Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Up, Down and Sideways

The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Tatooine, Mos Eisley

The black shemagh wrapped around Dax's face was the only thing that protected him from the sand that was being thrown in his face by the savage winds that the storm had brought in. Using his hand to cover his eyes Dax stumbled blindly into the cantina that he'd been looking for. Coughing slightly he let the head wrap fall around his neck like a scarf.

Well that had been a less than ideal landing...but Dax didn't want to waste time. There were things to be done. Sitting in a corner of the wretched hive of scum and villianry, Dax awaited the other Jedi to arrive.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
It was not yet midday by the time Sorel reached Mos Eisley and made her way toward the cantina she'd been asked to visit. Mos Eisley was large and sprawling and had the look of a gnarled serpent hunkered down in the sand to escape the heat. The buildings were domed and thick-walled and curved to protect against the sun, and the stalls and shops were fronted by awnings and verandas that provided a measure of shade to their vendors. Streets were broad and packed with beings of every shape and size, most from off planet. Some rode the desert-seasoned eopies. Domesticated banthas, massive and horned, and lumbering dew backs hauled carts, sleds, and wagons that ran on wheels and mechanical tracks by turn, a mishmash of commerce trafficking between Tatooine's smaller ports and the planets of star systems beyond.

Sorel knew the sleepy appearance was what lulled too many travellers into danger. There were perils and pitfalls at every turn for the unwary.

A small grin spread across her face. She could now count herself in that number.

The tug was slight but there none the less. Her pocket had been picked. Her purse contained only a few credits – enough for one meal. It was the Jedi way. But stealing was stealing and a purse today was a speeder tomorrow and a murder somewhere down the line. Zero tolerance was the way ahead.

So she sighed softly and followed the young miscreant, who darted into a nearby cantina - conveniently one where she had planned to meet another Jedi. Sorel followed and as her eyes adjusted to the change in light whilst she lowered the hood of her Jedi cloak, her attention switched. Pick-pockets were ten a credit here. But a Force Sensitive? Much fewer and farther between. So she scanned the crowd as nonchalantly as she could, her Force Sight showing her the various auras. She noted that one patron, propped up in a corner booth was actually dead. She would tell the barkeep soon enough. But the young man was what caught her attention and she wandered across, bowing politely. “I am Sorel Crieff, pleased to make your acquaintance.” She always favoured the direct approach, it invariably served her well. Statistically he must be the one she was here to meet.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax stood and offered a hand, a pleasant smile stretching across his face. "My name's Dax. C'mon, have a drink." A half empty bottle of bottle of beer already sat on the table, the clear brown liquid sitting still as the two shook hands. "Get here alright I suppose?" he asked. Small talk seemed like a necessity before getting into business. Politeness Dax supposed. Not much else to it.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel accepted Dax’s hand. “Pleased to meet you.” She glanced at the bar. This was a local watering hole and would have limited need for fancy drinks – or indeed anything out of the ordinary. But given its proximity to the desert, she figured she might strike it lucky.

She caught the barkeep’s attention – an old but cheery looking local – and ordered a bottled water. A glance around the bar and she caught sight of the scruffy urchin that had pick-pocketed her. “She’s paying and you can tell her to keep the rest. It’ll pay for a meal at least.” She took the bottle offered and took a long sip before returning her attention to Dax.

“I made it here fine, but I’m guessing you didn’t ask me to this cantina to ask that. So, what do you have for me?” Sorel understood polite but only took it so far. They were Jedi and there was no doubt a job to do.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax nodded. They both understood that time was a precious commodity. "So as I imagine you know, the majority of the Outer Rim is neutral territory. Well on Tatooine, the only law to follow is the one that keeps you out of the sights of whatever cartel is currently in power." The young man spoke softly, a harsh undertone the only hint that the matter being discussed was a serious one. "Now its the Hutt Cartel. Has been for the last couple millenia. But like I said, I'm sure you already know this. As we speak, our most disgusting Hutt is leaving his palace for a pleasure cruise, taking much of his guard with him. This Hutt," Dax had begun to draw boxes in the dust with his finger, "deals largely in slaves and weapons. An odd mixture, but a profitable one. Right now, we have a chance to free the slaves, and seize a large cache of weapons."

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel listened and nodded. The situation was not new, nor was it complicated. But being simple was not the same as easy.

She followed the train of thought and checked she had understood fully. “Whilst the Hutt is away, the Jedi will play? Are we hoping he’s taken enough guards with him to make the palace a soft target for a couple of determined individuals to enter, free the slaves and take the weapons?”

