Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Unexpected Ties


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Silverware clinked inside the swanky steakhouse, Makai picking up his brandy to sip as he stared at his father. They had just finished dinner, their first real time together since he had gotten married. The Commonwealth Gala didn’t count since had spent nearly the entire evening with his mother.

“ Azula and I are dating again.”

Makai raised an eyebrow. So they were in the catch up portion of the evening. His father made a wise choice to discuss in a high end public venue such as the steakhouse. Not that Makai was surprised. He had suspected the Azula journey wasn’t finished.

“How is that going?”

Wait until I get home and tell the wife and kid. Did Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell bet on this outcome?Can’t remember. Either way, this is going to be mocktail hour conversation for weeks.

“Decently. So, you may see her around. Depends on how things go. We are taking it slower this time in terms of figuring out what each person wants.More open with the lines of communication.”

Makai nodded. He could have told his father that six months ago and saved him plenty of trouble. While nowhere near perfect, he and Ellie had worked hard to get where they were now. To the outsider, they probably overcommunicated and hashed things out far too much. Yet they had struggled with the pitfalls until finding the nightly cadence of talking - even when apart - that worked for them.

“Oh well…that’s good…I was scared for a minute you two were trying to get back together. That would be a nightmare. I’ve been on the lookout for a divorced dad for her. So far no luck.”

Judah coughed at that. His son trying to hook up his mother? Skeptical look crossed his features as Makai continued on after a sip of brandy.

“So what else is new?”

A small pause. Time to rip off the bacta patch in one fell go. Waiting any longer was just going to cause pain and he couldn’t back out now. The situation was too tangled. Too easily discovered. Judah fiddled with his highball glass for a long moment.

“So you know how you told me to get genetically screened for the Hapan eye issues? I did and turns out, my eyes are normal for a male of Hapan descent. Just mild issues, unlike yourself. What I did find out is I have a seventeen year old son. You have a half-brother.”

Makai coughed slightly, waiting to see if there was a joke attached. There was not. His father was completely and utterly serious. Questions immediately flooded through him, and frankly, forget Zuly, he couldn’t wait to go home and tell Ellie and Mining Princess this news now.

Mouth opened then shut as he formulated his first question.

“So, how old is this kid?”


Makai did the quick math. His mystery half-brother would have been conceived about the time his parents finalized the divorce. Well, since Dad made it final since his mother was not around during that period.

“Who’s the mother?”

“No idea.” At least Judah had the decency to look rightly embarrassed. “It was a rough time period…I barely remember dropping you off to stay with Danger while I went to this business expo. Clearly I…. I had a lot to drink.”

Which would explain why his father didn’t touch alcohol again until recently. The blurred weekend must have had a massive effect on him, if Makai had to guess. He got it, he had gotten drunk more than once wallowing in self-misery. Never made a kid from that wallowing but still.

“So what’s he doing? Is he going to join us with the business? I think some of the guys from the frat have younger brothers if he’s looking to figure out his future.”

Clearly, Makai was a goal-setter and problem solver. Ellie knew this well by now. His half-brother was a new challenge and Makai already had bullet points formulating in his head on how to handle it.

“No. Balun is….a Jedi. He thinks that is his future. I’m sure when you meet him you can talk more, I’ll give you his contact information. Our first meeting didn’t go so well but I’m not giving up.”

Makai tried not to look disappointed. He had always imagined if he had a sibling that sibling would join him in the business and elevate the Dashiell name into powerhouse status. To help shoulder the crushing weight or responsibility. Either way, Makai would at least like to get to know this kid on his own terms.

“Yeah, I’d like to meet him. I’ll reach out..” The half-Galan took a massive swig of his brandy as he was left with swirling thoughts and emotions on the situation. Something to explore later, not in a public venue.

“…after that shock, what is new with you? How’s married life going?”

Makai paused, knowing the next task on his shoulders was up to him and him alone. After Ellie burst into tears telling Danger, he immediately insisted he would tell everyone else the news. This included Dad and his mother, Thessa Kai Thessa Kai .

“Amazing.” He smiled softly. “Living out my wildest dreams now. I’ve got a beautiful wife, and soon, we will have a beautiful baby.”

