Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Up to no good

Viqtor Locke, a large human wearing commando style armor and wearing an over-sized slugthrower revolver sat in a shady cantina, down in the depths of Coruscant. The majority of the patrons gave him some berth and he sat alone at a high top table with a few glasses scattered in front of him. He had a bored look on his face as he stared blankly at the Holo-screens depicting different sporting events. The Blob Races had held his attention for sometime, but after three heats he had lost interest. What he really wanted to do was tear something up, beat someone up, or fight something, and he wanted to get paid while doing it.

A waitress wandered up to him "You need anything else?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"I need your strongest, cheapest whiskey." he grunted without looking down at her. "Ya'd think after a war had been fought on this rock there would be something to do."

As the waitress walked away he began scanning the room for anyone of note. He noticed a few obvious small time criminals and the occasional spacer in the bar, but the crowd was pretty sparse. He checked his comm-link to see if [member="Razz Michaels"] had contacted him, but nothing as of yet.
"Hey, hey, hey!", The Devaronian said, slowly approaching [member="Viqtor Locke"]. "Eh, the name is Yon'Borr and I'm a business man of my free time, of course". The rather strange and likely insane pirate and con-man collapsed into a seat at the same table the man was sitting at. Lazily tapping his fingers on the table, a wicked smile formed on his face. "Would you like to test your skill and...luck in a small game of my". He chuckled loudly before removing a cigar from his trench coat, along with a metallic lighter. He ignited the cigar, chuckling. Sliding the lighter back into his coat, he shook his head repeatedly. "Yes, yes, yes! Willin' to play a small game that involves a small amount of credits?".
Viqtor looked at the devaronian with annoyance, as the alien sat across from him. He didn't much like aliens, most of the ones he had met were still complaining about how their species had been mistreated by the various xenophobic galactic governments. He thought about making the Devaronian leave, but then again anything was better than sitting waiting for a job. As the devaronian lit a cigar and began chattering he rolled his eyes. "Sure, humor for a while with your game. Tell me the rules and how its played and we'll see what happens about your luck as we play." Viqtor waved the waitress back over. "Names Viqtor, what'll ya have?"

[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
Javik had been in the Cantina in the Dark Corner wearing a huge cloak, hood down and the cloak covering his body. Javik needed time away from the Sith Temple and wanted to examine the cultures of the planet. Javik noticed the men [member="Viqtor Locke"] the large Commando looking fella and [member="Warren Yon'Borr"] the sinister looking devil. Javik smiled from the dark corner. Though he was blind Javik could see through Sonar and Sensory hairs all over him, The Cantina was busy and the noise gave him great sight. Javik could smell a variety of things and hear almost everything that went on but had trouble focusing on one part.

Javik looking at the two men from the far corner smiles and Javik taps into [member="Viqtor Locke"] 's mind to speak to him. << " He is going to scam you... I hope your Little brain knows that." >> Javiks voice was clam but inquisitive in the mans mind.

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
"I don't drink". He then reached into his trench coat, removing a small can from his trench coat pocket. Slamming the dice down onto the table, he chuckled. He lifted the can, revealing twelve black die. He pushed six over to [member="Viqtor Locke"], keeping the rest at his reach. "Six dice, right?". He then, which was rather surprising, remove another tin can. Scraping up all of the six dice on his side inside of the can, he shook the can, keeping his gloved hand under it to prevent the dice from escaping.

He then slammed the can back onto the table, pointing over to Viqtor's dice before pushing the other can over to the man. "Put all them dice in the can then mix 'em up. Slam 'em to the ground and look at your dice without allowing me to see them. You'd then place a bet, such as if you have three dices that have twos on 'em, you'd say three twos or you could alternitvely bluff, giving a false number.