It was a good plan. Or rather, it was as good as the intelligence. But then, they had to take that at face value. And none of this meant it would be easy. For the second time that thought crossed her mind. They had to be bold and believe in success, but they needed to plan for failure too.

“How do we plan to enter. What will be take the weapons out in and what’s our escape plan if it all goes wrong?”

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax finished dusty drawing, consisting of a a central circle , seven circles surrounding it and lines connecting the outer seven to those adjecent to it and then to the central circle. Pointing to the center circle Dax spoke again. "The palace is pretty simply constructed. Seven outlying towers are connected by corridors to each other and the central hall. Each of the towers serve either as housing or storage. The central hall has everything else. Cantina, training area below it, armory. Hell, they even got hookers. Pretty much everything a crime lord wants or needs." Pointing to a gap between two of the seven circles, where it appeared an eighth should have existed Dax began to explain the entrance and exit, "So this right here is the main entrance and exit. In fact, its the only one that leads outside of the compound. The rest empty into courtyard areas between the towers. Obviously we can't waltz in." Dax pointed to one of the walls, on the right side of the compound. "We can climb over the walls here. Its closest to the armory. We should hit that first. If we tried the slaves, I don't think they'd make it. But if we can crack open the armory, get some guns and arm them. Then they stand a chance. At that point however we're going to have to blast our way out of the main enterance. Outside there is typically some speeders and transports everyone can load onto. And that'll be that."

Dax leanded back into booth, crossing his arms over his chest. "Any suggestions?" Sure it was a plan. But every plan had flaws. It was the best he'd been able to come up with though. Dax knew the insight of others was extremely valuable in such situations.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel watched Dax construct his diagram. There was no standard structure for crime lords but what it contained tended to be constant. Not savoury. Not in the least – but constant.

She was pleased he’d done his homework. She was not averse to working on the fly – and when she did she invariably kept it simple. But a plan was never a bad idea. Quite the opposite.

Not that the plan necessarily met with her entire approval. “I presume there’s no way to help the slaves escape without bloodshed?” It was a question based more on hope than expectation she knew – but she had to ask it.

“But if not, it’s a sound way to gain access and an appropriate order of events for sure. So it gets my vote.”

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Not one that I can see." said Dax. Extinguishing the lives of thise who deserved it rarely bother Dax anymore. But losing the lives of innocents still did. Perhaps it always would. "If we're going to do his wehsould get going. We can reach the outskirts of the palace by nightfall and then make our move. If you're ready that is."

Dax had already prepped everything he needed and brought it with him. A saber and a blaster was all he needed. And the two of them being Force users, they wouldn't need any equipment to scale the walls of the compound. They could launch themselves up with the assistance of the Force.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded forlornly. She hadn’t expected an entirely peaceful solution – but she had to ask. And then she nodded again. “I’m ready. I travel light and have everything I need on me.”

She indicated a belt with a myriad of pouches on it. There must have been over forty. What they contained was anyone’s guess, but Sorel was always prepared.

“OK, let’s go.” She sipped more of the water and then handed the half-full bottle to the young girl that had pick-pocketed her. “You should re-think your life choice.” There was no Jedi mind-trick, just an honest exchange of Sorel’s thoughts. Oh, and she made sure the girl saw the hilt of one of her sabers! The urchin’s eyes widened and she took the bottle meekly.

“Sorry,” she said.

“I believe you,” said Sorel and with that turned and left the cantina with Dax.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax waited at the entrabce of the cantina as [member="Sorel Crieff"] dealt with the pick-pocketer, handing her half a bottle of water, a valuable thing, and imparting a few choice words of wisdom to the young girl. "That was kinder than I would've been." Dax remarked as the two Jedi stepped out into the heat and sabd again.

Everywhere Dax looked there was the potential for a thief of mugger. An alley housing three men leaning against the wall with bottles in hand. Children running by who may "accidently" bump into one person or another. The cynic in Dax told him they could all very well be a danger. Yet the kind part of him knew some didn't have a choice. It was a depressing thought.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel nodded, hearing Dax’s words. “Not kind necessarily. It was a reality check. I plan to swing by here when we’ve finished and see how she’s progressing. I didn’t wave a magic wand and sometimes it takes more than a few words to change the course of someone’s life. Not always but often.”

“Anyhow, there’s no right or wrong way to deal with people. As long as you follow the Code, that’s all you need to do. So, lead on.”