It was Judah’s turn to sputter, was he even hearing correctly? A baby? The two idiots had barely just let the ink dry on the marriage certificate.


“How?!” Makai laughed, shaking his head. “The same way it happens for any other newlywed couple. Copious amounts of time alone.”

“Really Makai? Its so soon….you two didn’t want to wait first? You just got back together, can you even handle the stress of a baby? You’ve got to have a united front, a plan.”

“I mean, apparently not, you’re out here just letting things….happen.Apparently thank our Hapan ancestry. Ellie and I didn’t expect to fall pregnant so easily given her medical history. However, we’re both immensely happy. Its the early stages but we will let you know more soon Gramps.”

Judah frowned.

“Gramps? No…There has to be something better than that…either way….I’ll be there to support you two…”

Two Weeks Later

Makai reached out to the holomail address provided by his father belonging to one Balun Dashiell. The half-Galan was more curious than anything, and wanted to talk to his half-sibling without the presence of his father.

So he invited Balun to visit him while he was working on Daiyu. Makai was busy taking over another abandoned mine. Just another piece of aggressive expansion before his daughter was to be born. He didn’t have time for much else than work and his wife, so he was grateful Balun didn’t seem to mind meeting him in the jungles.

Deep in the jungles, Makai stood in a gray suit, looking at a holomap of his newest purchase. Workers had already had begun clearing land and vegetation, prepping a larger landing pad to bring in equipment. He was speaking with engineers, site managers, geologists, and other experts. Game planning.

It was loud, hot,and humid out in the jungle. Easy to miss approaching ships as he was engrossed in his work, partially not expecting this half brother to show.

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Meeting his biological Father hadn't gone as Balun had often imagined it.

To begin with, Balun had thought it a sick joke and a means of ambushing him by the Sith-Imperial body; however, he had quickly learned that Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell had, in fact, been being straight with him. Following that, the bombshell that Balun's Father hated the Jedi. The Jedi who had raised him. The discussion hadn't gone down well, both at fault for their part in it. Hindsight told him he could've handled himself better, but his emotions ran hot that day.

Getting holomail from Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was unexpected. It happened only a matter of days after speaking with Judah, and Balun was still wearing the guilt and confusion of their meeting. Hearing from his newly discovered half-brother, whatever being a half-brother meant exactly, surprised him. Initially, he tried to pretend that he hadn't read the message. There was a battle to come for Mon Cala and Lothal, one that Balun had been trying to prepare for.

Unfortunately, the possibility of his being killed came to mind. How would his brother feel if Balun had been killed and never given him the chance to meet each other? This whole family thing was way more mind-consuming than he had expected, and at a time when he needed to keep his head on straight. Worst possible timing. Although, what good time is there to learn your Mother never told your Father about you; And that you were a drunken mistake.

Eventually, Balun relented and sent Makai a response confirming that he would meet with him on Daiyu.


Location: Daiyu, Unknown Mining Operation.
Wearing: Jedi Robes.

The S-91x Pegasus touched down within a clearing not far from the coordinates that Makai had provided, Chip settled in the astromech compartment, running post-diagnostics on the Starfighter while Balun pushed open the canopy and climbed out.

They were surrounded by forestry, a welcome sight for Balun, who loved nature. He had committed a good number of years towards learning various plant species, horticulture, and using flora for medicinal purposes. However, the last two years hadn't given him the time or headspace to do so. Regardless, the fresh air was a relief to his senses.

He could hear the sounds of others in the not-so-distant tree line and figured that was where he'd find Makai. He wore his Jedi Robe over his shoulders, adorning a tan tunic with his Lightsaber at his belt; however, he had come looking much more civil compared to how he had turned up to Celestia Station.

"Alright, Chip. Be good. I'll be back in a while. We'll see how this plays out," Balun called up to the droid seated on top of the Starfighter, offering a wave of farewell before sauntering off through the thick underbrush towards Makai's mining operation.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X | "Thirty-Seven"
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Frown came across his features as the holographic map slowly spinning in front of the group gathered around. The site was old - Makai was investing heavily in forgotten and abandoned mines, picking them up at a discount thanks to the work needed. In many ways it was easier to transfer the mining rights than lobby local and planetary governments. He already had several other ongoing requests and lobbies for mineral rights and they were dragging.

