Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Up the Ladder

“Another” The bartender knew what she was drinking. He also knew she wasn’t paying for it. “Thanks dear” she returned with a smirk, quickly averting her eyes to the far more interesting spectacle of the surrounding area. The uneasiness in his told that he was glad she didn’t pay more attention to him.

She and her friend had been on a bit of a pub crawl this evening, in addition to the few last ones as well. It wasn’t showing on her, thankfully. That’s youth and cosmetics for you.

What had happened to her friend she did not know. It didn't concern her. This was her city. Kark, this was her planet. Saoirse intended to enjoy every moment of it. As shady and polluted of a planet as Nar Shaddaa was, she sure hoped it would be able to provide her with some decent entertainment. The bar was clean, at least. Moderately. In any case, all of this felt like a massive upgrade on Balosar.

The place was lively as usual. It was one of the more frequented spots in the district. But of course, it was hardly a high-end sort of thing. It knew how to cater to its target audience. Instead it was filled with various thugs and minor criminals, and of course the occasional addict or blissfully unaware party-goer, possibly about to be pick-pocketed.

These streets were unfiltered and raw. Just the sort of environment Saoirse thrived in.

Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat
Nar Shadda, a world so wholly despised by decent folk that it managed to earn titles more despicable than anything those same people would speak. Indeed, the planet was renowned for few things other than its overt criminality and few people visited the world out of innocent curiosity.

Sy' had spent the better part of a week on the planet, business was always booming on Nar Shadda for individuals with his skillset. This had been a particularly enriching work period, although the entrepreneur had been rather disappointed at the ease with which the mission had been completed. He was a hunter by nature and found challenges were more stimulating. His last quarry had been little more than a fool with too much glamour and riches for his own good. Of course, the target was no in ownership of either of these, while his benefactor had greatly increased his own wealth and social status. The gambler in Sy' wondered how long it would be before he would be hired to take out the very man he had worked for this day. It would hardly be the first time.

Nonetheless, a hunt was a hunt. Accomplished with skill and cunning, Sy' took pride in the conclusion and had elected to celebrate. What existed of the local policing agencies wouldn't trouble him, he had made sure of that. Now was the time to enjoy the ever fruitful nature of his occupation. And so, with a pocket full of credits and a lightened heart, the Chiss found himself downing mugs of alcohol of exotic varieties. The particular corner he had managed to occupy in the midst of the madness about the bar sat beside speakers blaring out an overpowering tune. Nonetheless, Sy' had managed to obtain a sizable audience for his tale.

"And so he sat there snivelling on the ground while I held him up with a broken hold out pistol! He was begging for his life even as I wondered if the thing would snap in two. Well, he gave me all he had and I was about to make my get away when his bodyguard showed up. Next thing I know, I've been knocked to the ground and the guard was holding a gun to my face while his master took back his money. I guess he wanted to finish me himself, because he asked the guard for the 'stim' and knelt over me. Maybe the guard gave him the wrong one, because after he injected himself he was crumpled on the floor a few seconds later. The guard ran off screaming and I was left alone with all of the valuables. He was still alive, breathing real slow like, had a reputation to keep so I made sure to get rid of him. Let's just say everyone should avoid drinking water from the Regilial District, might get more than you bargained for."

The small crowd, composed of individuals from all walks of life, responded in various ways. Wide-eyed travelers, perhaps unaccustomed to the particular flavor of Nar Shadda stood in varying stages of amazement and horror. Other mercenaries, evidenced by their hardened demeanor and the armements some carried, laughed at the story or gave signs of respect. A few, such as a Trandoshan in the middle had an understanding glint in her eye. Sy' could spot her immediately and the two shared a moment of comprehension. A fellow storyteller, like the fishermen of old. They understood that stories of truth and simple facts would never truly stand out, but stories of fiction seeded with reality were superior in every regard. Sy' cared not for his stories as records of his exploits, indeed it was the story and the people that mattered more. The Chiss enjoyed just sharing a story with others, though to admit that would be to admit his identity was built on shambles.

