found a bench that looked comforting and there would sit down upon it's duracrete confines and bring her knees to her chest. Arms would wrap tightly about the darkened pants as she stared straight ahead - uncertain of what to do or where to go. And that is when she started to cry.
She'd bury her head into her knees, sobbing softly - attempting to avoid attention being drawn to herself. Force knows she had enough of that within the past seventy-two hours.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
She had spoken to someone at the recruiting desk for the Fringe - and basically was left to sit around for a bit. They weren't rude about it, hell, they were even more polite than she expected considering the circumstances. She wasn't intending on joining their crusade, she was just trying to get home or atleast find her family. Atleast for the moment, she wasn't sure about anything.
The Galaxy was in chaos and so many people were missing. Even on Nar Shaddaa there were holosigns with pictures and letters that pleaded for any information on the whereabouts of loved ones. It wasn't comforting nor was it something she felt would help her at all.
She knew nothing about this place - her training in the Force was limited - and her knowledge of anything outside of Mandalorian space was again, limited. She felt alone for the first time in a long time. She even missed [member="Aton Gyndar"] - despite all his faults as her twin. She didn't fault him for being a stupid nuisance or even taking her favorite brush...which she had a sneaky suspicion it was no longer in her room - or even in this dimension for that matter.
He was her twin, apart of her as she was apart of him.
But she couldn't feel him - and it made her stomach twist in knots.
She walked down the pathway, the street activity seeming to dwindle down as the night began to really settle in. She found a bench that looked comforting and there would sit down upon it's duracrete confines and bring her knees to her chest. Arms would wrap tightly about the darkened pants as she stared straight ahead - uncertain of what to do or where to go. And that is when she started to cry.
She'd bury her head into her knees, sobbing softly - attempting to avoid attention being drawn to herself. Force knows she had enough of that within the past seventy-two hours.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]