Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unknown LOA

The Last Son
Hey guys.

I will likely be taking a backseat in the RP threads that I am in, or any future threads. A while back, my grandmother passed away with my grandfather following not even a month later. It hit home kind of hard for me with how long I had spent with them as I child, but I tried to stay active as much as I could on the board. It was when I learned that two days ago, my uncle has now passed away as well.

I will still be around to perform my Factory Judge duties and to be part of the factions that I am. However, responding to threads, and making new ones will be on the lowest part of my list of things to do. My muse is dying really badly and so I will need to take some time for myself to try and get a grip on life again.

I am sorry for all of those that this affects, I wish it wouldn't be this way.
[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Should you need anything, do not hesitate to shout out.

Take care of yourself and your family, Shaun. I wish you and your family all the best, during such a hard time.

I'm truly sorry, brother.
Take care of yourself, doll; a minute, hour, or day at a time. Sorry to hear about your Grandparents and Uncle and I hope things start looking up for you! We haven't really spoke much, but you're a good soul, [member="Shaun Castanic"] and I'm sending good vibes your way!
[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Sorry to hear. I lost the same relatives in a short span of time, and I was very close to them. I know what you're going through. Take the time that you need. We'll be around when you need us, either to chat or for an escape. <3

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