For most the heat would have been unbearable but for Sorel, with her Master’s bracelet, the temperature was no issue. It regulated her body so that it was always temperate to her – whether on Mustafar or Rhen Var. But that didn’t stop her getting sunburned, so she raised her hood to shield her skin from the rays.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax scoffed not quietly. The Code? he thought to himself. What use was the Jedi Code when it got people killed. Truth rung in words of the Jedi Code, but they were only half-truths, diluted and unwilling to see the galaxy as it was. A cold and heartless place. The woman clung to what amounted to emptiness.

Dax wrapped the shemagh around his head again, covering his mouth and shielding his eyes from the sun and dust. The two Jedi made their way through the winding market towards a speeder vendor, the crowds, while not overwhelming, anough to jostle them every once in a while.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was not slow to pick up on emotions – especially when the person was positively leaking their thoughts. Dax clearly had no time for the Code. Many Jedi chose to ignore it. All that mattered to Sorel was that they upheld its spirit even if they were unable to follow every letter. For her, that’s what differentiated them from those that called themselves Jedi but were selfish as opposed to selfless at heart.

Sorel kept pace with Dax. She pulled her robe closer to her as the wind threatened to expose her bare skin to the sun. Wordlessly they made their way to a speeder vendor. It was invariably the quickest way to travel in these parts and supply and demand kept prices reasonable. If you haggled and weren’t satisfied, the vendor knew there was another seller a few streets away that would undercut them. So prices tended to be low and constant. Sorel was pleased, she was never a fan of haggling.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax let the small stones fall from his hand, falling into the vendors hand with a quiet tinkle. It wasn't credits that were of value out here. It was anything that could help someone survive. The small stones held heat better than modt others, which was saying something considering where they were, but it allowed water to be boiled with ease, purifying the precious substance.

"You may want something to cover your face." Dax said to the other woman, "Wind plus sand plus speeder bike plays hell with your face and eyes." He brought the black shemagh down over his eyes, the thin material still allowing light through its stitchjng, leaving his vision almost completely hnobscured, save the black vingette around the edges. He then produced a pair of mechanics goggles from his pocket and offered them to woman, should she have needed them.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel went to the bag on her shoulder. In an instant she had fished out the goggles she typically carried for inclement weather. They tended to work for both snow and sand. She smiled when simultaneously Dax offered a pair himself. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good in that department.”

She glanced around the lot. The stones that Dax had offered would allow them to rent a reliable speeder, if not the fastest. In these parts, getting there for sure beat getting there quickly at the risk of not at all. Being stranded out on the desert was never a wise move.

She walked over to a likely looking vehicle and gave it the once over. It was dusty – but that applied to all of the speeders here. Once she lifted the lid she saw an engine that was well maintained. “What do you think? Will this do?”

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Dax peered the engine compartment and checked grav motors, and various other parts. He wasn't an expert at parts but he knew a well maintained machine when he saw one. This would do. He nodded to the woman, "You sure know how to pick em." turning to the speeder vendor he waved at the large man and shouted "We're taking this one!" A gruff nod and grunt was his only response.

"You wanna drive?"

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled – not that it was easy to see with her hood raised – and jumped into the driver’s seat. A quick check of the instrumentation and she powered the vehicle up.

Soon they were threading their way out of the crowds that paid little heed to those that might want to travel a little faster – be they on mechanical or organic modes of transport. And she kept a wide berth from the various beasts of burden that shared the dirt roads they travelled along as they made their way to the outskirts. To the desert.

Once out in the open, Sorel was able to open up the throttle. The navcomp and a little local knowledge meant she kept away from stretches that were likely to make them come into contact with beasts or Sand People and they made good progress.

“So,” she said, as the engine purred, “Is this your first time on the planet?” Small talk instead of getting down to business was pointless. But silence on a journey was equally inane.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
"Tatooine? No. My master and I were stationed here. We were investigating a slave ring. It ended up with us on Geonosis, facing off a Sith." he racked the slide of his slugthrower as he said this, placing the weapon in its holster on his hip. He didn't elaborate further on the matter. "What about you?"

He appreciated such moments. The time between life or death situations. Just talking or hanging around. It made one appreciate the work they did. When someone like they put their lives on the line, it was for the moments such as this. To protect friends, family, and to give others the chance to have these moments. But at the same time, they robbed the same moments from another being. But if that's what it took to protect the precious few, he'd do it in an instant.

[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel, like most Jedi, had been here at least once. It was an assignment that many took willingly, given the planet’s history.

“I’ve actually been here a few times. Invariably routine missions – picking up or dropping off. I’ve only been out into the desert once before though. Not a place for the unwary. All that sand makes you think nothing’s happening out here. Couldn’t be further from the truth.”

“So, this Hutt. How long is he expected to be away from his palace?”

[member="Dax Fyre"]

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