Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unexpected Reunions in Unexpected Places (Rima, Nixius, and Sirius)

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Golden Coast City, Chroma Zed. 6AM Local Time.
Celty looked out the window of the slowly landing transport. Most people who came to Chroma Zed were either tourists, or had fallen so far into the gutter that they were almost dead. In his opinion, neither him or Rima fell into those two categories at all. It was more like somewhere in the middle, where fighting was just too much fun too avoid, but they enjoyed living normally just as much.
Of course, living with Rima seemed to involve a lot of fighting anyway. If he didn't love her so much, he'd probably never have put up with it. But he did, and so he was still cuddling the crazy pajama-clad girl. Celty leaned up and put his mouth to her ear.
"Fiiiiiiiillly, you hungry? We're almost there."
[member='Rima Filenko'] [member='Nixius Ikon'] [member='Sirus Ikon']
Nixius strode down the boarding ramp of the freighter that he and his 'team' used to move from planet to planet for races. Today there was supposed to be some big Swoop race here on Chroma Zed that had brought him here. Smirking the young man spun around spreading his arms as he laughed loudly the long school uniform trench coat he wore flapping wildly. Looking around he nodded to his mechanic as the man hurried to push the hovering swoop down the ramp to an area set aside under the freighter to work on the swoop.

Watching for a moment Nixius walked up into the freighter calmly calling out absently. "Hey Sirus are you awake lets go and get me registered for the race." Nixius looked around absently his green eyes sweeping around the area until they lit upon his blaster pistol hanging from his belt. Walking over he quickly buckled it on running a hand through his slightly longer red hair.

[member="Sirus Ikon "][member="Celty Ikon"] [member="Rima Filenko"]
"Mmmnnnnggg... Fivemoreminutes...."
Rima grumbled. She lightly shoved his face away from her, shifting slightly and trying to go back to sleep. This was a usual routine for them in the morning. Celty was always and early bird compared to her. She hated waking up...​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Sirus Ikon

[member="Nixius Ikon"]
[member="Rima Filenko"]
[member="Celty Ikon"]

With a stretch that screamed out bored as hell, Sirius moved next to his brother who seemed overly excited to be here. "Where are we again?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes gently from the sleepy haze that threatened to keep his mind groggy. Racing was all Nixius was caring about, that and money. Sirius was just a tag a long muscle head. All those years of martial arts really paid off he assumed.


Sirius leaned against his brother with a yawn. "Food first, racing next." He patted his brother on the head as he spoke with a lazy tone.

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
"But sugar, coffee, breakfast... food."​
Celty poked Rima's cheek with each word, chuckling drowsily. It wasn't that he felt any less sleepy than her, but he was definitely more motivated to wake up and get out of bed. Breakfast was a pretty big motivator. He grinned at her.​
"There's also a hell of a view that you're sleeping through."​
[member="Sirus Ikon "] [member='Rima Filenko'] [member='Nixius Ikon']​
Rima grumbled again. She slowly rolled over until she was facing him, and gave him a sleepy glare. It looked similar to an angry baby after being woken up from their nap.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]
[member="Sirus Ikon"]​
[member="Nixius Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty smiled down at the grumpy Rima glare. He murmured little bits of encouragement as he sat up and tried to scoop her up with him. She was so cute sometimes, it was like having a little kid with him.

"There we go, Filly... Look out the window. There's a city, and a beach, and a nice ocean."

He stroked her hair and hugged the sleepy girl closer to himself.

"And, of course, there's plenty of assholes who need the Lady Buttcape/Scarf Pirate treatment."​

[member='Rima Filenko'] [member='Sirus Ikon'] [member='Nixius Ikon']
[member="Sirus Ikon"] [member="Celty Ikon"] [member="Rima Filenko"]

Nixius chuckled as he gestured towards the boarding ramp if they were going to eat it was going to be real food. He lead the way down the Bora-class freighters ramp and gestured. "We happen to be on Chroma Zed actually big time race today that has a pretty impressive pay out for an ametuer race. Honestly probably gonna be a few pros in it but they haven't seen me race yet."

He waved to the mechanic and ship guard and started towards the star port exit laughing and gesturing animatedly as he walked with his slightly younger twin.

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