"...shafts three and seven are completely collapsed, and unfortunately, these are the two most promising for deposits according to early scans. Must have collapsed and the last company didn't want to go through the expense."

"In a way." Makai spoke up after listening. "There was a catastrophic mining accident and the last company was shut down and fined into oblivion. We've had to jump through several hoops with the planetary government just to purchase the site. We've even got an oversight committee watching us."

As he turned to point out the two government officials standing on the edge of the action, taking notes on their datapad, his eyes caught sight of a Jedi entering through the cleared path that lead towards their base camp of sorts.

"Sir, were we expecting Jedi trouble?" Thirty-Seven moved closer, as if to intercept the interloper. Makai hadn't told him the details of Balun yet, wanting to figure out much on his own during the first meeting.

"No, Thirty-Seven. A guest of mine." Makai paused to turn back to the group. "Let's focus our efforts on the entrance and those two shafts right now. Get this place structurally sound once again. Come up with that gameplan and fill me in by the end of the evening. Thirty-Seven, stay here and take notes, will you?"

A nod from Thirty-Seven and Makai broke away from the holographic map and group as they started to speak again. Confident strides toward the Jedi, meeting him half-way.

"Balun?" Hand outstretched in greeting."Makai Dashiell."

Someone that Balun could only assume to be Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell stood there talking to a Droid. The man spared Balun a glance, noting his arrival before finishing up their discussion. The feeling of awkwardness within Balun couldn't be overstated. He had turned up to this guy's business operation, knowing nothing about him other than that they were related and Balun was suddenly a part of their family.

He hoped Makai didn't think he was coming in to take them for a ride or anything. Such scams have been run by shady types who try to deceive others for money and inheritance. Thankfully, not only was this further from Balun's kind of character, but Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell had discovered the records before Balun had.

After a few moments, Makai turned to approach him.

"Balun?" Hand outstretched in greeting."Makai Dashiell."

Balun took Makai's hand in greeting, giving him a half nod and a slight lift of his head to acknowledge him in a youthful manner. "Hey man, Judah's obviously told you about me. I'm not sure how he told you that went down," he replied, somewhat concerned that Makai would already have a bad impression of him, given how emotional the meeting with their father had gone.

"Your old man mentioned you'd followed in his footsteps" Balun turned the conversation away from himself, gesturing to the mining operation ahead of them; "Pretty awesome, you've got your own crew and everything. Impressive for a twenty-five year old. I don't know many guys that age running their own company" he complimented Makai. He was honest in his impression, but he was also trying to be on his best game, not wanting to rerun what had gone down with Judah.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

“Your old man too.”
Makai pointed out, figuring it may be too soon for Balun to actually recognize Judah as his - their - father. Or he was trying to be respectful. Or perhaps the kid had no desire to go any further than an initial meeting and that was that. Seemed to go out of his way for just one meeting but could have just had a curious itch that needed to be scratched.

“Thank you for meeting me out here. My free time is extremely limited lately so when I can combine two things at once, it's appreciated. Not that I don't have time for family, don't get me wrong. More… I think this meeting is feeling one another out a little. Less pressure? I'm sure you're just as busy as I."

The half-Galan chuckled a little at the compliment, waving it off. To him this was any other day, although his age and ability to run things wasn't lost on him either. Then again, in his circles, taking over at least a branch of a family business or practice was quite normal. His wife with MaraTibX, Harlon with his father's financial firm, his cousins with the ranch.

“It's not that impressive.”

Makai was silent for a few beats, studying the teenager. He was looking for similarities, yet with genetics it was such a toss up. As evident with his own Hapan lineage and his eyes. Or any potential genetic pitfalls with his own unborn daughter - it was such a mixed bag he was learning. Although he could see some of his father in Balun.

They were walking now on a long path to a mining entrance. A little quieter on this side as no one was working on this portion of the mine yet.

"So, tell me all about Balun."

“Your old man too.”

"It does look that way, huh," Balun admitted, giving something of an awkward shrug of his left shoulder, soon burying his hands in the pockets of his brown robe and casting his eyes back down the way Makai had approached from. However, Balun wasn't so sure he had the same mind for business that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and their father seemed to have.