Then the next player would either place another bet or declare the bid a bluff or spot-on. If it is a bluff and the other guy calls it, you loose one dice or if it ain't and the guy says its a bluff, the caller would loose the dice." The pirate stopped talking once @Javic Qaur-kal went in. "Please, if you ain't playing don't interfere...the first one will just be a test anyway, no credits involved...yet".
Viqtor jerked around looking for who had spoken. Seeing no one close by paying him much attention he turned back to the Devaronian. His eyes darted around studying the patrons at the cantina again. Perhaps he had overlooked someone in the darker parts of the little bar, but he couldn't see anyone paying his table any close attention. He eased his right hand onto the grip of his pistol, just in case someone decided to start something, it was the undercity after all.

He listened as the devaronian explained lair's dice to him like it was some kinda master-piece. "I've heard of your little game, and if it'll keep me entertained for ten minutes it'll be worth putting up with your showmanship. But if you're tryin to rip me off, I'll rip off your horns. Got me." He picked up the tin and scooped the dice into them, before slamming them onto the table.

"And if anybody's listenin in, come on over and make yourself known. Don't be shy." Viqtor finished saying as he continued to scan the back of the room, his right hand still on the grip of his pistol.

[Member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
[Member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
A slight fear crept up his spine once he heard the man's threats. He didn't think it would be possible to remove a Devaronian's horns with someone's bear hands but this man looked mighty capable of just that. "I shall make the first bet...". He slowly lifted the can, placing his hand in front of the side up in order to prevent [member="Viqtor Locke"] from seeing his dice. Scanning each dice he had come up with three fours, one two, and one five. "Three fours", Warren said, his grin returning. "Choose wisely, you loose your dice you got a large problem".
Viqtor tilted the can so he could look at his dice without the Devaronian seeing them, glanced the dice to see what he had, two threes, two sixes, a one, and a two. He then looked at [Member="Warren Yon'Borr"]'s face. He could see a little bit of worry in the pirate making Viqtor grin that his threat was being taking seriously. He liked people to be just alittle afraid of him. "Two Threes. Your bet." As soon as he was done speaking he went back to scanning the room. "Liar's Dice is best played with three or more people so you know." He said causually to the Devaronian.

[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik nodded in the dark. Reaching into [member="Viqtor Locke"] mind again he said << " If you wish..." >> Javik at that momment stood up from the seat in the corner and walked into the light revealing his 9'8ft body height, Javik was covered in Chitin-Scales. Thick Ones too. Sharp jagged bone like features all over and split down his cloak all were able to see 6 arms, twisted around the arms were amphistaffs. Javiks lower body was equipped with a belt full of pockets. Javik's appearance was Monstrous and he looked like a complete beast but had the mind of a Genius. Javik slowly walked over to the two men [member="Warren Yon'Borr"] and [member="Viqtor Locke"] tapping into both their minds to say.

<< " You were looking for me? >>

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
"What the feth!" Warren said, obviously startled. "W-w-what is t-t-that?". Climbing out of his seat, shaking in his boots. He quickly gripped the handle of his DL-44 heavy blaster pistol which was tucked into his belt. "W-w-w-why don't ya get back, eh? How 'bout leaving t-the bar, yeah? Yes, we have an agreement, no?". He took another step back, still shaking in fear. "WHAT IS THAT FETHING THING!" He shouted, drawing stairs from almost everyone at the bar. "G-g-get i-it now!", He screeched.

[member="Viqtor Locke"]

@Javik Qaur-kai
Viqtor looked to the quaking devaronian. "Shut it and put that away." He then turned to the creature that had revealed itself. He studied it quickly. "Emperor's black bones you're ugly, aren't ya. Still ain't got nothing on a Hutt, though. Why don't ya tell me what you are, and what it is that you want. Oh, and I don't need your life's story, just the facts." He gripped his pistol but left in holstered. For a man who didn't really like aliens, this one intrigued him. He wondered how much a scientist or some other brainiac would pay for this creature, but he he pushed that from his mind, more interested in the creature itself.

