Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Urban Fishing

Location: Deep Slums, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Late Afternoon
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

He had outmaneuvered her at seemingly every turn.

The HRD had calculated that the chase would end within moments, but instead it had dragged on for minutes as the skinny street rat slipped between narrow alleyways, leapt down manhole covers, and darted across hovering traffic in his efforts to escape from her. On more than one occasion, he had almost succeeded in causing her to lose track of him, but the HRD had been unceasing in her pursuit, leveraging her synthetic form’s superior power and endurance to close the gap, just as he was about to slip away. The chase had started at the empty apartment the boy had been squatting at, where Unit 410 had located him with the stolen kyber crystal after a few hours of combing the city and following leads given to her by the local branch of the Fellowship.

Now, after so long, she almost had him cornered.

The thief had been forced to go down an isolated alleyway, with no manholes or cracks to slip through in sight. The chase would now come down to pure footspeed, which the HRD possessed far more of than the malnourished boy due to the advanced, powerful construction of her frame. In that regard, Unit 410 closed the distance with terrifying velocity. Then, gracefully sweeping out her left leg, the HRD kicked the limb out in an attempt to trip the running thief mid-stride.

She had already decided that he was worth more to her alive, than dead.
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Location: Deep Slums, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Late Afternoon
Tag: Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie

@#$%, @!@#*, &#$@!

The only things going through Saul's brain as he slid across the hood of a speeder, its driver yelling out what he was thinking. He glanced back to see if he was still being followed and cursed out loud as he saw her barreling up behind him. Its been 30 minutes... She should have slowed down by now... I should have lost her... But there she was, gaining fast. He weaved into another alley, looking... praying for a bolthole to hide in. Even with his metal limbs, he couldn't last forever.

Stupid crystal wasn't worth it... was the last thought through his head as his assailant's leg swept forward and knocked him off his feet. Atleast she didn't see the grimace of pain behind his improvised gas mask as he clattered to the floor. As he sat up, he looked over at his hunter as they stood before him, trying to figure out what the hell they were...

After a second's hesitation, he reached into the pocket of his ratty hoodie and produced a small crystal, tossing it at the woman's feet. "You've made your point... Just take the crystal and let me go."
Location: Interrogation Cell, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Late Afternoon -> Evening
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

With inhuman reflexes, the gynoid kicked the stolen crystal up into the air just before it would have hit the ground, before catching it with her left hand. Her photoreceptors briefly narrowed as they quickly analyzed the crystal’s structure in order to verify its legitimacy. Once satisfied, she placed the crystal inside a satchel on her belt, before shifting her gaze back to the thief.

“I might have.” Unit 410 answered, a slight twinge of regret in her poised, yet eerily synthetic tone, which yet lacked the mechanical register of a typical droid. “Unfortunately, it just so happens that I have need of your skills, thief. Otherwise, I would have disposed of you without ceremony.” She said, before sheathing the monomolecular-edged katana over her back, an indication that the gynoid’s idea of letting him go was more terminal than what Saul might have hoped. Fortunately, he need not worry about meeting such a fate, for the time being.

Moments later, an armored landspeeder came to a halt in front of the entrance to the alleyway, disgorging four cultists of the Fellowship, each wielding a blaster rifle.

“You know this city better than almost anyone, don’t you?” The gynoid continued, as the armed cultists approached. “It was how you eluded them for so long.” Unit 410 continued, tilting her head back towards the cultists. “Your actions sapped a great deal of resources, time, and credits, and now you’re going to repay that debt.” As if on cue, two of the cultists moved in to restrain the thief while Unit 410 looked on. Suddenly, a third charged in to deliver a haymaker towards the thief’s head, intent upon knocking him out.

By the time Saul came to, he was locked inside a dark interrogation cell.

With the lack of light filtering through the small window at the far end of the cell, he would be able to discern that evening had fallen over the city. Fortunately, a plate of cold rations had been left in front of the exchange slot, along with a glass of water and a pack of disposable utensils. However, it wouldn’t be long before the distinct clicks and clacks of high heels reached Saul’s ears.