The mercenary continued on, shouting over the music as it grew louder and falling into silence as the occasion required. He could do this all night, and he had many a tale to tell.

Miya Ashera Miya Ashera
The Storyteller had amassed something of an audience, and it eventually reached Saoirse's notice. She had bothered the bartender long enough, and nothing else interesting was happening. After filling her cup, high heels carried her towards the group. Saoirse did not exactly dress like a dangerous gangster would, but those who knew her knew to stay clear. Saoirse was seemingly unarmed. Her outfit was all black from top to bottom; short leather skirt, and a leather jacket on top of a form-fitting lowcut top. Confident, cocky, powerful - that was the aura she was going for. She didn't need a blaster at her hip to keep her rivals at bay. Not openly carrying one she saw as a further dig on anyone who might have their sights on her position or her master. Saoirse invited strife and she didn't flinch. Though to be fair, she was deep in Kossak the Hutt's territory. There would be no shortage of assistance to be found, even in this den.

She lingered on the outside of Sy's group at first, fascinated by the tales he spun. She didn't know if he could live up to the talk he talked, but if he could walk... Well. The picture he painted was of just the type of man she needed. Better yet, she had no idea who he was, which around here meant probably no one else did either. One could hope.

A few stories later, at some point Saoirse pushed off from the wall she'd been leaning against, taking a few steps towards him. Before she'd wanted to blend, now she wished to be noticed. "Okay, I gotta stop you there... Tell me if I missed something, but... First, you gave the two Gamorrean guards your blaster and they took you to their boss... But you said you knew he had already worked out you had been paid to kill him. You're still standing here, so clearly you didn't die... But how could you possibly get yourself out of that? And you had to know they brought you there to gloat before killing you. What, you cut a deal?"

A curious tale, but... Thoughts were forming in Saoirse's mind. If he was the kind of man she figured he might be, then she might just have a use for him...

Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat
The mercenary had downed more than his fair share of drinks by this point and his memory of the stories he had been regaling were beginning to slip from his mind as readily as the drink slid down his throat. His addled mind was already starting to lose its inhibitions, and Sy' might have easily stepped into more personal episodes in his life. Indeed, without Saoirse's timely intervention, the Chiss may well have begun reciting more secretive parts of his life. As it was however, the near-human had managed to catch Sy's attention and her question soon awoke his mind.

Which one was that... He wracked his mind, hunting the elusive trail of one among thousands of bounties. Gliding through memories he soon recognized the issue. Well, this is a bit of a problem. The story he had been telling should have involved a Bith crimelord, not a Hutt one. And the Gamorreans had been Gran. He had managed to smuggle a sonic grenade in his pack and had used it to kill the Bith. It was a little known fact that Bith were hypersensitive to sonic weaponry, particularly of the grenade variety and their heads had a nasty tendency of exploding when hit with such a weapon. Now, the same could not be said for Hutts, which put him in a bit of conundrum and Sy' endeavored to recall where the other parts of the story might have come from. He imagined it was that business on Rhen Var, a bit of a mix up on his part that one.

Nothing for it. Well, he had woven quite the tale thus far, the Chiss guessed he would just have to continue weaving for a little while longer. "Cut a deal? Never, we've got our honor you know. No no no, the Hutt was right where I wanted him. The Hutt wanted to make a spectacle of his would be assassin. Thus, he sent me to his personal fight pit, and tossed me up against a solidly built Wookiee. Let me tell you, they are not fun beings to compete against! He had a real hard left jab. Anyways, as I was bloody well fighting and running for my life, this big Hutt is feasting and watching. Some disagrees with him though and he barely makes to the door before he flops over dead. Everyone was so busy freaking out over the death of their boss, nobody noticed me snatch a blaster from the guard and make my get away. You're probably wondering though. What killed our deceased friend the Hutt? Kind of odd to see one of them just keel over right? Well, this was a bit of a tough mission and I knew I couldn't get at him the usual way. You know how Hutts are, cunning and smart, but paranoid like nobody's business. So, like any mercenary worth his salt, I had to get creative." He took a breath, looking around for a drink as if that might help, but found nothing. Pushing forward, he drew inspiration from a mission he had run on Nal Hutta for a particularly slimy Hutt wishing to knock off his brother. "You see, this Hutt was known for two things. One: eating a rare specie of Felucian slug. Two: bribing people to fight his enemies. Of course, the first was a rare commodity tightly controlled and monitored by the Hutt and his extended family. Yet there was an element of risk involved, which perhaps was the reason he liked to eat them. This slug our Hutt was fond of had a rarer cousin specie that are rather more resilient to digestive fluid. In fact, this particular creepy-crawly was documented eating its way outside of the stomachs of Sarlacc and Rancors. This creature is similar in almost every regard to its tamer, less lethal brothers, but the hunters of such creatures know well which to take and which to avoid. The question then was how to introduce an accident into the Hutt's carefully prepared food supply. Fortunately, one of the target's relatives had a bit of a grudge against his brother, some bad blood over deals gone sour. He was a little loose on the security and I discovered from working a little in the trade, I needed to only get one of these little creatures past the initial gathering and nobody would know the difference."

