Good Ol' Scoundrel

Black Sun rises.
The Red Hand drifted through space with the world of Hollastin filling quickly the canvas that was the viewscreen of the command bridge. Following behind were the rest of the Suns of Darkness. Goal clear as the sky at night - the 'requisition' of Hollastin. A strategic planet serving as a port of call for many a ships heading in and out of Hutts Space.
"The Smuggling Lords? What an onanstic moniker." Rohak scoffed at his first mate Karl The Herglic. "They haven't been paying the Hutts 'protection' fees?"
"Not at all."
"This close to the Hutts and the slugs ain't batting an eye?"
"They're getting complacent, I guess." Karl said.
"Nah, Hutts never get complacent, Karl. Remember that." Rohak pointed out.
A muffled chattered grew louder before the reason for it came to the ears of the dar'manda captain.
"We've been target locked, Captain." Karl reported.
"Who the feth's dumb eno- a Star Destroyer??" Rohak frowned at the tactical screen before him.
"How the hell do a bunch of smugglers get their hands on a star destroyer, let alone operate it." Karl groaned.
"Explains why the Hutts haven't been knocking much on their door."
"Uh-huh. Multiple vessels are arriving in orbit from the planet, Captain. Orders?"
"So they will be trying to resist, huh? Get in a contact with the rest of the Suns, Karl."
"And say what, Cap'n, it's a bloody Star Destroyer."
"Tell them...we go straight for the head of the snake." Rohak coldly stated. "Cut it and the rest will obey."
"You are not seriou-"
"Did I stutter, Karl. Alert the boarding crews to get ready. It's time for some good ol' requisition to happen. Just like old times."