Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Up On The Mountain


The last few weeks, Jonyna had brought in Si Tech assets, mostly to build a proper landing pad. Jonyna had taken great care as to not disturb the natural feel of the long forgotten Temple of Cathar, but some concessions had to be made. Modern lighting, a new set of landing pads, and a set of trolleys up the massive cliff, as well as an updated stairway up the mountain from the trolley, made it so that the temple was now mostly accessible to the jedi of the modern era.

Once everything had been built, Jonyna sent up the message to Valery Noble Valery Noble that things were ready for her to send her daughter. Jonyna had taken great care to make sure things were ready, now they just needed the defenses to allow the temple to enter the care of the NJO.

As the woman sat on the landing pad waiting, she watched the clouds roll over the side of the mountain. One thing she couldn't change was the weather. Well, she could, but not for long. Not like that.

The rain would come soon. The wet season was arriving.

She hoped Vera liked the rainforest.

Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble


Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Vera's voice echoed through the valley, as she reached the top of the mountain using the trolley. Jonyna was likely expecting her to arrive with a shuttle, but that was boring! She had insisted that the pilot brought them down into the jungle, so she could walk her way to the mountain and take the trolley up. It offered the best view and it felt a little more exciting than taking the usual route to reach a mountain top.

Even more amazing, Mom and Knight Si had apparently climbed their way up!

"Knight Si?!" she exclaimed loudly to announce herself and look for the Jedi Knight. She was eager to spend some time with the woman and perhaps learn something new.

But she was just as eager to help her.


Of course she took the trolley.

Hearing the girl, Jonyna let out a snicker, standing up and waving from the platform. "Over here! Hold on!"

With a flash of flame, and a few air-steps down, Jonyna floated her way over to the trolley exit. The car opened up right at the edge of the mountain spring, and Jonyna landed right on the other end. "You want a drink? Water's fresh." Jonyna herself floated a bit of water up to herself, cupping it in her hand and drinking it like it was a bit of tea. "Your mom says you're practicing making golems like your dad. This place needs some, would love to see yours."

Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble



Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Vera was grinning from ear to ear when Jonyna made her appearance with fire and awesomeness! That was exactly what a young Noble liked to see, and Vera wasn't hiding her joy.

"I'm okay, I drank before I got here. But that was really cool, Knight Si!" Vera smiled and looked back down the way she came. This whole planet was pretty cool, from what she had seen.

And the view was amazing!

Turning back to the Jedi Knight, Vera dipped her head, "Dad and I worked on Golems to protect Temples. I can make new ones for this specific Temple and environment! Maybe... they should look like monkeys," Vera said with squinty eyes and a thoughtful expression. "So then can climb around and stuff."

As always, her imagination was quite wild


Jonyna...didn't actually know what a monkey was. "Climbing golems could be nifty!" Jonyna smiled. "Maybe we could make them out of the local stone, or maybe wood? I'm not familiar with the process. Show me?"

She'd seen the golems around the temple on Coruscant, but she never witnessed them being made. She had honestly avoided them as much as she could up until now, as they tended to creep her out a little...

Tag: Vera Noble Vera Noble


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