Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Upcoming LOA: 26/12-2014 -> 9/1-2015


I will be leaving for a trip to California soon and as such I will not be able to post at all. Okay, maybe a OOC post here and there but the IC will remain untouched for a while. Except for that I am also going to celebrate christmas like everyone else. Except, you know, a day earlier because Sweden is special like that.

Then again, nobody truly knows or cares about who I am (yet) so I will just leave this message for those that I do have threads with one way or the other. Starting either today or tomorrow I will be withdrawing from the site and getting ready for my trip.

Without further adieu here is the list of the usual suspects:

Yes, Kana is the usual victim to these suspects :(
  • [member="Corvus Raaf"]
  • [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
  • [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
  • [member="Dux Pontus"]
  • [member="Spike Arrel"]
Sorry, I know you guys know this but I love to repeat myself :lol:
  • [member="Jorus Merrill"]
  • [member="Valiens Nantaris"] ([member="Phylis Alince"])

Dominion - In the name of Justice:
  • [member="Elias Truden"]
  • [member="Lucien Cordel"]
  • [member="Nickolas Imura"]
  • [member="Inger Strömfire"]
Dominion - Desert Sands & Power Plays:
  • [member="Anders Sivas"]
Social - Anders' Party:
  • [member="Togashi Yokuni"]
(Yes it was worth it to create special avatars and signatures for this LOA, I am beyond excited!)

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