"Nah, no worries. I was glad to get your message," he replied, not going so far as to admit his apprehension but focusing on the here and now. There was a possibility that Makai might never have had the chance to meet him in a few days, given that Balun was expecting to go to war alongside the Tingel Arm Coalition. Taking the opportunity now felt like the right move as he'd hate to leave his new-found brother spending a life wondering what could have been.

Compared to the coming battle, claiming that this meeting held less pressure was an understatement, Although Balun assumed that Makai was more comparing this meeting to the one between Balun and Judah. "What exactly did Judah tell you about me?" Balun soon enquired, wondering how much Makai had been forewarned about him.

"As you can no doubt see, I'm a Force User. Something Judah wasn't too keen on" he admitted while walking alongside Makai, speaking openly and with a rather casual tone; "I'm not with the Jedi anymore. I'm independent and running with the Tingel Arm Coalition these days. My focus is the Outer Rim Territories, doing whatever I can to help others get by. I guess if you ever have issues with pirates, you could give me a yell?" he made the offer as if feeling like he needed to be of use to the Dashiells to fit in.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Makai walked along with Balun, listening. It also gave him the excuse to scout around the property surrounding the mine at a much slower pace, perhaps take in some sights he missed before. He was completely focused on the teenager however, curious to know a little more. If the meeting went well, he and Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell had agreed beforehand to invite the boy over for a low pressure backyard barbecue or something similar. Another meeting without his father, Makai was aware this was something to be eased into. His relationship with Balun would be something built separate - even if his father had a more level head right now.

The half-Galan would have to figure out what it was like to be an eldest brother and not only child.

"Not much, what Dad told me about you is not important."

Makai chuckled at the mention of his father not being keen on the Jedi. He found it funny since the in the same breath he mentioned dating Azula Tindara Azula Tindara .Perhaps different feelings for the Jedi if they had a certain bra size. An amused smirk came to his features as Balun talked.

"I pay a hefty amount of credits for security, but I will certainly keep it in mind. As for the Jedi, he was punched by one at a social gala. Didn't go so hot and he has been a little worked up since. Try not to take it personally, I'm sure emotions were running high on the first meeting anyway."

If his father got a little testy at the fact he got engaged to his wife 'so quickly' then Makai could only imagine how tense the meeting with the teenager went. Eyebrow raised, he was curious now.

"So what did Dad say about me? If anything."

Balun wanted to remark Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell being hit by the Jedi. Frankly, the two of them were lucky they didn't come to blows with the way he had been feeling, but Balun knew that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was right about their emotions being high; their father had said it himself, and Balun had known better than to act on his aggression. While he may have acted like a total dick, he had walked away before it had gone any further.

"Judah told me you're in business like he is. He sounded like he wanted me to do the same, go to some university or something. No offence, but that isn't me." Balun replied to Makai's question: "You're also married. You were born on Ceto, and you're half Aquatic." Balun had spent long enough in an academic environment. After all, half of a Jedi's training was spent in the classrooms and archives; Living in a full-time school was enough for him never to want to set foot in another one again. "I wanted to know about you, but he didn't go into details beyond that. He suggested we'd all meet, or he'd set something up for you and me to get to know one another. As you said, things were pretty tense, so the conversation jumped back and forth."

"Do you have a problem with Security?" Balun asked, glancing back to Makai curiously; "How often do outsiders come and poke around? You'd be surprised how much action I've seen out there. Protecting a mine would be a pretty chill gig", he presumed. Compared to Sith and Imperials, it was difficult to imagine that Makai had pissed off anyone seriously.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

"Yeah, makes sense he would want you to join us. I get both sides."

Makai knew what his father was thinking ; he could strong arm Baluninto university and joining the business, much like he was carted back home around the same age. Makai had needed that first kick in the ass. However, his father had raised him alone with the help of Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau after his mother left. Balun was left to the Jedi to raise. At seventeen, much of the ability to step in and dictate what this kid was to do and not do was moot.

It would require a different strategy.

"You're also married. You were born on Ceto, and you're half Aquatic."

The half-Galan couldn't help but to laugh at the three facts Balun was given. Makai could see the need to be vague at first though ; no need to brag about the son he was able to raise, or at least perceive the bragging. Not to mention if his father was a little more heated, then it was probably best Makai made his own introductions.

