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Approved Tech Unterstützungswaffe Modell 815

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Intent: To create a standard automatic weapon for the Eisenwelten Kampfpanzer Korps and the Eisenwelt military in general.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Model: UM-815
Affiliation: Eisenwelt, Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Modularity: yes, the weapon features various magazine sizes, attachments, and can be pintle, hull, and generally vehicle mounted.
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, durasteel, and other automatic weapon parts and materials
Classification: Repeating Blaster
Size: Handheld, Vehicle Mounted
Length: 1,200mm with stock, 1,000mm without stock
Weight: 10kg with stock, 8.8kg without stock
Ammunition Type: Power cell, tibanna gas canister
Ammunition Capacity:
  • Handheld version: 100/power cell, 600/gas canister
  • Vehicle version: 1,000/power cell, 10,000 (the ammo count of plot convenience, really) per gas canister
Effective Range: 200-1,300m (depends on the sights used and the users skills)
Optimum Range: 3,000m
Rate of Fire: Fully automatic

The Unterstützungswaffe Modell 815 has been the mainstay for the Eisenwelten military for the past few decades. The weapon is a fully automatic repeating blaster capable of firing long distances and giving much needed suppression and support fire on the battlefield. There are two major variants of the design, a handheld version and a vehicle mounted version.

Both are identical and operate the exact same, though the vehicle version lacks a stock. The weapon can fire up to an effective range of 1,300 meters with a maximum range of 3,000m. The weapon is fully automatic and features a good power cell to tibanna gas ratio. The weapon is easily maintained and very user friendly, though can be a little complex at times, especially for those new to the weapon. All in all, the weapon is considered standard issue for the Eisenwelten military and is used as a baseline for further weapon development in its class.
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