Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Urban Air

The Galaxy was quite large and there were so many places Aren had not ever been to. Nar Shadda was one of them. So the young woman gained permission to land and brought her ship down. Paying the price for the docking fee, she walked off and into the horrible stench of the spaceport. Blinking her eyes a few times, she left her droids on board. Just in case she needed to make a fast escape for some reason.

Once she felt she could continue walking without passing out or vomiting, Aren just hoped the air would clear. Denon was nothing like this technological world. Yet similar. While she figured a weekend here would be fine, she just didn't feel she could ever call this world home.

Getting out of the spaceport and into the open air helped a little. Taking a deep breath, she suddenly wished for a scarf or something to cover her nose and mouth to keep the smell out. Holding her arm across her face, this would have to do until she could accomplish that.

Soon enough, her eyes were drawn to the glittering lights and her own curiosity made her follow the trail in front of her. Eventually, her arm lowered without her even knowing it. Not noticing the smell any longer, it really didn't matter to the Sith. Besides, she had smelled worse.

A few hawkers tried to get her attention but she ignored them. It was probably obvious she was a tourist and they wanted to trap her. She didn't fall for their tricks and luckily she didn't think she offended any of them. That wouldn't have bothered her even if she had.

Walking into not the first or the last of the casinos, she eventually found herself sitting in front of a glimmering machine. Closing her eyes, her hand came up just slightly and with a slight nudge from the Force, she knew this machine would work for her. Smiling, she inserted a few credits and started her night of gaming.

Aerith Krayt

Aerith Krayt

Nar Shaddaa. It was a planet she wasn't fond of, let alone tolerated. Still, a job was a job, and Nar Shaddaa was ripe for jobs to take. And Aerith was no stranger to taking up questionable jobs. Thankfully, this time on this garbage pit of a world, she actually had a job already selected; Corpsec wanted some fancy hacker brought to justice for her crimes. Truthfully, Aerith couldn't care less for someone ripping off a multi-trillion credit corporation, but she did want to see if her suit could hang in the most unpredictable scenarios that she could find herself in; so taking random contracts seemed to be the best way to find out.

Setting her ship down in the hanger, the Mandalorian could only muse on how she was going to find the woman on this world. Then again, sometimes all she had to do was let her feet carry her, and the destination would show itself. Thankfully within the confines of the suit, the Cyborg was spared the indignities of the stench that arose from the rotting husk of the world, her cybernetic eye going mad trying to find a match to the facial recognition software she was running on board. To her surprise, she managed to find a close match, and seeing that she had no other options, the Mandalorian decided to tail her. Unfortunately, it was fairly hard to be stealthy when one was clad in Beskar alloy and cybernetics, with a tri-barrel gun on her right arm.

Aren would be notified that Aerith was watching her, no matter how coy the Mando tried to play it. Taking a position at a slot across from her, Aerith tried to be fancy, ordering a drink and acting like she was there to gamble. It was then that she realized a critical problem with her plan. None of her weapons were stun weapons. She'd have to bring the woman in by hand.

Yea, this was going to go swimmingly.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Just to make things appear to be more even than Aren was allowing the machine to be, there were a few bets she decided to lose. More and more though, the machine in front of her would light up as she won some sort of jackpot. Still, though, no authority figure had approached her or tried to have her removed. That's when she felt them. Some eyes watching her. An unmistakable feeling of total attention being paid to her.

Gathering up the chips she had won so far, she decided to cash them in and leave. If this person watching her decided to follow, all the better. Aren would hopefully be able to take care of this herself and not involve anybody else.

Taking her winnings out of the casino, she started walking into the crowd again. Almost but not quite disappearing into the people of the world. Even without her companion droids, she most likely stood out to some degree.

Relying on her Force ability with droids and technology, she soon had several following her. If she needed these devices and tools, they would be there for her. Smiling to herself slightly, she kept walking.

Aerith Krayt

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