"Guess that is my life summed up into three facts. So what do you really want to know? What are your burning questions, not necessarily about myself either."

Knowing Balun might need a moment or two to get his bearings and find what questions he may want to ask in what order. Not that it really mattered to him, a thought dump was fine too, he could sort through. Instead of silence, he reverted back to business talk.

"Security concerns? It depends on a lot of factors. One, what we're mining. The rarer, the more problems off the rip. Two, location. I have operations in Jedi controlled territory. I've got operations in Sith controlled territory, in independent territory. There's little difference for business unless someone decides to fight the other. Then I've got to worry about the workers, the product, daily operations."

Makai paused, footsteps slow.

"Its very much a ripple effect. To distill down your question, basically wars or highly organized pirates are the main concerns. Sabotagers, but I can't think of any corporate enemies I may have."

"Its very much a ripple effect. To distill down your question, basically wars or highly organized pirates are the main concerns. Sabotagers, but I can't think of any corporate enemies I may have."

"Wars..." Balun repeated quietly to himself, nodding in understanding and yet appearing apprehensive. He had warned Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , and so, given the fact Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell had brought it up, he felt he needed to do the same for his brother; "You should know that there's going to be conflict on Lothal and Mon Cala in a few days between the Tingel Arm Coalition and the Empire of the Lost. I probably shouldn't be speaking of it, but I told Judah, and I think you need to know it too," Balun explained, exhaling slowly as he turned to face Makai.

"Perhaps it makes no difference for your business, but Imperial control over those systems is due to be contested. We aim to free the Mon Calamari and the people of Lothal from Imperial rule. I will be there for the battle myself, and it may take some time before things quiet again. I'd suggest keeping your people away from those sectors for now". Given that Makai led a life of business enterprise, Balun suspected he wouldn't be pleased to hear it. Not that War was ever a good thing to hear about, regardless of the intentions behind fighting. Bale himself was young and still rather idealistic; he believed he could make a difference, but others, with experience, often pessimism and pacifism can follow. That wasn't to say that Makai was among this group of people, but the reason for his initial apprehension in revealing the news to him.

"As far as your work goes, I'm happy to offer my help free of cost. I may be young, but I've got skills that you could put to good use—training that others don't have—and you can trust that I'll not do you wrong." He spoke with greater confidence, moving the conversation on to something rather more comfortable and that he knew he was capable and ready for. "I may not have the head for business, but that doesn't mean I can't be of help to you" he smiled faintly, turning his gaze back to the path in front of them and continuing to walk with his brother.

"Questions...-truthfully, I can't say I have any at this stage. I'm still letting all this sink in, and spending time with you is enough. I wanted to meet you before things got too intense and we might not have this chance" he concluded, falling quiet once more to listen for Makai's response and see how the news settled with him.

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

Makai listened carefully, now curious how his mining operations on Lothal would pan out. He wasn't entirely concerned. The biggest factor now would be ensuring the safety of the employees, then getting goods on and off world. Blockades were always a pain in the ass when a territory was contested.

"Thank you. I hold mining interests on Lothal. Believe it or not, my biggest concern from all this would be the business itself. Some governments get a hard line and want to seize corporation property for themselves. I remember reading a bill introduced by the Galactic Alliance trying to do the same...."

The half-Galan waved a hand, clearly getting off in his own thoughts.

"One, I'd pay you. I don't think you've gotten your trust fund set up yet and to be frank, it doesn't last forever. Second, mull over the fact I do business with the Sith. The Imperials. The company is a neutral entity."

It wasn't a yes. Nor was it a no. Makai wanted the teenager to let his words sink in. To let Balun wrap his head around the fact he didn't do business with just one type of individual. Naturally, he would never send Balun to those places, more of a chance for the boy to evaluate morally.

Eyebrows raised at Balun's words.

"Think you're dying off so quickly on me?" Makai paused and smiled a little. "I would hope not. You're due to become an uncle in several months time. The wife and I were hoping you'd be the date night babysitter."

