Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Updating Biography

Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Hi, just wanted to clear this because I'm not sure if it is possible. I'd like to create a new biography for my character, as a new topic.

I started my character with a certain personality but as I post more and more, I find that Zai has evolved to act differently then the bio would suggest.

My Strengths/Weaknesses wouldn't change, nor would appearance or the bulk of the backstory. I'd just like to change some aspects of the personality and add more content to other areas.

Thanks to anyone who finds time to answer this post. Having a lot of fun so far on chaos, looking forward to more RP.
You can simply go into your original biography and edit it just like you would go in to edit spelling mistakes in a post.

Many people update their char biographies in this way as characters age and change over time.

[member="Zai Avery"]

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