"With a little bit of finagling and haggling with a smuggler over the price of importing one of these creatures, I soon managed to push one or two into the Hutt's stash. And here came the interesting part. There was no guarantee the Hutt would ever eat these particular ones, he tended to have so many imported that many would die before they ever came to his platter. I discovered he liked particular colours based on the events of the day, particularly he like to eat slugs with a vibrant blue color when celebrating. So, I made my way down his supply chain, and made some modifications to the slugs, basically just some paint on the creatures. Then it was only a matter of giving the Hutt something to celebrate. As his birthday was quite some time away, the local swoop tracks were in their off seasons, and his particular criminal organization was seeing no definite advances, I was left with one option. A failed assassination attempt. Of course, I had to make it look like a blunder, make look like I was new to the business. So I guess I got some of my acting hours in as well!" Those individuals in the audience who had not left during the story soon took up his laughter. In reality, Sy' had no idea how the Hutt had managed to get the wrong worm. He had only learned about the various aspects of the Hutt's particular interest after he had died and his brother had paid the bounty. He took the money of course, a kill was a kill even if he wasn't directly involved. Maybe somebody at the hunting stage just had a bad day, or maybe he was tired of his boss. Guess I'll never know now.

Miya Ashera Miya Ashera
Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat

Whether truth or lie, Saoirse couldn't tell the difference and was totally engrossed in his story. Perhaps the alcohol at the tip of her mind nudged her more sceptical side away, swept under the proverbial rug. "You brawled with a Wookie, but you're still standing?" That had been the first part to get her jaw dropping, but the longer he continued the more impressed she became. By the end of it, she had this image in her mind of a genius master assassin, always five steps ahead of his target. He could certainly teach her a thing or two, if she was lucky.

Saoirse reached for another sip of her cup, realizing only then that hers was empty. Sy seemed to be in the same situation. Saoirse left the wall she was leaning against, and moved up closer to him. On the way she picked up the cup, plucking it straight out of the hands of someone in his audience. They had just ordered it, and hadn't even gotten the chance to take a sip! Standing in front of Sy, she poured the contents into his empty cup, hoping the gesture would be appreciated. It showed off her fluid morals, but in her own way it was intended as a compliment of sorts. The fact that the guy only looked upon her with shock, but decided rather than argue, to instead retreat to the bar for another drink also told a part of her story.

"Story time is over folks" she said, turning to the group for the last time, before her attention landed entirely on the Chiss. "You and I should take this conversation somewhere private" her lips twisted into a sly smirk. "You sound like a man who knows how to handle himself. And I might have just the kind of job that might excite you" she made sure to lower her voice as the prospect of a job came up. That wasn't something she'd want to be public knowledge. For all anyone else knew, she had taken an interest in him for entirely different reasons.

