The mercenary had downed more than his fair share of drinks by this point and his memory of the stories he had been regaling were beginning to slip from his mind as readily as the drink slid down his throat. His addled mind was already starting to lose its inhibitions, and Sy' might have easily stepped into more personal episodes in his life. Indeed, without Saoirse's timely intervention, the Chiss may well have begun reciting more secretive parts of his life. As it was however, the near-human had managed to catch Sy's attention and her question soon awoke his mind.
Which one was that... He wracked his mind, hunting the elusive trail of one among thousands of bounties. Gliding through memories he soon recognized the issue.
Well, this is a bit of a problem. The story he had been telling should have involved a Bith crimelord, not a Hutt one. And the Gamorreans had been Gran. He had managed to smuggle a sonic grenade in his pack and had used it to kill the Bith. It was a little known fact that Bith were hypersensitive to sonic weaponry, particularly of the grenade variety and their heads had a nasty tendency of exploding when hit with such a weapon. Now, the same could not be said for Hutts, which put him in a bit of conundrum and Sy' endeavored to recall where the other parts of the story might have come from. He imagined it was that business on Rhen Var, a bit of a mix up on his part that one.
Nothing for it. Well, he had woven quite the tale thus far, the Chiss guessed he would just have to continue weaving for a little while longer. "Cut a deal? Never, we've got our honor you know. No no no, the Hutt was right where I wanted him. The Hutt wanted to make a spectacle of his would be assassin. Thus, he sent me to his personal fight pit, and tossed me up against a solidly built Wookiee. Let me tell you, they are not fun beings to compete against! He had a real hard left jab. Anyways, as I was bloody well fighting and running for my life, this big Hutt is feasting and watching. Some disagrees with him though and he barely makes to the door before he flops over dead. Everyone was so busy freaking out over the death of their boss, nobody noticed me snatch a blaster from the guard and make my get away. You're probably wondering though. What killed our deceased friend the Hutt? Kind of odd to see one of them just keel over right? Well, this was a bit of a tough mission and I knew I couldn't get at him the usual way. You know how Hutts are, cunning and smart, but paranoid like nobody's business. So, like any mercenary worth his salt, I had to get creative." He took a breath, looking around for a drink as if that might help, but found nothing. Pushing forward, he drew inspiration from a mission he had run on Nal Hutta for a particularly slimy Hutt wishing to knock off his brother. "You see, this Hutt was known for two things. One: eating a rare specie of Felucian slug. Two: bribing people to fight his enemies. Of course, the first was a rare commodity tightly controlled and monitored by the Hutt and his extended family. Yet there was an element of risk involved, which perhaps was the reason he liked to eat them. This slug our Hutt was fond of had a rarer cousin specie that are rather more resilient to digestive fluid. In fact, this particular creepy-crawly was documented eating its way outside of the stomachs of Sarlacc and Rancors. This creature is similar in almost every regard to its tamer, less lethal brothers, but the hunters of such creatures know well which to take and which to avoid. The question then was how to introduce an accident into the Hutt's carefully prepared food supply. Fortunately, one of the target's relatives had a bit of a grudge against his brother, some bad blood over deals gone sour. He was a little loose on the security and I discovered from working a little in the trade, I needed to only get one of these little creatures past the initial gathering and nobody would know the difference."
"With a little bit of finagling and haggling with a smuggler over the price of importing one of these creatures, I soon managed to push one or two into the Hutt's stash. And here came the interesting part. There was no guarantee the Hutt would ever eat these particular ones, he tended to have so many imported that many would die before they ever came to his platter. I discovered he liked particular colours based on the events of the day, particularly he like to eat slugs with a vibrant blue color when celebrating. So, I made my way down his supply chain, and made some modifications to the slugs, basically just some paint on the creatures. Then it was only a matter of giving the Hutt something to celebrate. As his birthday was quite some time away, the local swoop tracks were in their off seasons, and his particular criminal organization was seeing no definite advances, I was left with one option. A failed assassination attempt. Of course, I had to make it look like a blunder, make look like I was new to the business. So I guess I got some of my acting hours in as well!" Those individuals in the audience who had not left during the story soon took up his laughter. In reality, Sy' had no idea how the Hutt had managed to get the wrong worm. He had only learned about the various aspects of the Hutt's particular interest after he had died and his brother had paid the bounty. He took the money of course, a kill was a kill even if he wasn't directly involved.
Maybe somebody at the hunting stage just had a bad day, or maybe he was tired of his boss. Guess I'll never know now.
Miya Ashera