"Unlike some Jedi, I don't judge people based on their beliefs, but their actions or morals. A benefit of being an independent Force User, I suppose", Balun replied with a reassuring smile, "And believe it or not, I once dated a Sith Acolyte", he added, speaking briefly of Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte , though not offering any further details on the subject. They had not parted ways on bad terms, but they had also not spoken since the end of their relationship. The point was that Balun wasn't afraid to present an amicable front with Sith, providing they held the same tolerance for his background and beliefs. "As long as there's no harm coming to others, it would not likely affect my conduct under your employment", he added in conclusion.

"And as for getting myself killed, I sure as chit hope not" He now chuckled dryly at his brother's remark, a pause and soon falling somewhat more solemn, he continued, "The reality is I've only walked one battlefield before, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I'm due to be present at Lothal, and I can't say how it will go. The Coalition is made up of Rebel Soldiers and volunteers. Our leader is formerly of the Lothal Protectorate and still has contacts there. Still, the Imperials will likely outnumber us, and I don't expect we'll make the surface without losing people".

The surface was exactly where Balun was due to be stationed, the fight for the Capital City. "As a member of the Aquilian Rangers, I have ambiguity in how I choose to serve on the battlefield. I am not required to follow orders without question. Still, given my training and...-Well, knowing what I'm like, I expect to be among the fighting when the chit hits the fan", it felt a little awkward to be a ranking member at his young age. He was often underestimated and taken for granted by his peers, yet Fynch Fynch and Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el respected and treated him well. Furthermore, Balun believed in what he was doing and could ignore the snide remarks of the few of his peers who didn't see his worth.

"Back to what you said about a trust fund though..." Balun frowned a little, needing to question the matter; "What do you mean exactly?" he asked with an air of reluctance; "You mean credits? From the family?" he clarified, wanting to be certain. Before Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell could answer, Balun's left hand rose in a gesture for pause, "I don't want Judah's money, and even if I did, I don't deserve it. We barely know each other, and I've done none of the hard work that you two seem to have done. That's not something I would be willing to accept. I hope you understand, I mean no offense by it of course".

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

"Dating the enemy? Didn't know I had a rule breaker for a brother."

Makai chuckled a little before listening to the battlefield talk. Apparently his half-brother had only seen real battle once. A small frown on his face, did the Jedi not prepare their child soldiers in a better manner? Or one was apparently just tossed out without much experience. It seemed overly dangerous to him but then again, the half-Galan was unsure if the Jedi had war games or something similar to desensitize their initiates to the horrors of war.

"Right. If you have to be in the thick of things, just be safe. The Empire obviously has more resources than a group of volunteers and small government. Not that you couldn't win."

He listened about the trust fund issue and shook his head. Hand came up to stop Balun from continuing to talk himself out of this.

"I'm going to stop you right there and paint a scenario. Lets say bouncing baby Bale gets dropped off on the door step of single father Judah and amazing half-brother Makai." He grinned at Balun. "So, you're raised with us. Instantly, you've got access to the wealth. You didn't even work for it, as you so put it. Hell, I was using Arceneau Trade vessels as my personal taxi at six years old. I definitely don't have access to their wealth but hey, it was offered to me..."

Makai stopped, facing the teenager now.

"...which brings me to my point. This is offered to you. Take it. The trust fund is a portion of what you would have had access to growing up. Think of it as...back child support? Its not like you'll have access to the full amount straight away, I didn't with mine."

Another small pause.

"Unrelated but do you plan on sticking around and being my brother or just popping in and out of life? You don't need to answer now, I'm curious."

"Dating the enemy? Didn't know I had a rule breaker for a brother."

"There aren't any rules to break when you're a rogue Force User. Not unless you count my ethical standards, which is basically what I'm going by," Balun replied to his brother, Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , with a wary half-smirk to the corner of his lips. He was raised and trained by the New Jedi Order. Those virtues and tenets still very much stuck with him long after his leave of Coruscant, yet his actions were defined by the young man that he was, and he didn't like the idea of living under someone else's thumb when it came to whom or where he could serve the Galaxy.

When Makai spoke of the Imperial opposition and their known wealth of resources, Balun didn't answer. He knew Makai to be correct. The coming battle was daunting, to say the very least; Balun didn't consider himself some hotshot hero, nor did he take pride in the fact that he would be fighting against other people. He saw it as an unfortunate necessity to achieve a greater good, but that did not make it something he would enjoy.