She waited to gauge his reaction, to see if there was any interest in what she was suggesting. Saoirse would discover whether she could lead him away, or needed to stay and entice him further.
For a moment, the Chiss was certain he would be called out on his bluff. Although he had wrestled Wookiees in the past, they had mostly been training matches, or against pretty old ones. One of his colleagues had suggested he might have made a good boxer, if he had two arms. As it was, without his left arm, he had proven ineffective in most of his later brawls. Maybe when he was younger, or if he took the cybernetic treatment like most people told him to, Sy' might have been a more dangerous opponent. However, the mercenary was content with what he had, a deep respect for personal and professional space. He liked his quarries on the far end of a firing position, preferably only visible through a high-powered scope.

That moment passed swiftly and Sy' managed to keep a straight face as this lady began to disperse the crowd. She held a great deal of sway around here. That much was evident. The old mercenary wondered if she was connected to the local crime syndicates. At least one, maybe more. That was the nature of crime on a world like this, people tended to double deal in order to succeed. Her actions merely deepened Sy's assumption and when she spoke quietly he had every desire to respond in his instinctual manner. Play into the bluff.

She had clearly intended for potential eavesdroppers to hear a different meaning to the words, a clever trick to hopefully put off rivals. He liked dabbling in the espionage line or work, but some of his compatriots had warned him off for 'less than stellar acting capabilities.' He had no idea what they were talking about of course, he could get away with all sorts of things when he played dumb or acted mildly insane, indeed it had become a staple of his career to act out to track other people's response. While this may have been an interesting scenario to try, Sy' guessed it would not create a good first impression, and might hurt his chances at landing the job. He kind of needed another one at this point, things weren't looking great and he was seriously considering selling his training services to private military groups.

"Sounds juicy, where exactly would you like to discuss the particulars of this potential job? I have a cozy room about a block from here." He attempted to inject enough interest into his voice just to keep up the charade to other listeners.

Miya Ashera Miya Ashera
Saoirse's lips widened into a smirk. "That sounds perfect." Should someone have eavesdropped on their conversation, it wouldn't strike them as anything out of the ordinary. They definitely needed to find some way out of here. As much as people moved away when she asked for it, she knew they'd be keeping their eyes on her. Whatever she said or did could quickly become the gossip of the district, and if what she had in mind reached the wrong ears... Well, that simply would not do.

Saoirse had no issue playing her part. It was a familiar role, and the only concern might be that she played it too well. That was a bridge she could cross when she got there. Playing up her good mood, she slid her arm around his and pulled him with her. She walked with him outside, ignoring a comment of 'I guess she likes them blue'.

At this stage the task of leading the way landed on him. "You're good at keeping secrets, are you not?" she said, leaning in with a whisper only intended for his ears. "I'd hate for any of this to get out. Become one of the tales you tell at a bar, only for the wrong people to realize it has to do with someone they know. Savvy?" Her body language and even tone was all manner of friendly and charming, yet the implication of her words she hoped were clear enough so that they did not require to be backed up by a literal blaster.

Sy' Lanat Sy' Lanat
As the duo walked outside, Sy' stifled a snicker in response to comments aimed at them. The Chiss had been in stranger company before, although this was perhaps the first time he had been asked on a date in such an unusual fashion. Stepping into the acrid air of Nar Shadda, he half expected Reyes to take lead. Most employers usually preferred to negotiate terms on their own turf. Then again, Sy' considered, perhaps she was confident that wherever they went, she would have some sway. The mercenary guessed there was nothing for it, he would have to play along for now.

At her suggestion that he might betray the confidentiality of a client, while said client still lived was rather a low blow. Sy' allowed a moment or two to pass, the buzzing of passing vehicles and the drone of thousands of conversations and interactions filling the gap. After his initial indignation passed, he gave a toothy grin and whispered in a similar tone, "Of course, if you want the job to stay... outside common knowledge, then that can be arranged."

As they continued to walk, Sy' felt a need to keep conversation going. The incessant sounds of this world were not exactly pleasant and he did like to at least be somewhat acquainted with his prospective employers. "So tell me, what does a pretty little flower such as yourself do such that you would require my expertise?" They were a few minutes from his current residence, and then it would be a little longer to reach the privacy of his room, if privacy could exist on this particular planet.

Miya Ashera Miya Ashera

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