Putting a hand up toward's the devaronian, but keeping his eyes on the creature, he waved [member="Warren Yon'Borr"]back over to the table "If'n it wanted to hurt ya, you'd be hurt by now. Calm down before you get yourself killed, or me shot at. I've seen worse out on the outer rim during the war."

[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Javik tilted his head and grinned, his small whiter eyes glew in the dark cantina. Tapping into both their minds he said << " I am a De'Nochsax, Were a Strong warr and hard labor built species... But no uglier than you two. To my people I am a prophet and on Couresant a Sith Cultist.. " >> Javik got down in a Gorilla like stance to better examine them. << " My species speak through thought and learn from devouring Brain tissue's.. My purpose here is to how you would say People Watch. And you two caught my interest." >> Javiks voice to them was again calm but kinda smartass at the same time like he was better then anyone in the cantina.

Javik then adjusted him self by stretching his lower arms and asked. << " Why are you here?" >>

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
Viqtor let his hand slide away from his pistol as the creature spoke telepathically with him. "I ain't been called ugly by a giant lizard before, much less a prophetizing giant sith cultist lizard. Gotta be square with ya, you would be the first prophetizing giant sith cultist lizard I have met. Which sect of Sith are you with. There are so many these days, their like cockroaches some of em."

He moved to sit opposite of the De'Nochsax at the table. "Well if you must know, I was going to drink and then find some trouble to get into. Trouble that someone might pay me to get into, ya get me. I like money, I like killing things, and I like fighting things. Most of all I love getting to do all three." He motioned at the chair across from him, "Don't know if it'll hold you up, but it held me just fine." The night just got interesting, and hopefully it was just beginning.

[member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
Javik replied simple. << " Hrosha-Gul, Its Vuuzhan Vong Culture and Worship, Is this a Problem?" >> he asked tilting his head at [member="Viqtor Locke"]. Javik then nodded in agreement with what he said about fun. Javik scratched his chin. << " Fun is Vuuzhan Sacrifice... Credits are useless." >> Javiks voice seemed in a tone for arguing.

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
Viqtor stifled a laugh, "Credits ain't useless to me. They buy me things, things I can use to fight, kill, eat, drink, and cause a ruckus with. You may not need em cause your Sith buddies buy you things, but at the end of the day credits get spent on ya, one way or another. As far as Yuuzhan Vong go, I don't have a feeling about em, good or bad. Just Vong to me." He noted the argumentative tone in the creature's voice, he didn't really like most aliens, it was a sort of humanocentric mindset, but he didn't hate any species simply because they weren't human, he choose instead to base his hatred against individuals.

Viqtor guzzled down his drink and adjusted himself on the chair a little so that he could lean against the table. "Now, how about you and I go tear something up. I ain't got nothing better to do, and as you are just here watching folk, you don't have much else better either I reckon."

Viqtor waved over a waitress. She approached carefully from his side of the table keeping the table between herself and the De'Nochsax. "Y-y-yes Sir, what can I get you?" she stammered shifting a little behind and to the left of Viqtor.

"I'll have another whiskey. What for you, bud?" Viqtor asked [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] pointing a hand at the creature.
Javik groaned with a yawn and shook his head in disagreement. Javik did not understand the use of Drinks in this place. << " From what ive Obserbed humans drink more then anyone, Why is this? These Drinks slowly kill you am I wrong?" >> Javik walked back toward his corner slowly cloaking himself in the darkness but [member="Viqtor Locke"] knew where Javik was now. And with Telepathic thought Javik had no need to stand by the man, he did not care if the man shouted across the room either.

[member="Viqtor Locke"]
[member="Warren Yon'Borr"]
Viqtor watched the creature leave with an annoyed look on his face. "Fine, go back to your shadows, I'm off this stinking rock." He stood up, dropped a few credits on the table, and made his way out of the cantina. "Best head out Warren, I'm gonna go find something to blow to pieces," Viqtor remarked to the Devaronian as he left.

He walked through the undercity for a few minutes ending at a spaceport. He went to his docking bay and boarded his ship, and with minutes he was headed off world.

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