Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unexpected LOA

So, my cable and internet went out yesterday. 18 hours and 3 calls to my service provider and each time it's like it's the first they've heard of it. So I'm left with just my phone while I wait for this to sort itself out. I did finally get a tech to admit my whole neighborhood is down, so I'm assuming they're working on it. But since it's been nearly a full day already, and I know people are waiting for me to reply, figured I'd put up this notice.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Willa Isard"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Captain Jordan"]
[member="Anja aj'Rou"]
Finally got a tech out to the house. Dude's going between the box in the house and the main box in the neighborhood, dropping f-bombs each time he cycles through. Apparently someone got in the main box and its royally karked.

My confidence level is definitely inspired when he's calling billing to refund me because I am not getting service any time soon.

I had no idea how much of my crap relied upon the internet until now. PS4? No PSN. AppleTV? No streaming. iTunes? Most of my stuff is in the cloud. I dug through my attic and dragged out my old PS2 for something to do.

I am in exile :(

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