James Justice
Charting new Paths
Open threads
Rat's Celebration:Not technically our thread, but we have been invited. Hosted by everyone's favorite Gangleader, Nyx. We have an agreement to help them out with procurement of Goods, in return they will help us do some anti-sith stuff.
Justice Comes in Strange Ways (Taking Dal'Bor)
This is our big project right now! We finish this up and we are good to go for owing the town 100%. This will up our revenue a ton. Means everyone will get a massive monetary bonus when this is done. And perhaps some special toys to play with? But that's a rumor you didn't hear from me; don't tell the boss
Companies We Endorse, A list of all threads we have barginned with thus far
These people supply us and we move their goods. We will also add them to refer to each other and consult them when Jobs arrive that we can refer them to. We give them more business, and in return they pass the favor along.Weapons manufacturers:
-Merr-Sonn Munitions
-Merc Weapons
-Rogue Work Drives (Tentative)
Ship Manufacturers:
-Blith Tech
-Open Circles Ship yards (In the works, just have to sign the papers)
-Inquisitor Industries
Cloud Computing:
-Correlian Digital
Criminal Organizations:
-Street Rats
-Black Tie Syndicate
-Allura Traveling Circus
Factions we Aid/Endorse Support
It may seem counter-intuitive to support other factions but we are mercenaries, pirates and privateers. Someone has to hire us right? We are aiming towards becoming two things now:1) The largest smuggling/shipping/mercenary conglomerate in the galaxy; possibly history
2) Becoming the "Invisible hand" that is both untouchable and massively powerful.
I highly reccomend our memebers join these factions so they can assist in threads and know what is on the up-and-up. Note that any business you do for them is done in double pay: payment by them and payment by Justice Shipping Ltd. Translation: Cha-ching baby.
Empires/Nations we are helping build:
- The Empire of the Line
-Confederacy of the Outer Rim
Associate Factions/Factions that Run in goals similar to our own:
-Black Tie Syndicate
-Brethren Court
-Galactic Republic
-Galactic Alliance
-The Underground
Threads that we have completed (Including Deal Threads)
This is just a bit of admin stuff for me, feel free to not read past this. If you want you can, I am just putting this list somewhere I know I won't lose it Contracts
Dev Threads
Company Activities
-When You Wish Upon A cloud
-Coruscant Street Justice
-Lights of the Big Tent
-Once Friends Now Allies
-An Enemy's Enemy
-A Few Good Guns
-Building the Future:
-A Chance Meeting:
-Starting a Home:
-The Justice Strikes Back--Going William Wallace
-Merr-Sonn: The Next Step
-A United Front
-Aid And Beskar
RED: used to advance to T 3
BLUE: Going to be used to T 4