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Approved NPC Ur-Wisosûtira "Ireth Sul"

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U R - W I S O S Û T I R A
"Ireth Sul"

  • Intent: To assist with Faction Roleplays, provide a Faction related antagonist for those that interact with The Swarm, flesh out the population of Uribin with prominent figures.
  • ​Image Credit: Original Link "The Tyrany of Lady Vex" by Izzy_Medrano
  • Role: Mate to the "Ur of Nagath, Clan Ur-Ic of Cergoroth", occasional field-companion of the Ur.
  • Links: "Ur of Nagath, Clan Ur-Ic of Cergoroth", The Swarm
  • Age: 28
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive / Sith Knight
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: A tall and dangerous beauty, standing at 6 feet tall, adorned in red Sith tattoos and draped in scantily clad robes. Green gems accent the pitch black cloth, encrusted at various junctions of her garb within neat golden caps, across her abdomen is a sling occupied by a mostly silent infant. Her face seems stuck in a wicked expression of manic excitement, lips twitch and tugging constantly at a grin, eyes wild and piercing. Holstered on each of her thighs are black lightsaber hilts, the straps fastening them to her flesh are decorated with spiked rivets and small runed saucers.
  • Name: Ireth Sol, Ur-Wisosûtira of Clan Ur-Ic, Sith Knight, and Deathsinger of The Swarm
  • Loyalties: The Swarm, The Sith Empire, Clan Cergoroth Ur-Ic
  • Wealth: Moderately wealthy, maintains complete access to all facilities within the Inverted Spire of Nagath- Uribin. Is considered nobility and of high importance among her factions, therefore lays claim to a portion of the clans accumulated wealth.
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills: Adept in Force-Lightning, Force Push, Force Scream, and utilizes Jar'Kai form.
  • Personality: Ireth is Impulsive, unstable and suffers from horrid mood swings, she is unpredictably dangerous. She is very improper, as opposed to the others of Clan Ur-Ic- she is rude, snobbish, and disrespectful. Her infatuation with her mate, the Ur, has formed a bit of an obsession- it is speculated that this is the result of mind warping at the hands of the very Sith Lord she nearly worships. Despite taking on the job of producing the Ur's children, she is reckless and does not shy away from danger or sinful indulgences.
  • Weapon of Choice: Dual Lightsabers, The Force
  • Combat Function: Serves as an individual combatant within The Swarm, she does not typically fight along side others- except with underlings and on the rare occasions that she does accompany the Ur. Ireth specializes more in lightsaber combat than Force combat, while she does use her Force powers to aid, they're mostly for support and not necessarily fatal attacks. She has only recently advanced from the Sith title of "Apprentice" to "Knight" under the remains of the traditional Sith Order on Uribin, and as such her power does not compare well to a Master. She is able to hold her own against Knight level opponents, but can be easily forced to flee combat.

  • Adolescence: Ireth has known nothing but the cold subterranean society of The Swarm, it's degraded, mockery of Sith civilization- born of isolation and genocide, much like herself. Birthed above the great lakes of acid swirling beneath an unknown city on the brink of collapse, to a noble matron and her king, she is one of many sole survivors of catastrophe within Uribin. The girl and her mother escaped a breach from the Charon to seek refuge in Nagath, the last great city. The girl was taken into the Ur's court with open arms, while her mother was cast aside- a useless waste of the Ur's precious resources, or a potential rival.

    And so the girl grew to know the ways of the Ur-Ic and the Sith, her potential fully recognized and nurtured by their Prophet's cruel hand. At age seven Ireth had begun training in the ways of the blasphemous Ur's use of the Force, corrupting the impressionable being beyond return. Ten years later, she had been named Acolyte and began more formal Sith training under the entire court of Ur-Ic, she trained along side six of the then-living Th'Ur-Su'us. The girl was recognized with the same authority and importance as one of the Ur's children, but was bastardized for her namesake. Clan Sul-Al had been branded as weak, expendable, pathetic- their foolishness caused their own damnation and their expectations of Ireth were no less.

  • Adulthood: The Sith woman was quickly granted her apprenticeship to a certain Lord Nazg in her late teens. Under the watchful eyes of her master and the Ur, she grew to be a powerful, yet chaotic addition to the court. She had acted as an assassin on a number of occasions in the Ur's name, eliminating political enemies, ending potential rivalries before they arise, and seizing desired assets for the clan. Soon Ireth was deemed worthy of a higher cause to her Ur, she was to be named the next Ur-Wisosûtira, or simply the Ur-Mother. The position held authority second only to the Ur within Ur-Ic, this meant power over her tormentors- all of the Th'Ur-Su'us. Through the following eight years, she has provided the Ur with five children, further straining her relationships with the four remaining Th'Ur-Su'us. It is rumored that the demise of the two late sons of the Ur were products of Ireth's machinations, though there is enough evidence to point to Arden Ic as the destroyer of the his brothers. Their bitter feud has caused much controversy and infighting among the Ur-Ic in the past thirteen years.
Hi! I'll be reviewing this submission, so if there is anything you have questions on feel free to respond to this thread and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Give me a few minutes, and I'll review this accordingly.

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