Someone was coming for him.
Saul stood back up, his mind telling him to flee. He would have preferred as she had cut him down. What she was going to hold him to was probably less painful than just killing him outright. The young man rolled his eyes as the speeder pulled and disgorged her minions out. Wow... this thing's voice is like a cheese grater... And she just kept going on and on too... "I mean... Maybe you shouldn't carry such precious items in such a stealable briefcase." His eyes looked at the woman questioningly as the cuffs were slapped on. "And now you are giving me bracelets too. How sweet... What next, is this big guy going to kiss..." His questioning was cut short as he felt the punch land and then he felt nothing at all.

A groan came to the cyborg's lips as he awoke in his cell. That guy had quite the goddam haymaker... I've probably been out for hours... He slid off the and reached for the food that had been placed in the slot of his cell door. At least I won't starve... He quickly gobbled what tasted like a hydrated mashed starchy vegetable and drink the water down. It would probably be the last meal he got for a while. At least till these devils got what he wanted. His ears perked up as he heard the click-clack of bootheels coming down the hallway. It was time to see what the price of his freedom was.

Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
Location: Interrogation Cell, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Evening
Attire: Black Dress (w/o Eye Mask)
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

It was her.

The HRD’s features betrayed nothing as she approached the thief’s cell. She had arrived unarmed, her hands empty save for a small medpac. However, the guards standing on guard at the far ends of the hall would be there to ward off any escape attempts, but for the moment, 410 didn’t think she would need them.

After punching a code into a nearby terminal, Saul’s cell door unlocked, at which point 410 entered and approached him, her photoreceptors widening as they studied the features of the skinny thief before her.

“Please, take a seat on the cot.” 410 said in a toneless, yet eerily feminine voice, betraying none of the aggression she had shown towards him hours before. “If you will allow me, I will attend to your cuts.” She continued.

“There is much to discuss.”
Saul's eyes narrowed as he saw his assailant walk into the room. She looked perfect... too perfect. Every curve that belonged to her looked like they were made by the Celestials themselves. Maybe she was a sithspawn or a droid... Either way, Saul wasn't up for asking questions to a person who held all the cards. Putting the food tray to the side and sitting down, he only nodded in answer to her request. Doing a job all banged up wouldn't be ideal. "Then talk... It would be best for both of us to be quick about this."

Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
Location: Interrogation Cell, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Evening
Attire: Black Dress (w/o Eye Mask)
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

Lowering herself into a squatting posture, 410 opened the medpac and set to work on cleaning the thief’s cuts with an antiseptic solution. All the while, the gynoid wasted little time in silence. It went without saying that she assented with the view that it would do them both well to resolve the matter quickly and efficiently.

“Good.” 410 began. “First, may I please have your name?” She continued, the words themselves polite, but the calm, yet unfeeling tone of her voice left little room for questioning or dissent. However, after he gave his name, 410 wasted no time in proceeding with the briefing.

“Are you familiar with the Under Deep?”
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The young man gave a little grunt as the woman applied the solution to the cuts on his arm. At least she wanted to get through this "issue" as fast as he did. "Gutter is fine... And yes I do, unfortunately... Nothing but a bunch of sewers and catfish people... Why? Do you have something against them?" Saul didn't want to know his real name for obvious reasons and he definitely didn't want to give up that he had a home base in that area. Why not set up in an area right next to the place that law never set foot in and you could offload your stuff easy-peasy? If she twisted his arm for it though then he would give it up but for now, he would keep those cards close to his chest.

As for issues between these Sith-wannabes and the Mancharunk, he didn't know of any off the top of his head but that didn't mean there weren't any. The bottom feeders always took chances to spread their influence out to other parts of the planet and maybe that had rubbed these cultists the wrong way. And now it was his problem... Just great...

Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
Location: Interrogation Cell, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Evening
Attire: Black Dress (w/o Eye Mask)
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

"Gutter is fine..."

“You didn’t answer the question.” Suddenly, 410’s voice took on a dark tone in response to the thief giving out an alias, rather than his real name—an eerie shift from the initial facade of sweetness and patience she had presented moments before. “For your understanding, I will clarify my previous question. May I please have your real name?” She repeated, her expression still outwardly sweet and calm, even as her tone shifted towards demanding.

"And yes I do, unfortunately... Nothing but a bunch of sewers and catfish people... Why? Do you have something against them?"

“There is a gang of Mancharunk cultists within the Under Deep who have been actively antagonizing the Fellowship, to the point that they captured three brothers and murdered them in a ritual sacrifice.” She began. “I have been tasked with traveling into the Under Deep and eliminating them. In this endeavor, I have requested your assistance in navigating the region, and in exchange, you will be granted your freedom, along with monetary compensation.” The HRD stated.

“Should you refuse this offer, the Fellowship will find alternative uses for you.” She added, her eerie, flat tone conveying an unstated implication.
The young man narrowed his eyes as he had just smelled a rotten Goldie that had landed in his lap. Why... Why did it have to be personal? Especially with... them... Still, he knew what would happen if he tried to fully refuse her and he didn't want to end up in his nickname. After a couple of seconds, he spat his name out. "Saul..." At least she hadn't asked about his past... That would have been problematic and not for the reasons she probably had thought of...

He slightly relaxed a little as his captor went through the mission briefing. Stretching out his arms and legs, he grunted softly as his back cracked into place. As she finished, he only nodded. "Let us go then... I'll be a lot happier when this is over." He stood up from his seat and wait for her to open the door. They would need to retrieve his gear if they were to get to work.

Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
Location: Medical Room, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Evening
Attire: Black Dress (w/o Eye Mask)
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

“Excellent, Saul.” Suddenly, the gynoid’s voice took on a sickly-sweet tone, an eerily friendly gaze lighting up in her photoreceptors as she did. “There are a few things we need like to take care of first, pertaining your cybernetics. We would like to replace them, before heading out into the Under Deep. This will come free of charge and you will be under no obligation to return them once we are finished with the mission.” Indeed, 410 had taken note of the bad state of Saul’s cybernetics. The gynoid could not accept the risk of his limbs falling off at a vital moment. His health and fitness was critical to the success of the mission.

"Please, follow me."

With that, 410 led Saul to the medical room, where a FX9-series medical droid and an astromedic worked to prepare a quartet of new cybernetic limbs for implantation—two legs and two arms.

“FX9 and M6 will install them.” 410 continued. “The operation will be painless. Once it is done, I will show you to your room for the night. We will head out in the morning.” She finished.
Saul said nothing as they walked. What was there to say? It was hard to speak while invisible chains and a rope around your neck. But the way she sounded made Saul almost wanted to believe her. But instead, he looked at the new cybernetic limbs, nodded in approval, and sat down. As he closed his eyes, he tried to reassure himself that he was worth more to these people than they just use him as a mutated experiment starting with this operation right here.

Lucia Naberrie Lucia Naberrie
Location: Medical Room, Mecharius Fellowship of the Eclipse Hideout, City of Mecharius - Grenonine III
Time: Morning
Attire: Black Dress (w/o Eye Mask)
Tag: Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

The operation passed quickly and without incident. However, Saul would be confined to bed rest for the remainder of the night. He wouldn’t see the gynoid again until morning, at which point she entered the medical room and conferred with the droids within, who then proceeded to clear him for release.

Of course, Saul hadn’t been told of the tracking device which had been implanted in one of his arms during the surgery.

“Good morning, Saul.” 410 greeted the boy in her ever present, sickly-sweet tone. “Did you sleep well?” She added.

“I’m taking you to the armory to get equipped, then we’ll head out within the hour.” The gynoid continued. “Follow me, please.”

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