Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unexpected LOA

Factory Judge
Hey guys. I have some family matters that sprung up.

First of all, I am busy with work and being promoted, I work a lot more than what I expected at first. As such, I am not sure when I will return, but it will be within the next few days.

Secondly, My 16 year old dog passed away earlier today. She had recently been having complications with many of her body parts, and was suffering from an infection in her liver. She passed in her sleep as she was resting along side me as I was taking care of her.

This dog my family thought as invincible as she had been hit by a car, gave birth to four litters, hunted rabbits and fought raccoons for fun. This dog I grew up with, and had fun with almost my entire childhood means so much to me.

Anyways, I will likely be just responding to posts slowly for today and tomorrow as I will have to wait for my parents, and brothers to get home to have a funeral for just us. I hope all of you guys have a great day.

May the Force be with you.
[member="Darren Shaw"] Having lost my ancient pup a few months ago, I know your pain and I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. But passing in her sleep at your side...what more beautiful, safe place for her to be when she left? Thinking of you and your family - all my best.
Factory Judge
[member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"],

Thank you all for your support. Matsu, Having already have multiple dogs die on me before, This one hit me the hardest as she I had a connection to as soon as I got her as a pup. I train dogs to hunt, and I breed them with my grandfather. I got her from my grandfather as a kid. Literally picking her out from a litter to take home. It means a lot to know that others appreciate the love that having any kind of pet can give.

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