"I'm going to stop you right there and paint a scenario. Lets say bouncing baby Bale gets dropped off on the door step of single father Judah and amazing half-brother Makai. So, you're raised with us. Instantly, you've got access to the wealth. You didn't even work for it, as you so put it. Hell, I was using Arceneau Trade vessels as my personal taxi at six years old. I definitely don't have access to their wealth but hey, it was offered to me...which brings me to my point. This is offered to you. Take it. The trust fund is a portion of what you would have had access to growing up. Think of it as...back child support? Its not like you'll have access to the full amount straight away, I didn't with mine."

"I get what you're saying, but it's not that simple for me, Makai", Balun replied quietly as they continued to walk the grounds of his mining operation; "I don't want Judah thinking that he has to do this just because I've suddenly turned up in your lives. And I also don't want this to give him the impression that I'm suddenly fine with the fact that I haven't had a family for the first fifteen years of my life," he said, speaking softly to Makai. Clearly, he was speaking from the heart, not arguing with his brother. "Plus, think what others will make of it. I don't need people thinking I've come to hitch a ride on our family's hard-earned wealth. Suddenly Judah has a second son, you have a brother, and I get rich off of it? That doesn't sit right with me," he concluded, feeling quite strongly about the matter.

"Unrelated but do you plan on sticking around and being my brother or just popping in and out of life? You don't need to answer now, I'm curious."

Balun glanced back at Makai with a small smile. "...That's much easier to answer," he said with slightly more confidence behind his words. "I've wanted a family for as long as I can remember. Despite the shock, I want to be a part of it. How could I not?" He finished with a rhetorical question. Certainly, it was an easy question that needed no time for consideration.

"I need to try and patch things up with our Father first, though. After the battle for Lothal".

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

And I also don't want this to give him the impression that I'm suddenly fine with the fact that I haven't had a family for the first fifteen years of my life," he said, speaking softly to Makai. Clearly, he was speaking from the heart, not arguing with his brother. "Plus, think what others will make of it. I don't need people thinking I've come to hitch a ride on our family's hard-earned wealth. Suddenly Judah has a second son, you have a brother, and I get rich off of it? That doesn't sit right with me,"

"No amount of credits will erase the fact you didn't have a family for fifteen years. I don't think anyone is thinking that."
At least, Makai wasn't. He suspected his father didn't either. Despite the fact his father might be an ass at the moment, the half-Galan knew family came first. With time he suspected the road would be smoother. "Ah, I forgot what it is like to be seventeen and worried about what everyone thinks.I mean...who is going to care? Your friends? No one I know will even blink twice."

Balun glanced back at Makai with a small smile. "...That's much easier to answer," he said with slightly more confidence behind his words. "I've wanted a family for as long as I can remember. Despite the shock, I want to be a part of it. How could I not?"

"I mean, maybe you just wanted see what we were like to scratch an itch then go about your life."
Makai shrugged his shoulders. "Yet that's good news. My wife and I would like to invite you over for a backyard get together. More importantly, so you can meet most of the other members of the family. You have to say yes, I can't go home and tell her you said no. We have a home on Joiol, neutral planet so you don't have to worry about anything."

Makai paused and squeezed Balun's shoulder.

"Can't wait to see you there. I'll message you with the details."

"No amount of credits will erase the fact you didn't have a family for fifteen years. I don't think anyone is thinking that."

"Exactly, so it shouldn't matter whether I take them or not", Balun responded with a faint smirk, finding a little amusement in the verbal duel, Though he wasn't arguing with his brother with any true seriousness or resentment. It simply didn't sit right that he should suddenly be rewarded for something that should have never happened to him—or Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , for that matter.

"You guys are more than just an itch to be scratched", he soon remarked with a dry chuckle, "I know things didn't go so great with Judah, and yeah, it's a bit of a chit-show for me, but I'm glad to have the chance to get to know you all now." The squeeze of his shoulder caused Balun's posture to stiffen a little, yet he smiled appreciatively.

"I'll gladly be there," Balun finally answered. A family gathering sounded, quite frankly, amazing, although there was an element of anxiety as well. "Hopefully, they all like me," he added self-consciously. "The family all seem to be full of intelligent, business-minded people—something that I'm really not," he grinned awkwardly.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

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