Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpredictable Activity

Due to an unexpected Death in my immediate Family my muse across all characters has been effectively crippled.

While I'm too much of an addict to leave this place, my posts may be significantly slower while I'm focusing on obvious priorities IRL.

This effects:
  • [member=Veiere Arenais]
  • [member=Caedyn Arenais]
  • [member=Brennan Cabrol]
  • [member=Ylva Solveig]
  • [member=Teign Hoegr]
I will still be around to check in on things, will try to post when and where I can but I'm not expecting a great deal. I apologize for the inconvenience to any this falls on.
[member="Veiere Arenais"] - Words can't even describe how much it pains me to hear this terrible news, my friend. I'm truly sorry to hear the worst has come to pass, and please take all the time you need.
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Asha Hex"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"]

Thanks Guys,

I'm alright, more trying to be here for my family. I felt off about posting something like this on Chaos but it was more for the sake of people waiting on posts and what not to know where things are at and why I may miss something or be paying as much attention as I arguably should be.

The timing sucks with Christmas and all but worry not, I'll try to do what I can around here but things will quieten down sooner or later...

Appreciate the thought.


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